

Honglin is a bossy young girl who craves a mystery-filled adventure… but mostly just finds herself walking in circles.

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πŸ“šLet’s go together!

It’s closing time at Dee’s bar, but an odd tourist doesn’t seem to care.

Characters:Β Ash, Heather, Dee

Warnings:Β N/A

Wordcount: 1,140

Vibe:Β culture shock but make it kinda gay

do you think………. even a country gal can fall in love with a city slicker
ash is incredibly deadpan and dense as always so its hard to write banter with her LOL

Continue reading πŸ“šLet’s go together!

Xifeng & Xiaolong

she/her and he/him

Two bodies, one mind – to these ‘twins’, both reality and unreality are just their playground.

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While Cupid grew up getting anything she wanted on a silver platter, she’s still plagued by a deep feeling that there’s nobody else like her… can this princess find her royal court?

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