Return to Classic Pokeau characters || Page last updated: February 5th, 2024
Alice is a former Outside World studies student living in Ultra Megalopolis – keyword being ‘former’.
After failing her thesis on her favorite Outside World artist Britney Spears, Alice dropped out and decided she would be determined to meet her idol in person.
She formed a club with a childhood friend and the only other person interested, dedicated to constructing their own Ultra Wormhole and conducting their own polling mission.
Despite the odds, the trio was successful – and Alice found herself in a strange, light-filled world. While she had no way to contact her friends back in Ultra Space, it seemed that she was quite popular after her arrival…
Could this be her chance to get her idol’s attention once and for all?
Being a hybrid, her appearance is mostly human with some non-human details; her ears are upright, and she has a tail and paws. Her hair/fur colour is a salmony color, and she has blue eyes, with a streak of the same colour in her hair.
Given the shorter height of the average zeraora, Alice is 5’2″.
Her fashion sense is mostly made up of trends and clothes from the outside world, which tends to be 2005-2011 fashion – as that’s the only time range scientists had brought back artifacts from until very recently.
Alice was designed by Dracupa

Alice is energetic and peppy, and often doesn’t know when something is appropriate or not. She’s pretty airheaded, and things tend to go past her a lot. In addition to her fast-paced attitude, she gets bored very easily and will go ahead and bug whoever’s closest when she’s bored.
She likes to slack off, relax, and do her own thing much more than others would like, and often has to be given multiple reminders to get back to work.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
- Alice is the jock friend – as a result she’s quite fit and nimble. While she has more leg strength, she’s relatively well-rounded in terms of fitness.
- Due to the fact that she’s a quarter-beast, her physical capabilities are beyond that of a human, but below that of a Zeraora – somewhere just in the middle.
Zackary – Childhood friend
Zackary has been Alice’s best friend since middle school, and Alice appreciates that he’s willing to listen and doesn’t find her overwhelming. She misses him, but hopes he’s doing well at home.
Gucci – Acquaintance
Alice was never super familiar with Gucci, but found her encouragement and reminders to keep focused helpful. Alice wonders what her plans are now that the mission was a semi-success.
Pandora – Project host
Despite Alice’s best efforts, she was never really able to break through Pandora’s flat affect. She still finds her quite mysterious.
- Alice’s favorite Britney song is Toxic.
- She can speak Unovan dialect very well, but will struggle when trying to sing along to songs.
- She has a resting :3 face.
- She almost definitely uses 2000’s typing quirks.
Meta commentary
- yes britney spears exists in the pokemon world dont @ me