Basil can certainly be considered… an interesting character. Born in Alola, Basil moved with her family to Johto when she was 15. Through a series of tragic and somewhat strange events, Basil ended up inheriting the power of Lugia.
Though… it’s not that she cares about that much – she’s occupied herself with the world of EDM instead, and regularly preforms in Olivine city.
Through their adventures in Olivine, they met Haru, who then led them to meet Kaguya. The three of them are all incredibly close, and always seem to stir up something when they’re together.
She has lots of energy, and quite often brings a lot of life to the room wherever she goes. She’s always enthusiastic about her interests and things she cares about – a vibe which definitely rubs off on others.
She’s found her passion in music, and they don’t see themselves going anywhere else soon; they’re perfectly happy where they’re at right now, and they feel unstoppable, at least for the time being.
Basil stands at 5’7″ (170 cm), and has dark skin and curly black hair. Her eye color is dark brown, and she has a generally ‘average’, very androgynous body type.
She’s almost always seen wearing a Lugia-motif hoodie, and she tends to only take it off to wash or sleep. She usually wears sport shorts and flip flops, though she occasionally wears skirts as well. While performing, she wears a spiked collar necklace.

Basil goes to the beat of her own drum… machine. She’s often spontaneous and a bit unpredictable, but they never mean any harm – she just wants everyone to have a good time. She’s definitely not afraid to they be her own person, no matter what others think.
Her upbeat and optimistic outlook isn’t a 100% of the time thing, but she doesn’t really want to admit that. She has difficulty talking about her negative emotions and simply prefers to drown them out in noisy music instead.
She can find it hard to really open up, as well as connect with others – but once she finds a place where she feels comfortable, she’s usually very honest and caring.
As outgoing as she is on the outside, she prefers to just relax with either Haru or Kaguya, or simply spend time by herself.
This section is old and outdated. It currently only goes up to the in-universe year of 2027 and is due for an update!
Early Life (0-15)
Basil was born to Diego and Jess, and while the two had a positive outlook on becoming parents, they were both admittedly very, very unprepared. Both of them lived in Diego’s small apartment and worked full time; though for Diego, he was a full time student. Money was pretty tight, but Jess’s friends were always willing to lend her a hand. Basil would often go with Jess to work, where her friends/co-workers would coo over how cute they were.
Diego eventually graduated, and ended up getting recruited to Interpol. With a whole lot more money now, the family moved to a small house nearby Interpol’s office in Hau’oli city.
Basil was more or less spacey throughout school, and preferred to keep to themselves. They would open up a lot more while at home around family and friends, however. While Basil didn’t really have friends their age, they were still close with Jess’s dance troupe, as well as a group of three teenagers a couple of years older than them who lived nearby.
Basil would spend a lot of their free time goofing off with the group or teaching themselves how to play music on their mom’s guitar.
Things were a bit tough in the beginning, but despite the initial hardships, Basil’s family loved and did everything they could to support them.
Move to Johto, the disaster, and initial death (15)
Show more – Warnings for maternal death, character death, and disaster
The Giovanni case was becoming Interpol’s top priority, and as such was transferring many members to Johto, where Rocket had gone through a resurgence. Diego wasn’t exempt from this, so his family made plans to move to Johto. Basil wasn’t thrilled with the idea of leaving their friends and going to a new place so far away, but their mother managed to cheer them up about it. The family chose to travel by boat as opposed to a plane, and so they said their goodbyes to friends at the docks.
On the ship, Basil bought a Lugia-motif hoodie from the gift shop, as Lugia was said to live in the oceans between Cianwood and Olivine, and Basil just thought the hoodie was soft.
The trip was going fine, but the night before the day the ship was supposed to arrive in Cianwood, Basil woke up to a droning noise that nobody else seemed to hear. Diego insisted it was the boat, but Basil knew they hadn’t heard the noise at all beforehand. They tried to go back to sleep, but the noise was too much for them. At this point, it has also started to rain outside, despite being perfectly clear minutes earlier.
