“I wanted this to be a clean job. If I knew it was going to be messy, I would have worn something different.”
–Aya, And then there were none
When a fire tore through Ecruteak, Aya’s original form was one of those who perished in the fire. But she was touched by Ho-Oh’s divine grace, and revived with new power – and she wasn’t particularly happy.
Quickly becoming overwhelmed and horrified by the sudden newfound abilities she gained, Aya soon began to seek revenge on the god who had ‘blessed’ her. And luckily for Aya, she happened to run into just the right person.
The two quickly hit it off through their shared ideals, and began causing chaos in the already war-torn area. However, their fun was short-lived, as Aurélien was sealed away. Aya escaped, promising to free her one day.
Aya kept that promise – later freeing Aurélien and continuing their rampage of love and chaos. The two of them now run a shady trading ring and often commit high-stakes robberies.
The world is different than it used to be, and anything illegal is kept on the down-low. But in the underground world hidden from all else, Aya has established herself as a force to be reckoned with – and she’s not stopping anytime soon… at least, until a meddling rock enthusiast crosses her path.
Aya is 5’8″ (172cm), with a pale complexion and lean build – she’s also flat-chested. Her eyes are a reddish-purple, and her hair is light blue and grown quite long.
Her most common outfit is a lilac dress with white spots on the lower half, with gloves of a similar colour and a white scarf. She always likes to wear flashy jewelry, no matter what her current outfit is.
In addition, she almost always keeps a rose-hilted knife hidden under her dress or skirt.

Aya’s personality is, simply put: rather snobby. She has little care for others aside from herself or her wife, and she’s easily distracted by anything expensive or shiny. She has a massive princess complex, and enjoys spoiling both Auré and herself quite a bit.
Per her occupation and nature, Aya often has very little issue being cruel. How merciful she is compared to Auré is debatable, but that’s really not saying much. If she wants something, she will get it, and if somebody tries to cross her path, she won’t hesitate to use force.
Aya is ruthless, which is an attitude covered up by her expensive tastes. Though, around Auré, she seems completely different – she’s lovey-dovey, and speaks with a much softer tone of voice. Aya loves her more than anything, and in situations where she’d normally be intimidating, she’d rather opt to coo over Auré instead.
This section is old and outdated. It currently only goes up to the in-universe year of 2027 and is due for an update!
Beginnings (1935)
Aya can’t remember much about her past life. She remembers the flames and smoke closing in, but that’s about it. She was content to accept her death, but suddenly, everything happened all at once.
Show more – Warning for slight unreality
What happened was indescribable – it truly was just everything. The infinite knowledge that entered her mind was too much, especially coming from nothingness. Aya was beyond overwhelmed – she wanted to scream and cry, but she was out of breath. She staggered a bit, and looked down towards her feet, which were paws.
Was I a human, or was I a pokemon? she pondered. But she had forgotten. But whatever she was now certainly wasn’t anything seen in this world before. The possible pokemon or otherwise she could be pinged through her head, but nothing matched what she looked like.
I truly am a monster.
A tap on Aya’s shoulder broke her out of her panicked trance. It was Ho-Oh – Aya knew that. Her presence was imposing, and suddenly, in her infinite knowledge, Aya knew.
She did this to me.
It’s all her fault.
Aya’s fear and sorrow quickly turned to rage. With the knowledge of infinity, Aya was able to determine that she had been revived by Ho-Oh, and was granted the overwhelming knowledge she now had, and this strange new form. It was a fate she wouldn’t wish upon anybody, yet Aya had been cursed with it.
She didn’t know what else she could do other than lunge out at Ho-Oh, in an attempt to attack her in revenge. But Aya was stopped by another strange-looking creature, solid and stalwart like a volcano.
She didn’t know what she could do but run. Aya scampered away into the woods, her thoughts plagued by hatred for Ho-Oh and what she had done to her. Aya was certain of one thing, however.
She had to get her revenge.
