“It’s wonderful… thinking of all the places I want to go with you. Because no matter where I am, I feel like I’m at home with you.”
–Aster, DELTA
In a different time, Aster was the heiress to a wealthy Sinnohan family – but nowadays, she’s an enigmatic traveler of the dreamscape, and a notably eccentric aunt.
She originally lived in an old Valor Lakefront city – until war tore through the area, taking Aster’s life along with the city. It would be nearly 50 years later that Aster was revived as the emissary of Cresselia.
While she found herself confused and lost at first, she was soon able to get a handle on her situation – becoming fairly attached to a certain lorekeeper, and taken under the wing of another.
Things were going well, but Aster ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and as a result, lost her human form.
The years following were rough, but she was able to figure things out and return to normal – and the road seemed smooth after that.
She now lives on Mt. Coronet with her girlfriend, dealing with rogue legends and running a store that caters to the occult and psychic-type pokemon on the side. She’s exactly where she wants to be, and she won’t let anyone change it.
Aster is 5’8″ (172cm), and has a slightly chubby body type – reminiscent of antique depictions of Aphrodite. She has long platinum blonde hair, and dark defined eyebrows. She has purple eyes, and a mouth that’s always slightly upturned.
She mostly wears dresses and adores anything pink. Her main outfit consists of a collared pink and grey striped sweater, a knee-length grey skirt, thigh-high white socks, and black mary-janes.

On the outside, Aster is refined and polite – as that’s how she was raised. She’s a patient person, and while spite is often a motivator for her persistence, she still tries to stay polite. In addition, she prefers to be in control of a situation at any given time, and she usually becomes anxious when things spiral out of her reach.
Because of this, she can be seen as intimidating to some, but she really doesn’t intend to be, at least… most of the time, she doesn’t.
She’s vastly more comfortable around her friends and family, as she truly trusts them. She felt as though she had to hide her feelings while growing up, and was always afraid of being seen as vulnerable – but she’s able to mostly let that go around those she trusts.
When she’s in a situation she’s comfortable in, she can be a bit loud, but she’s quite sweet and genuine nonetheless. She’ll always listen, and she enjoys giving advice, even if it isn’t… always the best.
This section is old and outdated. It currently only goes up to the in-universe year of 2027 and is due for an update!
Early Life (0-15, 1934-1948)
Aster was born to a wealthy couple in the industrious Valor City, located near the Sinnoh coast and Lake Valor. Aster’s family was well regarded, particularly for her mother’s work in spearheading the modern weapons industry. Aster always adored her mother and would try to get her attention by being as cooperative as she could, hoping her for mother’s validation in return. This resulted in Aster having a rather ‘proper’ attitude throughout her childhood and adolescence, and she never seemed to step out of line.
Everything changed once the war started.
Show more – Warnings for mentions of war
It had been hundreds of years since the last time there had been a major war, so the government began to panic. Draft requests were sent to the leads of households across the region, which undoubtedly included Aster’s mother – who was of special interest due to her weapons manufacturing company. Aster was devastated to see her primary role model leave, but she was promised she’d come back.
Time passed, and while Aster was already very quiet and shy in school, she grew quieter and quieter. She was anxious about her mother, and worried about the possibility of what could happen to her out at war.
Eventually, the inevitable happened – Aster’s father was sent notice that her mother had gone missing in action. Aster’s world felt like it had shattered around her, and she closed herself off completely to others. She began having trouble regulating her emotions, and would end up overreacting from small provocations.
The one lifeline she had was a girl at school she had gained a crush on – though she wasn’t quite sure how to show it, so Aster mostly ended up following her around, waiting for the moment where she could say something. Eventually, Aster was able to confess her feelings, but was rejected rather harshly, and ostracized from her friend group. Not knowing how to process the rejection, Aster ended up locking herself in her room and destroyed one of her mother’s gifts to her in a fit, among other things. Once she was able to calm herself down, Aster got herself upset again over breaking the gift she had gotten from her mother, who, to her knowledge, was probably dead.
