Welcome to my world!

Some information about this website, should you be inclined…

This website was created with the WordPress framework, and much of the styling/CSS was done by me.

The styling and formatting of this website was created with Firefox on a 1920×1080 PC monitor in mind. If you use a different setup, things may look weird. It’s a nightmare on mobile.

This website has not been tested with screen readers.

This website contains various gifs and motion effects, but no outright strobing or flashing. Videos with harsher flashing effects are marked with a [FW] in the title.

This website contains copious amounts of javascript, and some nonessential cookies you can safely disable.

This website is constantly shifting and changing, and there’s a chunk of outdated info at any given time, because I’m slow. Sorry!

Enjoy your stay!
If you’d like a copy of the content warning/disclaimer you agreed to when entering, you can find it here.

Splash art by berry_ribbon

What is Pokeau?

Pokeau is simply an abbreviation of Pokemon AU that I’ve gone to consistently call this by! This ‘thing’ in question is my current ongoing headworld story and paracosm, and originally a derivative of the game-verse Pokemon universe – but it’s grown to be a lot more than just that! Though it’s changed a lot since its inception, Pokeau is and always will be a world just for me – as it has been for the past decade!

Pokeau is contained mostly within my own head, but this website serves as both a hub and archive for others who’d like to know more about it!

If you’d like a longer introduction, you can read one here.
Otherwise… feel free to poke around!

Want to keep updated? There’s an RSS feed for that!

Want to leave a note? Check the guestbook!

Current cast member count: 210!

This month’s featured character is Qing’e!

Archive feed

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  • busy busy busy!!

    Hi howdy!

    Another busy spell, but this time for a different reason!
    On the 6th, I started classes! Which take up most of my day on the weekdays, with Saturday being my ‘crash’ days. It’s been a bit tough to balance it all competently, but I’ve at least gotten a little bit better with it – so here’s hoping that I’ll continue to budget my time better in the future!

    Otherwise, just small stuff for now!

    – Addition

    – Edit

    Bios have been written for Birdie and Maru

    The Ultra Space page has the… beginnings of some reformatting

    Added a tag for bios I consider ‘recently revised’, to keep track and periodically revisit

    i’d say i added placeholders but i’ll do those tomorrow. and update the character count


    Temporarily overtaken by my cleanup plans!


    Update credits page

    Substitute PKMN assets where I can

    Do prep stuff for the ‘after dark teatime’ portion of the website (DO THIS EVENTUALLY)


    Make guestbook look nicer, redo the art with OCs.

    Fix gallery page and subpages CSS + update the tags

    Update NEVERENDING ROMANCE to add in and link up new ship names, split between Classic and Ultra

    Add new filters to Ultra character navigation, make the button styling nicer

    Clarify that the timeline page is for Classic only

    Change theming on DELTA page

    Lightly revise everyone’s profiles and update them to the latest layout styling

    Fix padding and add Ogerpon to the legends listing

    Update Ultra station’s CSS and revise info

    Update Ultra waterfall and town of Waterfall’s CSS and revise info

    Adjust CSS for the Harmonia shrine

    Overhaul the old-ass Ultra crater page

    Overhaul the old-ass Ultra ruins page

    Until next time!