As the tourism industry in the small border region between the Ultra Jungle and Ultra Forest is the busiest in all of central Ultra Space, one would expect a robust team team behind the wheel to keep it running smoothly.
And that certainly was the case! At least, until recently.
Chel’s specialty was a safety advisor, prioritizing making sure nobody got hurt… but not even her expertise could have predicted the sudden loss of the region’s main tourism advisor. As days went by, and searches turned inconclusive, many started losing hope and throwing in the towel.
But Chel vowed to keep the legacy her former friend fought for, even if managing everything all by herself is a bit impossible. With the underworkings of Borderbeach’s main industry falling apart, how much longer can Chel keep it together on her own? Or, with the help of others tied to the beach for their own reasons, and maybe an unwilling tourist, can this sandcastle be kept from caving in?
Chel is 5’11”, with slim-muscular build. She has freckle-like patches of skin on her face and shoulders, sandy blonde hair, and blue eyes. In addition, she has a fluffy tail and folded ears, in the same color as her hair.
As to be expected from her species, Chel is capable of shifting voluntarily into a ‘beast’ form that resembles her main appearance, but is more animalistic. This form of hers is about the size of a very large breed of dog.
Chel was designed by Skiltaires

Chel is upbeat and hardy, and tries to not let much phase her. She’s always willing to lend a hand to those who need it – and even sometimes to those who don’t. It’s because of this that she often comes across as ‘too friendly’, though people tend to just think she’s annoying instead of being malicious.
Despite her attempts to barricade out any bad energies, recent bundles have stress have gotten to Chel – which is something she’ll never admit, and instead chooses to suffer in silence, which usually effects her work quality.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
Species abilities:
- Beastkin form:
- Chel is capable of voluntarily shifting into a dog-like beastkin form, or involuntarily if too stressed. While this form’s physical abilities generally mirror her main humanoid form, the softer appearance and changed build are useful for situations a humanoid form may not be as ideal for.
- Exceptional swimming:
- Chel’s species, while unable to actually breathe underwater, can hold their breath for a very long time and are great swimmers in both forms – though beastkin form has a slight advantage due to paw webbing.
- Chel has always been a bit of a a jock, and she’s always on top of making sure she’s in prime shape. She has stellar stamina and can run or swim for a long time, but also possesses quite impressive strength when it comes to carrying heavy objects, too.
⠀Wasundari – Former boss
Chel admired Wasundari, and was quite close with her while they shared a workplace. She was devastated by what ‘happened’ to Wasundari, and grieves her. She has no idea Wasundari is actually still alive.
⠀Hasu – Frequent visitor
Chel wouldn’t exactly say Hasu is a tourist anymore – they fit right in with the locals, and their down to earth demeanor is refreshing for Chel to see. She wishes she could visit their home in the Ultra Forest someday, but Chel has been too busy.
⠀Morgana – Complicated
Ever since the large privately-owned resort in Borderbeach decided to cut internal communication, Chel has been at odds with much of the higher-up staff trying to reach an equilibrium on ideals. Morgana has been the most cooperative of those staff, but still remains too stubborn for Chel’s tastes.
⠀Morphee – Sees a spark
Morphee was just another tourist in Chel’s eyes, even if her circumstances were a bit odd. But through seeing the ways this sleepy visitor has connected others through the power of laziness, Chel has warmed up to Morphee and feels that she may have the ‘spark’ to ignite things once again.
⠀Juniper – Good friends
As the biologist who specializes in Borderbeach’s natural life and balance, Juniper is quite good friends with Chel, as they collaborate often. The two have very compatible personalities, though will sometimes get too distracted by ranting about their fields instead of working.
- Chel tried to rank local ice cream shops once, only to fail miserably because in her opinion, ‘they’re all good’.
- She does indeed have a bit of a ‘surfer bro’ accent.
- Seeing Juniper haphazardly handle the dangerous wildlife that she warns others about stresses Chel out a lot.
- She’s still trying to get Morphee to join her for jogs, but has yet to be successful in her attempts.