Aster just wished she could go back to being the quiet and well-behaved girl she was before – so she walled herself up. She promised herself from then on, she wouldn’t let anyone know what she was feeling or thinking – she would be in control of everything from now on.
To Aster, everything felt numb. She couldn’t let her emotions seep through anymore, she thought – everyone in the world was against her, she thought. Her grades began to tank, which was a cause for concern for Aster’s father, but he was barely able to get a word out of her. She had become obsessed with the idea of love and how the two people she had loved were gone, and to her young mind, it felt like nobody would love her again. Nothing was right, at least to Aster.
First death (15, 1948)
Show more – Warnings for character death, war, and war crimes. Feel free to skip this section.
For Aster, it was just another normal school day. She didn’t necessarily want to go to school, but that being said, Aster didn’t really want to do much of anything. It was in history class, right before lunch, when distant explosions were heard and fire sirens started blaring out. Aster and the other students were panicked and confused – and then suddenly, everything was white.
Valor City was one of 3 cities completely destroyed by Kanto’s army that day. The invading Kanto forces were eventually stopped, but it was too late for the city, and for Aster. The city remains of the city were totally evacuated, and left to be reclaimed by nature over the following years
Revival (15, 1993)
Aster woke up to the sunlight of the Sinnohan summer in her face, and the loud chirps of bug pokemon in her ears. When she lifted herself from the ground, she found that she had been lying in the grass and gravel, surrounded by the skeleton of a destroyed building, overtaken by the greenery. For the first time in a long time, Aster didn’t feel numb anymore – she was terrified. Alone in what felt like a brand new world, with the memory of what last happened, Aster timidly called out for someone, anyone.
And to her surprise, someone called back. It was two people, a pair of backpackers – both of which seemed quite surprised to see a schoolgirl covered in dirt and dust on their urban exploration. Though anxious to approach the strangely-dressed strangers, Aster’s curiosity and concern for the situation got the best of her, and she ran up to the two asking what had happened. The hikers were almost convinced Aster was some sort of ghost, and whispered among themselves that they should get out of there. Aster could hear them, and requested they take her to civilization as well. The hikers hesitantly agreed, and let Aster follow them to the chainlink fence that separated the remains of the city, and had their pokemon help Aster jump the fence.
It was a quiet drive back to the nearest populated area, which was a beach resort, as Aster learned. Once they arrived, Aster waved goodbye to the kind backpackers, and found herself in another strange new place. She could hear one familiar thing though, and that was the call of the ocean. She remembered going to visit the beach in the past with her mother, and the memories fueled Aster to make her way to the beach. Thankfully, it hadn’t changed much, and was almost exactly like she had remembered. Though Sinnoh was normally a cold region, the summer sun was pleasantly warm.
Aster made her way down to the beach, and eventually found herself laying down in the warm sand. She was lulled to sleep by the sound of the crashing waves, hoping somehow, everything would make sense.
Aster had a dream while she was asleep, except it didn’t quite feel like a dream. She felt awake during the dream, and like she had all the power in the world. Curious, she tried to imagine the landscape of Hoenn’s beaches around her, as Hoenn was always a region she’d wanted to visit. Sure enough, the landscape around her changed into that of a tropical beach with a city and volcano on the horizon. Aster was bewildered – she’d never had control over her dreams like this before. Then, Aster had a thought – if she could conjure a perfect visage of Hoenn in her dreams despite never visiting, maybe, just maybe, she could get some answers. So, Aster asked – and from an otherworldly voice, she got her response;
“You died in the year 1948.”
“You have been revived as the emissary of the god of dreams, Cresselia.”
“The year is now 1993.”
