
Return to Ultra Arc characters || Page last updated: January 3rd, 2025

Once a plain royal attendant, a rather fashionable string of events led to Coco’s rise among the pheromosan royal court order – to become the queen’s direct fashion advisor, and wife.

Having been Athena’s attendant since before the previous pheromosan queen was assassinated, their bond led Coco to be entrusted with assisting Athena in subduing a would-be coup in a legendary fashion showdown. Thanks to Coco, Athena won that showdown – and was able to become the new queen… and Athena decided she’d want nothing more than to let Coco continue to pursue her passion for fashion design.

As Athena made waves in the kingdom, Coco was right by her side – her beauty was her muse.

But… Coco had always been extra prone to illness. And after all the stress of a series of nearly cataclysmic events…
Coco became deathly ill, but Athena wouldn’t accept it. As a last-ditch effort to save Coco’s life, Coco agreed to undergo an odd, experimental DNA fusion procedure.
Thankfully, the procedure was a success, and Coco made a full recovery – albeit, with an entirely new appearance.

After the near cataclysms, the light from the other side is finally showing. Her kingdom is opening up, thousands adore her creations, and she has the best family one could ever ask for…
While she may have never desired to be anything ‘big’ in the first place, Coco is in a place she’s perfectly comfortable in to just be herself.


Coco is is 5’11”, with a thin and fail build. While formerly a common-appearance pheromosa, she underwent an experimental fusion procedure and now appears more prominently in a humanform manner.
In this form, Coco has long white hair, dark grey eyes, and a prominent nose and cheekbones. She has a large, droopy pair of antennae, that resemble those of a pheromosa’s, as well as long lopped ears.

As a result of the fusion containing heavy amounts of deerfolk DNA, Coco exhibits typical deerfolk traits as well – being small, cloven hooves for feet, and elaborate ‘stocking’ like leg fur.

Despite being a fashion designer, Coco prefers to keep her own style simplistic.

The quiet fashionista

Age22 (Arc I)
BirthdayMarch 20th
OccupationRoyal fashion advisor
EthnicityPheromosa (Formerly)
BirthplaceUltra Desert
Anomaly statusN/A
Lamiroir - Landscape Painter in Sound ~ Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney


Coco has always been a shy and reserved type. She doesn’t enjoy excessive attention drawn to her, and tends to avoid speaking up, even if she really wishes she could at times. Even if she would prefer having a bit more self-advocacy, Coco ultimately finds no issue with being quiet.

She can open up a bit when around those she’s close to – but those truly close to Coco tend to tune in to her more quiet communication style instead of making her adjust.


I’ll get to it… eventually.


Species abilities:

  • Resiliency:
    • The resiliency against illness and injury was the primary reason that deerfolk DNA was chosen to save Coco’s life – while she still gets ill much more frequently, she’s capable of recovering from illness and injury much faster than other species.
  • Universal appeal:
    • The innate ability to be perceived as beautiful by all is an ability of both pheromosa and deerfolk – which Coco retains.
      • While she might have DNA from both species, she does not have ‘double’ the ability.


  • Coco has a unique and innovative eye for style, as well as impressive tactical skill when it come to assembling her own designs. While she previously made coordinates for the sake of doing so as a hobby, she’s now the pheromosan court’s royal designer.


Athena – Wife

Athena is someone who Coco knows is always there for her, in any way she’d need it. Be a supportive listening ear, a hypeman, a model, or someone to help her when she’s sick… Coco’s gratefulness for her wife’s unconditional love is beyond words.

Leilani – Good friend

While they appear to be total opposites at a glance, their shared views on work ethic managed to pull Coco and Leilani rather close together. They enjoy mutually encouraging each other, as well as sharing their latest news about their hobbies.

Frank – Conflicted

Coco knows Frank is greatly important to Athena, and Frank tries to appeal to Coco… but it’s in his own way. And unfortunately, Frank’s social style simply clashes with Coco’s far too much for them to get along well – but they both accept that.

Amity – Conflicted

While Amity can be quite helpful and treats Coco with kindness, she’s also a bit too ‘much’ for Coco. Her loud and brash attitude, more often than not, ends up stressing Coco out.

Maria – Daughter (Arc II)

Coco loves Maria dearly, and is often awestruck by how assertive she can be – reminding Coco of her other mother. While she wants her daughter to be safe above all else, Coco often struggles with asserting her worries.


  • Pheromosa often communicate through special vibrations made with their shells, as opposed to speaking. After the fusion operation, while Coco could no longer broadcast these, she found she could still tune in to them.
  • Coco’s palate is surprisingly plain, leading royal dinners to often have a special ‘blander’ option just for her.
  • She fidgets with her jewellery frequently.
  • Despite assembling clothing often, Coco has never drawn blood accidentally while sewing. This is the only thing she seems to be confident enough to brag about.

Meta commentary

  • Coco’s design was generally inspired by 20’s flappers.
  • Coco’s name is a reference to the luxury fashion brand Chanel, as a mirror to Gucci.

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