Basil couldn’t stand it, and left the room to investigate. Hearing Basil leave, Jess followed after them and told Diego to stay. The rain had slowly escalated to a storm, and while Basil did hesitate, the droning sound was bugging them so much that they stepped onto the outside deck into the rain, as if it was beckoning them.
The once clear sky was dark grey, with lightning occasionally flashing through the clouds. The wind suddenly became violent, and Basil was nearly knocked off their feet. Waves began crashing over the deck, and Basil was able to see… something large in the distance through all the rain. Jess called and tried to run out and grab them to snap Basil out of it, but everything after that happened so fast. The two of them were thrown off the deck by a wave and into the water below. During the investigation, their body was never found.
Revival (9 months later)
Warnings for maternal death mentions and grief
When Basil woke up, they couldn’t remember anything that had happened on that night – only the day prior. They were confused and disoriented, especially given that their father was desperately shaking them awake. They felt groggy, and the only thing they could ask was where they were. Diego was staring at them, wide-eyed in disbelief; while right beside him was another man who looked of Johtoan origin with an equally puzzled expression. Basil was about to ask their question again, but was stopped when their father grabbed them in a tight hug. Basil had so many questions to ask, but they could hear their dad begin to cry, and so they decided against being pushy. They knew that something was strange, but felt like now wasn’t the time to find out what it was.
After emotions were let out (which took quite a while for Diego), Basil was finally able to ask some questions and get some answers. They were in their new house in Cianwood, and when they asked what happened, there was silence for a few seconds before the other man spoke up. He spoke kindly, and told Basil that they had been in a coma for the past 9 months after a shipwreck; Diego gave the other man a strange look for a second before hesitantly agreeing with him, which confused Basil. The other man introduced himself as ‘Dr. Ishida’, and claimed he was a live-in doctor who was monitoring Basil’s condition. He told Basil that they had sleepwalked into the kitchen before Diego ran over to them. Basil was skeptical of this explanation, which wasn’t helped by the fact that their father was looking at the so-called doctor with a dumbfounded expression. But he eventually changed his reaction, and acted like he knew this was the case all along.
And then Basil asked where their mom was, and both of them fell silent and their expressions quickly shifted.
Basil was never the best at interpreting expressions, but knew something was horribly wrong.
They were afraid to get an answer, more so because of their father’s reaction to them waking up from their ‘coma’.
After a period of silence, Diego broke the news to Basil, and it felt like the entire world was collapsing around them. They couldn’t speak, and just held on to their father as tight as they could, and the moment of silence that followed felt like it lasted forever.
Their room was full of unopened boxes and a bed, but Basil still isolated themselves there, and refused to speak at all for three days following waking up. They felt alone, and they didn’t know how to deal with all the emotions in their head – it all seemed loud and too much. As much as Diego tried, he had a hard time cheering Basil up, or even getting them out of their room, for that matter.
It didn’t take long for Basil to find out about Yuuto and his true relationship with Diego, either. Finding that they were lied to only made their state of mind worse. Basil also didn’t truly grasp how long they had been gone for, and found themselves getting angry at their father for what they saw as moving on too quickly(In reality, Diego had a lot of time that Basil was unaware of). They just missed Jess a lot, and ended up taking out their negative feelings on Yuuto.
The entire world felt like a void, and Basil was trapped and alone. They didn’t know how to deal with their grief, they just wanted it all to go away.
Basil had an incredibly hard time taking care of themselves or even speaking to anybody for a period of 3 months afterwards; they would often spend days at a time isolating themselves in bed, not saying a word.