And with that, Aster awoke in a cold sweat. As she woke up, she could feel the air around her was different. It was humid, and the sea breeze smelled sweeter, somehow. While she was a tad bit disoriented from her dream experience and the reality of the information given to her, Aster slowly got up to realize she was on the exact same beach she was on in her dream – she was in Hoenn. It was a lot to take in, so Aster just sat down and tried to process it all. It was already hard enough to accept that she had died, but being revived as a god? It just seemed outlandish. But as wild as it sounded, it was Aster’s reality. She sat there on the beach for a while, trying to let it all soak in. She wasn’t sure whether to be grateful she’d been given a second chance or to scream out and cry that she’d been dropped back in the world all alone.
After what seemed like an eternity of contemplation, Aster took a deep breath and fell back asleep. If she had no choice but to accept her fate as Cresselia, she would at least follow her mother’s footsteps and take her reality by surprise – Aster was the one in control here; of herself, of her emotions, of her fate. She was quick to realize that she could bring things to reality through the world of dreams, so Aster set up her new life, putting her fears and anxiety away for another time.
Aster quickly got the hang of her new power, and even figured out she could bring concepts to reality through the dreamscape. So, Aster built a new life for herself. She was able to generate money in the dreamscape to rent herself an apartment, and she used her powers to teach herself Hoennese to fit in. Using her excess of new money, she enrolled herself in a fancy private school in the city of Rustboro.
This was Aster’s new life – she to be known simply as an exchange student from Sinnoh – nothing more, nothing less.
Zinnia and Emmy (15-16, 1993-1995)
However they did it, Plasma had captured Kyurem. Only Ghetsis and Zinzolin knew what they were going to do with the pokemon, and the rest of the team,
While Aster has promised herself that she would be in control of her life from now on, a new school still made her nervous. When she arrived, the campus was large, and she had trouble finding her way around, but Aster eventually made her way to her classes on her first day at this new school. Just as she had planned, Aster was introduced as a Sinnohan exchange student. The other students were quick to have an interest in Aster – which she had also planned. They asked about what Sinnoh was like, how Aster felt being on her own, and more, and she did her best to give short answers.
But one student in particular caught Aster’s eye – she was sitting quietly through the whole introduction, and seemed very quiet for the whole class.
Normally, Aster wouldn’t pay any mind to it. But the girl was in many of Aster’s classes, and in all of them, she just seemed quiet and lonely. Aster wanted to reach out to her, as she looked like she needed someone to talk to, but Aster was still stung by being rejected by peers previously and didn’t want to feel rejection again.
That was, until Aster decided to walk around campus one day during lunch. During her walk, Aster came across the girl eating her lunch behind the school, leaning against a rather large salamence. The girl looked surprised to see Aster there, and asked what she was doing, to which Aster answered honestly. The girl shrugged it off, and introduced herself as Zinnia. The two hung out for a bit until the bell rang, where Zinnia told Aster it was nice to meet her with a smile on her face.
The next day, Aster took a walk at lunch again, only to find Zinnia in the same spot as before. The two sat down and had a chat again, and as time would have it, they’d do the same over and over again. Aster began to go straight to Zinnia’s spot during lunch, and the two began to sit together and talk with eachother during classes. As much as she’d maybe want to deny it, Aster had made a friend. She still retained her reserved and polite nature around Zinnia, but it would seem that Zinnia’s big smiles and positive energy rubbed off on Aster a bit more than she’d like to admit – as she began worrying less about being in control of herself and found herself being more open.
One day, just before class was about to get out for the day, Zinnia asked Aster if she’d like to come home with her. Aster was a bit surprised at the gesture, but ultimately agreed. The walk was long, as Zinnia lived in the town of Fallarbor – which would normally be a long drive away from Rustboro, but, as Zinnia told Aster, she was the Draconid lorekeeper and had access to Meteor Falls, which served as her shortcut to school. Once the two had arrived on the dusty road to Zinnia’s house, she unlocked the door and waved, yelling ‘Emmy, I brought my friend over!‘ – to which a voice in the nearby room responded with a simple ‘That’s nice’. Zinnia told Aster that she was going to change out of her school uniform, leaving Aster alone at the doorframe.