The forest was quiet, and gave Aya a perfect environment to both examine who she was now, and to broil in her anger. She would stare at her reflection in the lake, trying to remember who she was, and trying to find out who she was right now.
Aya wasn’t expecting a visitor.
Aurelien (1935)
One night, whilst staring at herself in the lake, Aya could hear the sounds of a large pokemon swooping overhead. She froze, fearing it was Ho-Oh, but once her eyes drifted to the bird she was able to confirm it was something different. She sat still as the large bird pokemon landed next to her, continually staring mindlessly into the water.
The bird just stared at Aya, and after a few moments, Aya could feel herself getting annoyed. She asked the looming pokemon who they were and why they were here, and for a second, they looked a bit shocked. But after that, the pokemon answered; her name was Aurelien, and she was Yveltal, the god of chaos and death.
“I could use some of that right now…” Aya muttered out in reply. Aurelien seemed inquisitive, and tried to spark a conversation. Slowly, Aya found herself warming up to her as the two of them spoke. Something about Aurelien, whether it was her attitude or the way she spoke, was incredibly charming and entertaining to Aya. The sun was setting when Aurelien approached Aya, and the two of them talked until the moon was high in the sky.
Aurelien realized she had never gotten Aya’s name, and asked. Aya paused… did she have a name? She couldn’t remember. She must’ve had a name, she had to have a name. But try as she might, it wouldn’t come to her. She tried to think of all the names she knew, but she didn’t seem to like any of them. She wanted something short, something catchy… what about Aya?
She shook her head as she exited her train of thought and replied to Aurelien with “Aya“. Aurelien seemed a bit confused at her hesitation, and Aya wasn’t entirely sure if this was the name she wanted for herself, but she went with it.
Her name was Aya.
The two talked more, until Aurelien suddenly proposed a plan to Aya. She asked if she’d like to team up and kill Ho-Oh in the name of revenge. Aya was a bit shocked, but wasn’t surprised Aurelien would propose this, as the god of death itself. Aya nodded, and the two gleefully talked about what chaos they’d incur.
After moments of conversation, Aurelien looked high into the sky and stated she should probably head back to her camp. With a flash of light, Aurelien went from Yveltal to human, and asked Aya if she could do the same.
Aya pondered to herself yet again, wondering if she even had a human form – or if she was trapped on the one she was in forever. Aya focused her energy on it for a bit, and with a warm sensation and bright light, Aya was able to take human form. It felt right to Aya, as opposed to her previous animalistic form – perhaps she was meant to be human the entire time. When Aya opened her eyes, she could see Aurelien offering her hand towards her. With her own hand, Aya reached out and grabbed Aurelien’s, and the two of them headed back to Aurelien’s base camp together.
Aya was introduced to two men by Aurelien, and an overall feeling of warmth settled over Aya. She wasn’t entirely sure if she could trust Aurelien yet, but her intuition was telling her she was where she belonged, somehow.
When Aya awoke that morning, she was back in her pokemon form. Not only that, but she felt drained of power. She was upset, and Aurelien seemed to notice. She made a remark about how switching between forms was difficult for her at first too, and told Aya to hold on. Aurelien ran outside and Yveltal’s cry could be heard, and after a few minutes, Aurelien returned with a swirling, glowing energy in her left hand. Aya asked what it was, and Aurelien replied saying it was the life energy that had been stagnating above Ecruteak. She told Aya it’d help her out, and began channeling the energy into Aya.
Aya could feel the surge of power going through her spine, and after a few seconds, the overwhelming feeling was over. Aya tried to go back to her human form once again, and this time, it seemed easy – almost instant. Aurelien grinned at her and grabbed her hand.
“How about we cause some chaos?“
Chaos and sealing of Aurelien (1935)
The question echoed in Aya’s mind over and over again, before she finally replied with a resounding ‘yes‘. For the next few hours, the two went to formulate a plan. Aurelien and Aya had a cause to call all this trouble, and that cause was to draw out Ho-Oh.
