Arael is given the chance to preform a ‘stress test’.
Characters: Arael, Dina
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 624
Vibe: [blasts you with forearm laser]
yes i had to rewatch the ramiel nge compilation for reference/inspo on how i wanted to describe arael’s power SDFGHJK
“Geez, it’s a long way out, huh?”
“Yes. But it’s like that for a reason – if your power is anything like my daughter’s claims… we’d likely need all the clearance we can get, so nobody gets hurt.”
“Pshht, have you considered your daughter is also kind of a wimp?”
Silence fell over the convertible for the rest of the trip, as Arael’s remark fell flat.
On one of her regular visits to see her ‘aunt’, Arael had met… the mother of the girl who’d gotten her expelled. But that was besides the point.
The woman, named Dina, was an occasional scientist working under Arael’s ‘aunt’. She primarily worked with energy, and, having firsthand witnessed the kinds of things Araels angelic parent could do in an incident that occurred before Arael’s birth, wanted to try and gauge Arael’s true power.
Arael, of course, thought this was dumb. However, Dina was able to tempt her by saying she wanted a ‘full force’ blast on Arael’s part, which was admittedly something Arael had always wanted the chance to do.
So, deep into the outback of the craterlands they went, far past where any roads would take them.
After what seemed like forever, Dina stopped the convertible.
“Alright. We should walk a bit of a ways out, just so the vehicle doesn’t have anything happen to it.”
Arael nodded, and Dina and herself made sure to make a good enough distance.
“Alright.” Dina started, firing up some kind of handheld monitoring device. The device began to make a clicking noise as soon as it was turned on.
“I’ll… let you know when to start, I suppose.”
“Is that supposed to be making that noise?” Arael asked.
“…No. But I’d only assume you just existing has a low level of divine energy for it to pick up.”
“Riiiiiiiiight…” Arael said, as she had no idea what Dina meant by that.
“I’ll, uh, do some stretches then.”
Arael flapped around her clawed arm, and did some other finger stretches – as Dina moved to stand behind her.
“Alright. I’m ready, fire whenever.” Dina nodded.
“Okay! Here goes nothing!”
Arael got into a stance, and raised her claw up horizontally. Slowly, she started the process she’d use time and time again, though put her effort into doing it as intensely as possible.
Generate the light – the lower half of Arael’s hair began to give off an intensifying glow, along with her wings and eyes.
The device Dina was holding began to click more loudly and frequently.
Turn the light into energy – the glowing reached a brightness that was impossible to look at head-on, and Dina attempted to shield her eyes as best she could. The glow began to slowly consume the fur on Arael’s claw, the tips of her fingers almost crackling with the energy.
The device’s clicks grew louder more.
With force so intense it dug Arael’s feet into the ground, and massive laserbeam of pure light shot out of Arael’s claw.
The radius was massive, reaching far taller than the height in which Arael’s claw was at – and because looking directly at the blast was impossible due to its brightness, there was no telling how long it went on for.
But, one thing was for certain – Dina’s device began clicking so loudly and frequently that it had essentially become a loud tone… until the device fried itself.
And… Arael just kept going – proceeding to generate more light to further fuel the blast as it kept going. At least, until she finally heard Dina shouting for her to stop.
Arael ceased the blast, and flapped her wrist around again.
“How was that?” Arael asked, turning over to Dina.
Much to Arael’s confusion, Dina’s face was washed with complete, indescribable horror.