As Aster stepped inside the small house, the open doorframe next to her opened up to the living room, where someone, presumably ‘Emmy‘, was sitting. When Aster made eye contact with her, Emmy’s face went blank, almost as if she had seen a ghost. Aster was unnerved by this reaction, to say the least, and stepped back a little before Emmy called out in a hushed voice for Aster to come closer.
Coming closer, Emmy asked Aster a question that caught her off-guard;
“You’re an emissary, aren’t you?”
Aster didn’t know how to respond, and wasn’t entirely sure how Emmy knew, so she instead kept quiet. Emmy opened her mouth to say something else, but she was interrupted by Zinnia coming back downstairs, who invited Aster to come check out her room. The two hung out for hours, talking about what interested them – and to Aster, it felt like she could truly open up about herself and her interests to Zinnia. The warm feeling stayed with her until it was time to leave, when Emmy paged her saying she’d help Aster get home, since it had already become dark outside.
Aster remembered Emmy’s question, and became nervous again. The two went outside, and Emmy brought up the subject again. Hesitantly, Aster confirmed to Emmy that she was the emissary of Cresselia, to which Emmy responded by smacking a fist into the palm of her open hand in an ‘ah-ha’ gesture. She told Aster it makes sense, and when she asked why, Emmy replied by telling Aster that she was an emissary herself, to her shock.
Emmy made sure to accompany Aster on the way home, and during the long walk back, Emmy asked Aster lots of questions. How she felt about all this, how she’s been getting a handle on her new powers, things that Emmy said with a tone that made Aster realize this was all familiar to her. Emmy also thanked Aster – apparently, Zinnia had talked a lot about her before she came over, and Emmy wanted to thank Aster for being a good friend to Zinnia. When they arrived at Aster’s apartment, Emmy gave Aster a proposition – she asked Aster if she’d be willing to go under Emmy’s wing and train to understand herself and her powers. Aster agreed, and from then on, it was settled.
By day, Aster would follow Zinnia home and the two would enjoy their time together, becoming closer and closer. By night, Aster would follow Emmy into the depths of Meteor Falls to train and hone her skills, ranging from combat to gaining more control of herself in the dreamscape. Aster began to trust Emmy like a role model, and just as Zinnia’s warmth rubbed off on her, Emmy’s did as well.
Over time, Aster developed a crush on Zinnia, and became terrified. Zinnia was such an important friend to Aster, and she couldn’t fathom letting her feelings lose her. She began acting avoidant, which caused Zinnia to become concerned. Aster was determined to not let her feelings overtake her, at least until she turned to Emmy for advice. Emmy confidently told Aster to be honest with her feelings, and that even if Zinnia rejected her, she still truly loved Aster as her best friend. So, Aster swallowed her fear and confessed her feelings during lunch, at the same place where they had first met – and to Aster’s joy and surprise, Zinnia actually had a big crush on Aster as well.
From then on, the two were practically inseparable, and would do everything they could together. Everything felt like it was perfect and made sense to Aster, and she felt like she didn’t have to live in fear of her feelings anymore – because Zinnia understood. The two would stay up for hours late into the night talking over telephone, and Aster would walk home with Zinnia almost every day. It just felt right to be with Zinnia.
One day, Aster invited Zinnia over to her apartment for a change for a sleepover. It was mostly the usual hanging out for them, until the sun set, when Aster told Zinnia to follow her up the stairs to the building’s roof. Despite the city lights, the stars were clear as day, and there appeared to be a meteor shower occurring – Aster had read about it in the news earlier and thought it would be something Zinnia would enjoy. The two watched the falling stars, hand in hand. They talked about their future and how they wanted to spend it together, about what they’d do, about the places they’d go.
