🌠DELTA – Foreword

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to read this, it really means a lot! I’m kind of throwing my anxiety out the window by posting this so if this foreowrd sounds like a mess, it’s because I’m a mess don’t worry about it.

While delta has always existed in my head as a core part of primary Pokeau arcs, it’s actually the only one that’s written out. Originally written in 2016, I revisited the written version of delta in 2019 and finished it in 2020. It’s my longest written work to date (well… except for uh… every oc bio put together but let’s ignore that) MOON HAS SURPASSED DELTA, ZINNIA FOUND DEAD IN MIAMI.

The titlecards for each chapter were done by echobsilly on twitter!

Here’s some things to keep in mind:

  • I’ve revised this myself as well as had some friends go over it but there might be inconsistencies that are missed. I’m not a professional and I’m just doing this because I want to, so don’t roast me if I spell words wrong.
  • Read the warnings. Delta was originally a vent fic, and was also originally drafted when I was an edgy teen and it’s too late to retcon any of this, which means there are darker themes to be found – all will be tagged per chapter. At the end of each chapter in the author’s note there will be an informal TL;DR if you need to skip because of subject matter.
  • Canon characters might be varying degrees of ‘OOC’! This is because I don’t care.
  • A very basic understanding of the Pokemon universe would be generally beneficial in reading this, but it can be read without! Some terms and location names may not make sense, though.
  • Toyhouse might have messed up the formatting on some chapters and removed the emphasis on words â€“ I tried my best to restore them but it still might not look how it was supposed to.


Chapter one contains a suicide attempt and hospitalization. These are not left vague. Please read the alt version if you think this might trigger you or make you uncomfortable in any way.


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