Show more – Warning for violence and muder
Aurelien simply had one condition: that no regular townspeople would be harmed. Aya could agree to those terms, and so, the two were off to wreak havoc together.
Aside from the townspeople, nobody was safe. Not the Kantonian soldiers, not the resistance, and especially not the fleeing nobles. Aurelien and Aya would rob what homes remained after the fire, and cut down anyone who tried to get in their way.
Aya had never felt so alive. No matter how much she was shot, punched, or stabbed, it wouldn’t even hurt, and she’d always come out as the victor. And, to top it all off, Aurelien was by her side – someone who loved the chaos as much as Aya did. By day, they’d tear the city apart, and then they’d spend the night laughing and drinking their worries away. It was momentary hedonism at it’s finest, but Aya didn’t care.
Aurelien would tell stories of her mob business back in Kalos, and Aya would listen attentively – she hoped that, one day, she’d be able to join her there.
What was this feeling? Aya wondered. Is this love?
Eventually, after much patience, the day came. Ho-Oh had taken notice of Aya and Aurelien’s destruction and came down from the heavens to intervene – which is exactly what the two wanted. She met Aurelien in a clearing while Aya stood by – as Ho-Oh and Aurelien’s confrontation quickly turned violent. Aurelien and Ho-Oh were matched for power and experience, but all the life energy in the air gave Aurelien the upper hand.
Ho-Oh crashed to the ground, her pokemon form having been defeated in combat. She begged Aurelien for mercy, which Aurelien pretended to give her. That was Aya’s cue. As Ho-Oh thanked Aurelien, Aya slowly crept out of the bushed from behind her, and with the crystal knife she forged herself, she stabbed Ho-Oh in the back.
Ho-Oh’s eyes turned to Aya in horror, and widened even more upon seeing it was the one she had revived. Ho-Oh tried to say a word, but could only mutter out something incomprehensible before collapsing into stardust.
Aurelien cheered – their mission for revenge had been a success. She walked towards Aya for a handshake, but Aya misinterpreted it and went in for a hug. Aurelien was a tad shocked at first, but didn’t protest and closed the hug. It was there that Aya professed what she realized was her undying love for Aurelien.
Aurelien stood still for a moment, and Aya couldn’t see her expression. She was worried she might’ve said something wrong with her confession, but after Aurelien’s moment of silence was over, she replied with “I love you too“.
For the following week, Aya and Aurelien, along with Aurelien’s two subordinates, partied like there was no tomorrow. They had successfully killed a god, after all. It was a glorious moment, and Aya didn’t want it to end – but it had to.
A very powerful legend was in the area and had caught wind that Aya and Aurelien murdered Ho-Oh, and she wasn’t happy. In the night, Rayquaza paid a visit to the abandoned home the crew had been camping in. Aya didn’t know how, but from the sounds of it, Aurelien and Rayquaza knew eachother. Aurelien asked Aya to stay inside the house while she confronted Rayquaza, and Aya could hear the two of them having an argument outside, before a blinding light began to shine.
Aya couldn’t help herself, and ran outside, to find that Aurelien had been restrained and her cocoon was enclosing around her. Rayquaza spotted Aya, and Aurelien yelled for Aya to run as far as she could. Aya yelled back as the cocoon closed up, promising that someway, somehow, she’d make sure she’d come back for Aurelien. With that, Aya shifted forms and bolted into the forest, escaping Rayquaza.
Timeskip (1935-2020)
Luckily, Aya was able to locate Aurelien’s subordinates after they had fled the scene as well. The three of them convened and decided it would be best to turn tail and head back to Kalos, as the state of the war for Ecruteak was escalating out of their control. Aurelien’s subordinates quickly decided on Aya as their new boss, and while she was a bit confused by it at first, she definitely grew into it.
Aya loved the feeling of being in power. She had begun developing particularly snobbish tastes, and would organize high-profile robberies to fund her expensive desires. She eventually had to evacuate and close down Aurelien’s hotel due to the police closing in, but she eventually opened a bigger luxury hotel in Lumiose city. The big city brought more opportunities for big-time crime, and Aya made a name for herself as a queen of gambling and trickery.