It was young love, and Aster felt didn’t want the moment to ever end.
It felt like it really was true love.
Second death and the delta episode (16-25, 1995-2005)
After Zinnia and Aster’s sleepover had concluded, the two decided to meet Emmy at meteor falls.
Show more – Warnings for character death, mentions of severe depression, and mentions of implied suicide. Feel free to skip this section.
The two had a rather slow pace, but sped up once it started to rain – though they were sure rain hadn’t been in the forecast. The two arrived at Meteor Falls, where Emmy had pre-emptively waited for the two to arrive. Zinnia and Aster talked for a bit, and the three watched as the rain outside turned into a torrential downpour. Aster thought it was odd, as Fallarbor was usually dry year-round, but she didn’t think anything else of it. Aster thought she could see something in the water below, and Emmy moved closer to investigate – before suddenly jumping back and screaming at Zinnia and Aster to run.
But it was too late.
Aster was struck by an attacking Kyogre who had intended to attack Emmy, and launched into the air – but instead of everything going white as it had previously, Aster woke up on the cold stone floor of the cave. There was no pain, but Aster knew there was no way she had survived the blow. She looked around to find the bridge she had been standing on completely collapsed, and she could see Zinnia on the ground on the reverse side of the bridge. Aster tried to call out to her, but her voice didn’t sound out. Looking into the clear water of the falls, Aster realized: She wasn’t her human self anymore, she was Cresselia.
Emmy had explained to her that whenever an emissary’s human form is killed, the emissary reverts to a pokemon form until they can regain their human form, and vice versa. But the problem was that Emmy hadn’t explained how to regain human form. Aster felt lost and hopeless, as she had finally felt happy and it all shattered in front of her.
In the following years, Aster took the form of a small Whismur, or simply a spirit, which followed Zinnia around to make sure she was alright. And as distressing as it was for Aster, Zinnia wasn’t alright. Aster’s death and Emmy’s subsequent disappearance hit her hard, and she fell into a dark place. Aster couldn’t do much, and try as she might, she just couldn’t regain her human form.
The most Aster could do was act as Zinnia’s ‘guardian angel’; blessing her with pleasant dreams to take a bit of the edge off of reality and at some points, saving her from life or death situations. Aster also accompanied Zinnia for the one week where a meteor threatened Hoenn, and assisted her as much as she could in her whismur form. But at the height of it all, someone else went with Emmy to destroy the meteor, and Zinnia was left to her own devices – and she had other plans.
Zinnia planned to go far away, where nobody could find her. Aster did her best to try and stop her, but nothing she did could. Eventually, Aster had to save Zinnia’s life – and became so charged with desperation and emotion that Aster was able to regain her human form and even elevate to her god form in order to save her beloved.
The other side (2005-2010)
The dust settled, and after what felt like forever, Zinnia and Aster were finally reunited.
Show more – Warnings for mentions of injury, death, and depression.
Zinnia couldn’t believe it at first – she thought she had died and gone to purgatory. But it was real and their reunion was sweet – despite being apart for so long, the two still loved each other as much as they had the day Aster had ‘died’.
That’s not to say everything was perfect, which it definitely wasn’t. Zinnia was still in a very negative state of mind, and Aster being there didn’t make it magically go away. It took a month and a half of rather intense rehabilitation to bring Zinnia to a less overwhelmingly negative place – but she was able to make it.
While the both of them had been presumed dead, Zinnia and Aster decided to send a picture of themselves to the woman Zinnia befriended during the week-long meteor panic, named Renee. They had a good snicker over it, thinking it would be a fun prank, but no more than fifteen minutes later did Renee arrive at the two’s house in the mountains, along with Emmy, who appeared to be the one who got the two there. Emmy and Aster stared at each other for a solid minute before Emmy ran up to her and gave her the biggest, most heartfelt hug she’d ever received (aside from when she had reunited with Zinnia, that is). The two of them were crying, and looking behind her, Aster was able to see Renee was happy – if not a little confused – that Zinnia and Aster were alive and well as well.
