📚sorry i didn’t take the bomb diffusal class at TRAIN DRIVING SCHOOL


x5 for Amity
x5 for Suika

Suika and Amity are called to deal with a dangerous situation.

Characters: Amity, Suika

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 954


title is a ref to a clip from an mmd motion thats lived rent free in my head since 2015. anyways

theyre silly

Another night, another interrogation.

Amity wasn’t stupid. She knew the real reason Suika wanted to see her – as it was every time. And she felt that Suika knew that she knew, too.

What a waste of time.

Suika was twirling her pen impatiently in the air as she was speaking to Amity, clearly losing patience. Thankfully, a new distraction would make sure she was well and alert.

As her phone went off, Suika nonchalantly grabbed it to give it a glance
 but stopped to stare a bit at the text she had received.

Shit.” Suika muttered, her face twisting into a grimace.

It was unusual to see her react to something so vague in such a manner
 it was confusing to Amity.

 is it?” Amity asked, cocking her head.

Though Suika didn’t reply – she ignored Amity to instead unlock her phone and tap out a quick response text.

A few moments of silence passed, before Suika’s phone buzzed again.

And upon reading the text, Suika let out a frustrated groan and threw herself back in her chair.

“Fucking Tuesday.”

 what did Tuesday do??” Amity asked in response, even more confused.

“More like what did Tuesday not do, fuck.” Suika growled.

“We need a bomb diffusal in the entertainment district and SOMEONE seems to be too preoccupied their their ladyfriend

Amity didn’t respond, and only gave Suika a bit of an empty stare as she tried to process the information she was given.

You were raised in a high-tech bunker with a bunch of tech freaks, right?” Suika asked, turning to Amity with a sigh.

“Actually, don’t answer that. Come with me.”

Without waiting for any kind of answer, Suika got up, grabbed some gloves, and began making her way to the door.

“Hey, hey, hey – wait!!” Amity cried.

“I know jack shit about bomb diffusal, what am I supposed to even do?!”

“Dunno. Try your best?”

Suika words weren’t encouraging.

Still, Amity felt she didn’t really have much of a say in this scenario. So, Amity grabbed her cape and followed Suika silently to the site where the bomb was spotted.

It was out of the way from the main large nightclub floor – and already cornered off by security. Still, the eternal party was raging on only meters away, with the clubbers completely oblivious.

“Why are there still partygoers here?! Shouldn’t we evacuate?!” Amity said in disbelief as she followed Suika past security.

“Can you imagine trying to manage an evacuation here? It’s not happening.” Suika snapped back.

Amity just sighed, and approached what appeared to be the bomb by Suika’s side.

 certainly looked like a bomb, at least from what Amity had seen in movies. It was a padded, cylindrical container, attached to the wall with thermal glue. On one side, there was red-lit timer display – 10 minutes.

“Oh, a pipe bomb. That’s just lovely.” Suika groaned.

“Are these
 worse than normal?” Amity asked.

“Again, I’m not the bomb guy, that’s Tuesday’s job. But I know these things are dangerous, and I’m not familiar with them entirely.”

 not at all reassuring.”

Suika shook her head.

“Well, you’re here. I think I can make this work.”

“How? I doubt that if you don’t know how this works, that I’d have any idea either.”

“Give me your hand.”

Amity was confused, and extended her hand towards Suika – but quickly jerked it back when she saw Suika pull out a knife.

“Hey!! What are you doing?!” Amity yelped, backing away from Suika slightly.

“I need some blood, calm down.”

“THATS? NOT A NORMAL THING TO SAY?!” Amity yelled out, the noise starting to draw some attention from clubbers who were less close to the center of the moshpit.

“Amity, cooperate, please.”

It’s not like she had much of a choice though, unless she felt like exploding in ten minutes. Still, Amity had no idea why Suika would need her blood for anything.

Once more, Amity extended her hand to Suika – and Suika made a shallow cut with her knife, drawing blood.

And then she got to work. From her bag, Suika grabbed some blank talisman charms, and stuck a few on the bomb. Then, using her finger to smear, drew the sigil on the wall, as well as the sigils on the charms themselves in Amity’s blood.

Finally, Suika pulled out a lighter, and went to set one of the attached charms alight – promptly causing Amity to freak out, because an open flame being that close to a bomb sounded like a recipe for disaster.

But Suika pushed Amity off, and the flame on the charm started a chain reaction.

The section of the wall that the bomb was stuck on started to glow brightly in an otherworldly fashion for a few seconds, before a flashbang consumed the entire room. Thankfully, it was just when the DJ’s music dropped, so the clubbers thought it was all a part of the show.

When Amity’s vision returned to her, she saw that the bomb had fallen to the ground, and while seemingly smoking and sparking, the timer was displaying ‘ERR’ on its screen.

 just happened?!” Amity said as she turned to Suika, completely baffled.

Suika had a smug grin on her face.

“Incendiary neutralization – an sigil I never though I’d need.”

Amity nodded, pretending she had any idea what that meant. Cautiously, she proceeded to pick up and investigate the bomb – it felt extremely lightweight, as if completely empty on the inside.

 work’s done. Thanks for the help.” Suika said with a nod.

“I’ll be heading back, you’re off the hook for now.”

” Amity replied, still confused.

“But don’t be surprised if I call you up for something like this later.”


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