Introduction to EDM and the birth of ‘Tama’ (16)
Diego had to do a lot of unpacking for Basil, as they would spend much of their day in lethargy. Along with Basil’s stuff, Diego also unpacked some of Jess’s things into Basil’s room, most notably, her old guitar and keyboard synthesizer. While for the most part, they were just sitting there disinterested in everything, they slowly began messing around with the instruments after their birthday. But Basil had no inspiration, so they simply opted to spend most of their day mindlessly scrolling through the internet on their phone instead. While scrolling, they came across a showcase video for a music event featuring rather loud music. Intrigued, Basil dug deeper, and eventually found themselves interested in this new genre and the way it sounded.
With a new-found bit of motivation, they took to their mother’s synthesizer and tried out making music like what they had heard. To their surprise, it almost felt natural to them, and they vastly preferred this type of music to what they’d previously learned and played. So they kept at it, and often found themselves working on their music into the night – much to Diego’s sleep cycle’s dismay. Basil adopted the pseudonym ‘Tama’ and posted their music online in Johtoan EDM circles. Feedback was very mixed when they started, but Basil didn’t care much – they felt as though they could translate their pain into those loud noises, and it was the first time to felt like they found a way to cope. They also quite enjoyed the process, too.
It was around this time when the Giovanni case had become more chaotic than ever – Diego received a call late at night with the news of Giovanni’s death. Because of this, Diego had to work in Goldenrod City for an undefined span of time away from home.
For Basil, this only meant they could stay up as late as they wanted, and had really no limits to what they could do. When Diego returned home, he actually just soundproofed the walls.
Basil’s production eventually improved to the point where they received a message from a manager of a ‘nightclub’ wondering if they’d be willing to perform. While anxious, Basil agreed, and eventually became a regular performer there. People would compliment them on their work, and were often surprised they were so young.
For all Basil cared, they were able to find a new spark in life. They were meeting so many new and interesting people who shared an interest, and people were enjoying what they were creating.
But they were still rather lonely – outside of performances, they didn’t talk to people much; but that was about to abruptly change.
Haru, Kaguya, and legendary power (16-17)
Basil met Haru by chance on a ferry from Olivine to Cianwood. Diego always wanted Basil to bring Jess’s flareon with them when they went to Olivine, just to make sure they were safe. Everything was going as normal, but the pokemon suddenly perked up and ran off from Basil, who promptly chased after it. They followed it to the back end of the ferry, where a girl was watching the sunset and the city – but more importantly, her espeon seemed to be quite affectionate and chatty with the runaway fire type. The girl turned around to see what her pokemon was doing, but tensed up when she saw Basil looking at her. It was likely that Jess’s flareon picked up on some kind of signal from the girl’s espeon, and so it ran to find the source.
Basil attempted to make small talk and introduce themselves, but the girl kept mostly quiet. She wore a mask covering her mouth, so Basil couldn’t really tell how she was feeling.
Basil decided they’d just rather leave, so they went and grabbed their flareon and told the girl it was nice to meet her.
Unfortunately, Flareon was a bit too heavy and was squirming quite a bit, so Basil ended up falling down as the pokemon escaped their grip. While they were more annoyed rather than hurt, Basil noticed the girl move a bit closer to them. She spoke to them for the first time, asking if they were okay – to which Basil replied that they were. She apologized for the mess that her pokemon had caused, but Basil told her it really wasn’t a big deal. They admitted they should probably stay out on the deck until they arrived in Cianwood, just to keep an eye on the flareon.
Basil tried again to make conversation, but the girl wasn’t the most talkative. They were able to learn that she was a trainer headed for Cianwood’s gym, and that her name was Haru.
Basil’s flareon and Haru’s espeon seemed joined at the hip up until the two got off the ferry. Basil told Haru it was nice to meet her, and wished her luck on her gym battle. It was at this point that Basil heard their father call out to them, who had been waiting at the ferry terminal because Basil was back later then they said they would be.