The four of them sat around for hours, catching each other up on what had happened while the others were out of contact. To Aster and Zinnia’s surprise, Emmy had begun dating Renee, who saw the message the two had sent immediately and used the delta necklace Zinnia had as a basis for their location. It took a bit of time, but Aster eventually warmed up to Renee, and begun considering her to be family just like Emmy and Zinnia.
Aster made sure to pick up her training where she left off with Emmy, but according to her, Aster had learned most of what Emmy had left during her time confined to the form of a pokemon. Emmy offered to let Aster be her ‘sidekick’ of sorts when it came to dealing with incidents involving dangerous and out of line emissaries, to which she wholeheartedly agreed to. The two of them would go on missions together to take down and seal emissaries that were causing inordinate amounts of trouble across the globe.
In her personal life, Aster decided to open a small business that Zinnia and herself ran that sold occult instruments and other materials a psychic would need – Aster herself would use her powers to do psychic readings and check-up’s on more occult pokemon, while Zinnia would man the cash register most of the time.
Though, Aster cared less about making money, and more about providing for the community of people with interest similar to hers.
She also began taking her role as the emissary of Cresselia more seriously, visiting dreams and weaving good ones for those who followed Cresselia.
When the Mt. Coronet incident occurred, Aster was able to rush to the scene and free Cynthia and Zinnia from a caved-in cavern – and was surprised to find that Zinnia had just reunited with her mother. Aster was able to hit it off pretty well with Cynthia, especially over similar family origins. Aster also took in the child who partially triggered the incident, though they were quiet for the entirety of the time they stayed with Aster.
As time passed after the incident, Zinnia began compiling evidence over the man who killed her mother, and Aster was able to assist by using her power over the dreamscape and otherworldly planes to channel Orchid’s spirit, allowing her to assist directly.
Joeseph Stone’s trial took place, and as events transpired, Zinnia ended up in critical condition. Aster was terrified she could lose her again, but somehow, through sheer determination, Zinnia made it out alright.
The family of Renee, Emmy, Zinnia, and Aster couldn’t have been going on stronger – after a long period of suffering, the sky was clear once again. And with a niece on the way, the future was certainly worth looking forward to.
Present day
Aster and Zinnia are still as tight as ever, if not more so after reuniting. They continue to enjoy spending most of their time together, and work collaboratively to make their way through life’s challenges. Aster has no doubt in her mind about it – this is the true love she’d been waiting so long to find, and it’s almost certain Zinnia could say the same. The two of them live on Mt. Coronet, just before it starts to get rocky, in a small but cozy home. She wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world.
She feels less of a need to be in total control of situations, and whenever something does spiral out of her control, her family is almost always there to calm her anxieties. Speaking of family, ever since Pearl was born, Aster sees the need to be a ‘cool aunt’, even if that includes letting your 10-year-old niece play with swords because ‘swords are cool’. She might have gotten her babysitting privileges revoked, but as Pearl continues to grow up, Aster has and still does always lend an open ear and mind for whatever is on Pearl’s mind and whatever advice she needs.
Whatever strange hobby or pastime she takes up next, in the end, Aster is still Aster, and she’s so glad she’s grown from the point she was at all those years ago. Whether it be running a small store to taking down rogue gods, Aster knows that as long as she has the power of love, she’s unstoppable.
Emissary of Cresselia:
- Manipulation of dreams:
- Aster is able to take control the dreams of those who hang a lunar wing over their bed. She can choose to appear in the dream herself, or simply manipulate the events of the dream while staying hidden. She can cause nightmares; but unlike Darkrai, those given nightmares by Aster are fully capable of waking up, and it doesn’t affect them physically.
