Considered to be one of, if not THE strongest trainer in recorded history, Cynthia is a rather tragic character who makes up for it with a wild enthusiasm for battling and discovery.
She trained in Celestic under the Draconid Lorekeeper – which would lead her to meeting her future wife.
They had their lives planned out, but tragedy struck and Cynthia was left isolated.
Still, she remained a strong and admirable force for the people of her region. And it would so happen that her drive for action would reunite her with her daughter after 30 years.
She currently sits as the global Pokemon League manager, and despite pushes to retire, Cynthia doesn’t see her fire dying down anytime soon.
- ❥ Appearance
- ❥ Personality
- ❥ Story
- ❥ Skills
- ❥ Team
- ❥ Relationships
- ❥ Trivia
- ❥ Gallery
Cynthia is 6’0″(183cm), with a lithe build. She has long, graying blonde hair, and gray eyes. While she is naturally flat-chested, she may wear a differing amount of chest padding depending on her mood.
She almost exclusively wears all black, and tends to dress on the warmer side no matter the climate.

Cynthia often presents herself as a mature, refined figure – mostly around young trainers who see her as a role model. But the reality is quite different.
Cynthia is very emotional and spontaneous, and her actions are very often driven by her feelings. She has a hard time saying no to her own wants, and can be quite stubborn.
She has an incredible sense of justice and feels driven to protect and help others.
Pokemon training:
- Cynthia was born into a family of powerful trainers, and she lives the role very well. She has no recorded losses on her official League record, giving her the nickname of ‘the eternal northern champion’
- Of course, Cynthia has a few losses that weren’t recorded – she’s been beat by Orchid and Red respectively.
- She technically never received ‘formal’ training, only training by the Lorekeeper and Emmy.
- Through thick and thin, Cynthia has kept going. She doesn’t let anything or anyone get in her way, and if they try to, well… it’s likely they’ll be answering to a 6 foot tall landshark.
- While she tries to talk her way out of problems first, she won’t hesitate to use force.

Sinnoh Champion

Lv 88

Lv 86

Lv 84

Lv 85

Lv 84

Lv 86
Her one and only. They grew up together and planned to spend their entire lives together – but when Orchid’s was cut short, Cynthia vowed she would still be eternally faithful. They’re incredibly in tune with each other, so much so that the two were able to almost seamlessly share a body for a short period of time.
Still calls her ‘Emerald’. The two have a very tense relationship, and often argue if given enough time around each other. Cynthia is still upset over Emmy’s actions regarding Orchid’s death.
Even though Cynthia never got to see her daughter until she was 30 years old, she treasures Zinnia like she’s known her for her entire life. Though, she worries she might be a bit overbearing to Zinnia.
In the absence of her daughter, Cynthia treated Steven like a son – especially knowing of his negative relationship with his father. She’s very protective over him.
Renee is practically Cynthia’s right hand in the League, but their relationship is more than that. The two have a close mentor-student bond, even though Renee takes things much more seriously than Cynthia does.
She’s glad that Zinnia ended up with someone so dedicated, and can relate to her similar family history.
They teamed up once, and while Cynthia is wary of Anniel, she takes Orchid’s word about her being a good person. Has no idea her family history with Anniel goes WAAAAAY back.
Gave her the OK to use Ho-Oh and Lugia in the League, and watched her beat Renee and Emmy. Cynthia considers her a prime contender for replacing her when she does retire.
Joseph Stone
Hopes he’s burning in hell.
- She calls herself an atheist despite very much believing in the divine solely to piss off Emmy.
- While the public perception of Cynthia is that she’s very wealthy, she rarely keeps much in her bank account and opts to donate everything she can – of particular interest to her is preservation of Draconid history.
- The Sinnoh Pokemon League also serves as her home.
- In Orchid’s legacy, she maintains a large public garden there.
- She treats Pearl like a granddaughter.
- And while Ruby is her actual biological granddaughter, she’s referred to as a great-grandma.
The eternal northern champion

Nicknames | Cynthi (Orchid) |
Gender | Female |
Age | 20 (1979) 70 (2029) 76 (Postgame) |
Birthday | March 22nd |
Occupation | Sinnoh Champion |
Ethnicity | Sinnohan |
Birthplace | Jubilife city |
Orientation | Ace lesbian |
S/O | Orchid |
Legend affiliation | N/A |
Theme | ♪♫♪ |