Years would pass, and the hole in Aya’s heart would remain. She knew, deep down, she was going to see her lover again, but she just wasn’t sure when.
Jailbreak (2020)
It’s not every day that the apocalypse nearly happens – much less that said near-cataclysm indicates the return of your long lost girlfriend.
Show more – Warning for mention murder
For the past few months, Aya had embezzled money into a company called Flare Co. to assist them in their extralegal digging up on the cocoon of death in which Aurelien was sealed – but her contract worker sold her out in Flare’s favor, resulting in the cocoon being taken into Flare’s secret custody. While that contract worker’s life was cut short after the incident, Aya’s determination certainly wasn’t. It was only a matter of time; she thought.
As it would turn out, it really only was a matter of time. Aya was browsing channels when the warning message played. Apparently, all of Kalos was to go on lockdown, as a group calling themselves Team Flare had taken Geosenge town hostage and were threatening to use the ultimate weapon – a weapon used thousands of years ago to wipe out half of Kalos. Aya’s manager quickly moved in to attempt to escort Aya to the saferoom in the hotel’s basement, but Aya had other plans.
Aya knew that the ultimate weapon couldn’t kill her, so even if it did fire, she would come out unharmed. She told her manager to head to the saferoom alone, and that she’d be back. Aya bolted out of the hotel and barreled into the street. She didn’t stop to care who saw her – Aya shifted her form to the beast that she had come to call Suicune, and bolted through the waterways at a rapid pace.
She could smell the infinity energy in the air – and she let that smell guide her to Geosenge town.
Impressively, Aya made it about halfway there when the ultimate weapon fired. She flinched in recoil as a massive pillar of light rose in the sky and fell back to the earth. But to Aya’s surprise, nothing seemed to be dead around her when she opened her eyes.
Did it malfunction?; she thought.
By the time Aya arrived at Geosenge, police and Interpol agents were already on the scene and blocking it off from outsiders. Though, through her clever wit, Aya was able to sneak onto the scene and get a closer look. Where the ultimate weapon had been, there was a large hole. Aya put it together in her head – it must have been misdirected to fire on itself! And she was able to put together that Aurelien was probably inside all the rubble as well.
Aya knew Aurelien was still alive in there, but she couldn’t do anything but lay in the shadows for now.
While she waited, Aya funded the cleanup efforts generously, hoping to speed up the rate at which the rubble of the base under Geosenge was dug up. Eventually, news broke of a strange cocoon having been dug up, and Aya instantly recognized it. That’s when she and her subordinates got to work in infiltrating the secret desert facility that was to store the cocoon.
Weeks passed, and Aya’s opportune time to strike hit. In the night, Aya and her crew were let in the facility by corrupt guards, and all the security systems had already been disabled. It was a breeze to walk down to the deep holding facility where the cocoon was being held. A swipe of a forged keycard did the trick, and they were in. Aya approached the cocoon carefully, with a giddy smile on her face. She knocked on the cocoon for a bit, before it started glowing, and Aya could see the silhouettes of two people – one of them was unmistakably Aurelien.
Aya spread her arms out to grab Aurelien, and twirled her around in a hug, planting kisses on her face. Aurelien seemed a bit confused at first, but hugged Aya back and laughed.
“You came back for me?” she said, looking at Aya’s happily tearful face.
“Of course I did!“
Just then, Aya heard a groan, and turned to look – it must’ve been the other person who was in the cocoon. Aya asked who they were, and Aurelien groaned and explained her name was Wisteria, and she had attempted to stop her but failed, and was now immortal as a result. Aurelien asked if Aya and her crew could ditch her as soon as possible, to which Aya agreed.
The group left the facility and packed into a small rental car that took them halfway through the desert road, and stopped once they reached a large parked truck. There, Aya told Wisteria to ‘buzz off’, and Aya opened the back cabin of the truck. It was decorated like a fancy living room, and as Aya helped Aurelien up inside, she finally felt like she was home again.