- Full power over the dreamscape:
- AKA Aster’s loophole. Aster can enter the realm of dreams whenever she pleases, and can take anything to and from it – whether it be physical objects, people, or even concepts. Since the dreamscape is pretty much her domain and she can do whatever she wants there, she figured out a loophole to, essentially, get whatever she wants. Arceus would be mad about this if they had emotions.
- Conditional Immortality:
- Legends stop aging physically at age 21, after that, they do not age and as such, cannot die from old age, though they can be killed through other means.
- Due to her family history, Aster was taught how to properly use a sword from a young age. Her fighting style is refined and accurate, and it’s her preferred fighting method even though swords are dated in the modern age.
- The sword she uses in particular is a family heirloom.
- As one of her attacks while in god form, she just summons a whole lot of swords and throws them at you. She WILL pick them all up afterward but she thinks it looks cool so she uses it anyway.
Zinnia – Soulmate
Her most beloved, her other half. Aster can’t imagine a life without Zinnia, and in spite of recent relationship issues, Aster will always love Zinnia with all her heart. Ever since they met in high school, despite death and depression, they’ve been inseparable.
Emmy – Mentor
While Aster was originally wary of Emmy seemingly recognizing her, she quickly warmed up and the two formed an extremely close mentor-student bond. They hold a solid trust in each other’s actions, and consider each other family.
Aster eventually overtook Emmy’s role as the legendary peacekeeper when Pearl was born.
Renee – Found family
Aster wasn’t sure what to think of Renee at first, but her first impression was good, considering Renee was willing to help Zinnia at her lowest. The two have since become good friends, and consider each other family.
They very often exchange advice.
Pearl – ‘Niece’
Aster adores Pearl in the way one would adore a puppy or kitten. She’s always offered a supportive ear to her, though as Pearl grew up, Aster would become the most concerned over her wellbeing in regards to the weight being put on her shoulders.
The bow Pearl wears is an enchanted accessory created by Aster to ward off bad dreams.
Cynthia – Mother in law
They get along well, as they have similar family backgrounds and personalities. However, Aster can’t help but feel a bit intimidated by her, because she IS her girlfriend’s mother, after all.
Orchid – Mother in law
Aster channels Orchid’s spirit regularly in order for her to communicate with her wife and daughter. Despite this, Aster doesn’t know a lot about Orchid, and finds her a bit more intimidating than Cynthia due to her more serious nature.
Steven – Conflicted
Conflicted feelings. She appreciates how good of a friend he is to Zinnia, but is worried they’re becoming… too close. However, Aster keeps a positive demeanor towards him and buries her jealousy.
Wallace – Friendly acquaintances
Gets along with him better than Steven, if only because her burning jealousy isn’t in the way. They have similar attitudes and ideals, making conversation easy.
Lune – Regular customer
Knows Pearl is a big fan of her work. However, Lune tends to be a semi-regular visitor of Aster’s store, and the two have had a non-business conversation a few times.
Vanya – Client
The pokemon that Aster befriended while she was stuck without a human form rescued Vanya from the spirit world in a near-death state, and Aster was willing to give them room and board while she regained their physical and spiritual health.
Due to Vanya’s heavily deteriorated spirit at the time, she holds only blurry memories of Aster.
Dmitri – Legendary counterpart
As her legendary counterpart, one would think Aster would know Dmitri better. But given how Dmitri knowingly avoids the dreamscape out of fear, she doesn’t know much about him other than the fact that he fears her – which she understands.
Would probably have eliminated him by now if she didn’t empathize so heavily with his circumstance due to Zinnia’s influence.
- She has a very high alcohol tolerance. And by very high I mean infinite, she’s a god you can’t tell her what to do.
- Aster and Zinnia had their babysitting privileges revoked until Pearl was 11 because stabbing and arson ARE NOT appropriate skills to teach a baby.
- She’s a very tight hugger – and she’s a lot stronger than she looks.
- She doesn’t wear any perfume, yet always seems to smell like a mix of an antique shop and flowers.