
Return to Ultra Arc characters || Page last updated: July 22nd, 2024

Having been born and raised in an unassuming rural village on the outskirts of the Lunar Capital, Daisy had never really minded being the only one her age in her small locale. Too young to properly help out the adults, but too old to play anymore… she found herself in the middle.

That was at least, until the prince arrived.

It’d been eons since any divine had visited the Atrium, so the cocky young prince’s arrival was greatly celebrated. Daisy wasn’t really for the hubbub, but couldn’t help but notice this prince seemed to be a girl like her…
And because of that, when the prince grew bored of being treated like some ‘other’ of a holy being, she managed to make the connection with Daisy.

Being a teenager on the cusp of adulthood is already hard enough – but with the energetic and wild prince’s new adventures in contrast to Daisy’s reserved attitude… will she take the prince’s hand to face the unknown?


Being a starlyng, Daisy possesses two forms – her ‘natural’ form, and her humanform form.

She can shift between the two freely, though is generally more used to her natural form per the culture of her rural village. However, when with Arael, she more commonly takes her humanform form.

Daisy’s natural form is small and unassuming, and she’s covered in almost wool-like feathers, exhibiting calico-like patterning. She has small wings, a small tail, and bubble-like horns with a flower appearing ‘inside’.

In this form, she can choose to be quadrupedal or bipedal, and wears a soft yellow ribbon as an accessory.

In her humanform form, Daisy is bipedal and stands at 5’01”.

Daisy’s beastform was designed by Legendary_Potatoes

The girl in the field of dreams

BirthdayOctober 22nd
BirthplaceLunar Capital Outskirts
Anomaly statusN/A
Izanagi object ~ Kuroneko lounge


Ever since she was a child, Daisy has been timid, quiet, and reserved. She doesn’t want to ‘get in the way’ of anything, even if it’s her own self-advocacy. Because she never really had peers her age to hang out with, she tends to be a bit socially awkward when trying to make peer connections – however, she does get along quite well with the elders of her small village.

She can be overly trusting, especially towards those she has an admiration towards. While she could never admit it to herself, she feels as though she’s ‘too weak’ and needs protecting, lest she get in the way.


I'll get to it... eventually.


Species abilities:

  • Memory:
    • Meant to be the helpers and archivists of Lunaires, starlyngs have an exceptional memory that surpasses almost every other species, even if their divine-granted duties have long since passed.
  • Shifter:
    • Starlyngs are capable of shifting between their natural form, and one more resembling a humanform species at will.


  • Though she never would’ve thought so, Daisy is quite intuitive and good at making educated guesses – especially in regards to technology and antiques. More often than not, her gut feeling about things turns out to be true!
    • She tends to attribute this to the fact that she spends a lot of time with her village’s elders, who tend to have older and ‘more interesting’ collections of knick knacks.


Arael - Deep admiration

To Daisy, Arael is everything she feels she can’t be… but that’s OK, because Arael can fill those gaps for her. She’s charming and a quick thinker, and to Daisy, the fact that someone like her even has eyes for her at all is beyond her wildest dreams.

Yao - Former neighbor

Yao used to be Daisy’s next-door neighbor, up until she relocated to the surface to pursue her passion of fishing. While she wouldn’t say she was quite a friend, Yao was the closest to a peer that Daisy had, so she looked up to her. Daisy keeps the mail Yao gets safe while she’s visiting the surface.

Mona - Friendly acquaintance

Upon following Arael through wormholes, Mona is a frequently spotted face. She seems to have a similar outward attitude to Daisy, and matches her tempo. Because of this, they rarely actually speak, but sort of have an unspoken and mutual fondness.

Minor relationships

Maria - Vastly different tempos

While Daisy wants to be friendly with Maria due to Arael’s keen introduction, she finds her to be a bit… much. Daisy struggles to pick up on her frequent sarcasm and playful jabs, and sort of just accepts that they probably weren’t meant to be best friends. Still, she has no bad feelings about her.

Lottie - Mysterious kid

Lottie is also someone Daisy sees frequently when with Arael, though not as much as she sees Mona. On the occasions where they do meet, they get along very well – Lottie likes to play with Daisy, who doesn’t seem to mind babysitting.


  • One of Daisy’s most prized possessions is a mirror that Arael had given her from the Lunaires palace. It allows for quick communication, since it acts like a visual portal between its other half in Arael’s possession.
  • Daisy has no desire to go to the Lunar Capital, as she believes Arael when she says it’s ‘too overwhelming’.
  • Thanks to Arael, Daisy has visited the surface many times – mainly Borderbeach and Waterfall.
    • Despite spending most of this time in Waterfall, Daisy has only ever met Mona’s parents. She wonders what Arael’s parents are like.
    • Daisy has actually stumbled upon Yao in Borderbeach while with Arael, more than once.
  • While she may be good at identifying old or mysterious objects, she’s not very good at fixing them if they’re broken.

Meta commentary

  • Daisy’s humanform form was (albeit vaguely) inspired by Usami Renko from Touhou!
    • Her dynamic with Arael was also vaguely inspired by the Renmerry dynamic… sort of?

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