Basil was about to apologize for being late, when Haru called out to him – referring to him as ‘Mr. Oliveira’. They both seemed surprised to see each other, and Basil was just confused as to why their dad knew some random girl they met on the ferry. To add to Basil’s confusion, Haru began thanking him, while Diego was telling her ‘It’s fine, I’m glad you’re alright’.
Basil stepped in the middle of the conversation to ask what was happening, to which Diego explained: Haru was the center of the big rocket case one year ago and as a result, Diego helped her out a bunch.
Haru was surprised to learn that Basil was Diego’s child, and told them that he had talked about them quite a bit – and his descriptions made sense now.
The reunion was brief, and Diego made an offer to let Haru stay at their house while in Cianwood, which she agreed on. Her espeon seemed quite pleased to be able to spend more time with Jess’s flareon, too.
While Haru was staying at their house, Basil was able to talk to her more – and Haru was a bit more open after learning of Basil’s relation to their father. They didn’t really have a bunch in common in terms of interests, but would talk a lot about what they wanted to do in the future.
Basil was happy to finally have someone their age to talk to, and someone who they could possibly consider a friend. And so, they were saddened to learn that her stay was so short-lived, as she planned to head to Ecruteak City. But their mood was quick to turn around when Haru asked if they wanted to come with her, to which Basil quickly and enthusiastically agreed.
The two made their way to Ecruteak together, and grew closer as a result. They arrived in Ecruteak in time for the yearly spring festival, and the first thing Haru wanted to do was check in with a friend. Basil just kind of followed Haru to the Ecruteak dance theatre, which they were mildly interested in from their mother’s work in dance. They were, however, curious as to why Haru had bought snacks and was allowed in the back section of the theatre. Haru told them that it was probably okay to go back there with her, so Basil followed Haru back… and promptly slipped on oil somebody had spread all over the floor.
They tried to get up, only to slip and fall again. Annoyed, Basil could hear and see a girl laughing at them, and Haru scolding her for pranking someone she just met like that.
Haru helped Basil up and introduced them to the girl, who still had a smug look on her face: her name was Kaguya, and she was a princess who lived inside the residence at the dance theatre. Kaguya didn’t really say anything to Basil, and would only really whisper things to Haru.
That evening, during the festival, Basil was able to spot Kaguya playing music with her face obscured, and tried talking to her, only for her to ignore them. While they spent the festival with Haru, Basil checked in afterwards to compliment Kaguya on her music, and to talk about music in general – but Kaguya’s attitude towards Basil was quite catty. Haru ended up having to explain to Basil that Kaguya wasn’t the best around unfamiliar people, but she’d hopefully warm up eventually.
Time passed, and Haru was right – Kaguya did warm up to Basil, but still maintained a bit of her mischievous nature. She took quite the interest in Basil’s method of creating music as well, and would often just watch them edit things on their computer. Basil eventually developed romantic feelings for Haru after spending so much time with her, and confessed them to her on a lazy summer evening. Haru was surprised at first, but gladly accepted. Though Haru wasn’t too keen on most kinds of physical intimacy, Basil was perfectly happy just spending time with her, talking for hours.
Sometime later, while goofing off with Kaguya, Basil had discovered something that was kept buried in them for the past 2 years – the power of the legendary Lugia. While Kaguya and everyone else who knew rightfully started freaking out over it, Basil didn’t seem to care much. They attempted to fly around with Haru, but ended up crash landing on one of the whirl islands and had to have one of Yuuto’s old friends pick them up – making up the excuse that it was in fact, Kaguya who was flying them around. After that, Basil simply decided that they would just… ignore these new powers, at least for the time being. Diego and Yuuto still have no idea about this, and Basil decided that keeping it a secret was the best course of action.
Present day
Things are going ‘pretty alright’ for Basil, as they would say. They’ve managed to branch out from just performing at an old warehouse, and has landed gigs in Goldenrod. They spend a lot of their time with Haru or Kaguya, and the three of them are practically inseparable. In fact, Haru lives with Basil now, and the two visit Kaguya rather frequently. Speaking of Kaguya, the nature of the two’s relationship has changed drastically since they first met – their feelings even evolving into something that goes beyond being just friends.
