Diary; September 25, 2023

Oops! Oops! Local guy gets too busy doing other things!!

Thankfully, my mental state is a lot better than the past diary entry I wrote, though! I was able to get a med increase for the medication that helps me with depressive symptoms and ADHD, and they’ve both really been helping a lot! So much so, I finally got off my ass and was able to finish initial work on a project I’m the webdev for with some friends! And bugfixing and doing support and assets for that has eaten up a lot of my time, haha.

But since the initial rush of all that has gone down, I really want to start working on this site more? Idk, I haven’t been as happy with it as I was, which may be a burnout thing – who knoooooows. But I feel like I could make it look better. More ‘me’.

I’ll try and update some of the core pages tonight (aka. the sitemap. its so old : ( ), then probably tear apart the CSS and see if it sticks. I want to get to actually completing more world pages too, even if I’m just one guy with tiny, tiny hands.