Present day
Things are going well for Aya! She’s still the head of the Kalosian mafia, and now, she has the love of her life by her side to rule it with. Although it’s a bit of an adjustment from living on her lonesome for nearly 100 years, Aya doesn’t seem to mind. Aside from Aurelien’s new inclusion, it’s very much business as usual for Aya. She’s still respected and feared for her position, just how she likes it.
While the world of crime is almost entirely out of sight nowadays, Aya has found that her favorite poker games and mob deals gone wrong are much more fun with Aurelien around. They’ve even gone on a few small art and jewelry heists together, which are always something fun to spice up an afternoon. She couldn’t be happier, and she hopes to be with her love forevermore.
Ho-oh’s revived spirit:
- Aya was one of the three revived after the fire in Ecruteak – with it, she was granted knowledge beyond humans and a form never seen before (suicune).
- Dual-forms:
- Aya is not a true legend, but she possesses the ability to switch between a pokemon form and human form. Unlike true legends, however, she does not possess a god form – but she can use powers of water and ice while human.
- True Immortality:
- Aya was already beefed up by Ho-Oh, but just HAD to be beefed up by Auré afterwards as well – essentially giving her double immortality. You literally cannot kill her.
- The form of immortality she possesses is more powerful than just that of immortality granted by a single legend – she regenerates and heals more quickly and bleeds less.
- Aya was already beefed up by Ho-Oh, but just HAD to be beefed up by Auré afterwards as well – essentially giving her double immortality. You literally cannot kill her.
- Aya is a semi-well-known socialite – she has the verbal skill to back up her high society lifestyle, and often uses said skill to her advantage in her less than legal escapades.
- While Auré prefers the use of brute force, Aya is more inclined to use her charisma for mind games and manipulation. It’s how she’s frequently evaded the law, and more often than not you can spot her distracting some rich rando while Auré blows the door off their safe.
Aurelien – Wife
Partners in chaos, and partners in love. Aya adores Aurelien with all her heart, though it might be a bit to an obsessive degree. She’d do anything for her beloved, though she does tend to nitpick how Aurelien tends to have an ‘act first, think later’ attitude.
Refers to her as mi amor when she isn’t around.
Amalthea – Acquaintance
Isn’t quite sure what to think of her. Aya has absolutely no clue how Aurelien gets along with her, but chalks it up to some sort of legendary counterpart connection. But they’re on peaceful terms, though they don’t talk at all.
Wisteria – Subject of torment
Aya is much more hostile towards Wisteria than Aurelien is. It’s not uncommon for her to make threats when they run into eachother, simply to unnerve Wisteria.
Tiphanie – Friendly towards
Isn’t sure what Aurelien sees in Tiphanie, aside from Tiph being Zygarde. Still, Tiphanie seems willing to help out with things, and for that Aya exchanges her kindness.
Souadou – On edge around
The two have a tense relationship, due to both Aya’s keen eye of Souadou’s gem collection, and because Souadou has Aya’s identity as a mafia leader figured out – and isn’t ok with Tiphanie being involved. Still, for Tiph’s sake, they’re at a standstill.
Angie – Frustrating
Figures she could be a powerful ally is Aurelien stopped being defiant. Aya is aware that Angie does not like her, though.
Francis – Subject of torment
Believes Aurelien is too harsh on her, but also enjoys intimidating her because she thinks it’s ‘funny’.
- Aya often uses her inability to die as intimidation, simply by surviving the unsurvivable. A ‘fun party trick’ in her words.
- She sunburns easily, and is more comfortable in cold environments – meaning she always has the AC on blast.
- She’s rather active in the Kalosian high fashion scene.
- Despite her adoration of Robbery and Fraud, she always makes sure to tip any entertainers, caterers, etc. handsomely.
- Her vault is likely worth millions, and contains everything from polished gemstones and jewelry to oil paintings.
- She has a habit of twirling her pointer finger when idling or speaking.