While Basil doesn’t want to think much about growing up, they have grown quite a bit since first moving to Johto – they can’t really imagine leaving and going back to Alola at this point.
They’ve also tried to communicate more with Yuuto, and regret how they treated him in the past. Luckily, Yuuto was quick to forgive them, and it seems the two of them had more in common than Basil would have thought.
Basil feels like they’re in their zone, and believes that they can do almost anything with their friends with them.
Emissary of Lugia:
- I’m gonna be real pokemon has been my primary special interest for the majority of my life and I still have no fucking idea what Lugia does. Like, cool, it’s the guardian of whirl islands or whatever but Basil doesn’t do that because they think it’s dumb. Like, Lugia’s got big yaoi hands and that’s IT.
- Like okay they can make hurricanes like that but do they ever use this? No. Who’s giving out free god powers to teenagers?????? Why did Arceus think this system was a good idea???? I’m the one who made the au and I don’t know
- literally sapphire does everything lugia does but better
- Conditional Immortality:
- Legends stop aging physically at age 21, after that, they do not age and as such, cannot die from old age, though they can be killed through other means.
Music production:
- Originating from her mother, Basil always had a thing for music. She started off with some random samples and her mom’s old keyboard synthesizer, and eventually took her interest more seriously after her move to Johto. She has more EDM oriented tools now, and specializes in the genre.
- Basil has begun to pick up rap after Kaguya noted ‘she talks fast’ like the rappers she would hear on the radio, though Basil hasn’t really published anything in that genre yet.
Diego – Father
Basil thinks Diego is extremely cool, even if she likes to poke fun at how he can be a bit of a dork sometimes. She feels like she’s super lucky to have him as her father.
Also enjoys confusing him with modern memes.
Haru – Girlfriend/wife
Loves her a whole lot! Despite their differences in personality, Basil finds she could spend time with Haru for hours. Haru just gets her. They work very well together in a domestic setting, as well.
She’s created a dedicated melody for Haru that is a reoccurring one in her work.
Kaguya – Casual partner & legendary counterpart
More than just music partners and legendary counterparts, Kaguya and Basil are very much in love – even if they communicate like a manzai-style comedy duo. Kaguya is rather clingy towards Basil, but Basil thinks it’s cute.
Yuuto – Stepfather
Feels sorry for how she acted towards him shortly after her revival, and is worried that he doesn’t like her for that. Still, she’s friendly towards him and have warmed up to him to the point of actually calling him ‘dad’ now.
Jess – Mother
Misses her a lot. Even to this day, mother’s day is very much a sore spot. Basil got her energy and love of music from Jess, and she feels like she’d be proud of where she is now, at least.
Silver – One-sided rivalry
Has a sort of one-sided rivalry with him. After learning he had a short-lived crush on Haru, Basil feels defensive and a bit jealous whenever he’s around her. Still, they hang out sometimes.
Kenjiro – Weird cool ‘uncle’
They do karaoke together, much to Yuuto’s disdain (despite Yuuto being present and also drunk). Refers to him as an uncle, to the disdain of BOTH Yuuto and Diego.
- She experiences echolalia, but won’t realize she’s repeating something until someone points it out.
- She likes painting her nails, but always ends up impulsively chipping or peeling the nail polish off about an hour after it dries.
- The club in Olivine Basil used to perform at was really just an old warehouse, but she tells Diego it was a real club so he would worry less.
- She makes all her album covers herself using stock photos and every single filter she can use in a pirated version of photoshop.
- While she specializes in gabber, hardcore, and speedcore, if it ends with -core, Basil has probably dabbled in that genre.
- For whatever reason, Basil’s accent changed after revival, yet she doesn’t seem to acknowledge it at all.