Hi howdy!
I was kind of debating on whether to make a newspost this Friday, then it dawned on me that I completely forgot I did the world page update… oops.
But hey! I also made some more CSS changes! So that’s enough new stuff to justify a FFF.
I’ve been doing a lot of work migrating character bios from TH, but that’s too boring I think.
Once migrations were done, I had some fun ideas for a gimmicky artfight section – let’s hope I can space things to get that done time-wise.
– Addition
– Edit
Migrated characters up to Orchid. There’s like, 20 left now!! Soon!! …Sorry if anyone is following the RSS feed.
Adjusted some CSS more – it definitely screws over small resolutions and probably phones too, I’ll fix that when I can remember to. Also, gallery pages need a fix to fit the new header sizing so they’re not off-center.
Made the world page less barebones, including some background info! The map blurbs are also there now, but region hub page links still lead to a 404 as I haven’t gotten to them yet.
– First priority
– Next priority
– Idea
Finish migrating bios!
Update the long introduction because good god, it’s old.
Add subtag descriptions for theatre and writing subtags, as well as make them look a bit nicer.
Artfight hub page + subpages.
Update height chart to include new characters.
…I need to add more silly gimmicky things…