Deni is… odd.
Originally living at abyssal levels under Waterfall’s waters, the radiowaves sent out from the surface reached her with a line she’d never forget.
“Let’s seize the day, beach city!”
Since then, Deni brewed the perfect business scheme – a beachside stop for the recordbooks! So, Deni packed up her failing business in the abyss, and along with her cohorts Ted and Fred, synthesized a humanoid form and made her way to the surface.
However, the world on the surface was… different. The sun never shined down, and the whole place was a pitch black marsh. The voice on the radio had lied.
But Deni was not one to give up so easily, and continued her plan – setting up shop anyways.
Though she rarely gets customers, it seems the proximity of her shop to the home of some notorious criminals was her stroke of luck.
After all – they say if you need something, Deni most certainly has it.
Deni is 5’6″, with a slender build. She has grey-blue eyes, and black hair with orange-yellow gradient dyed bangs.
Per her species, Deni has 3 ‘spots’ where her more fishy features poke through. Ted and Fred serve as ‘ears’, while Deni’s actual tail can be seen – which is reminiscent of a manta ray. There are pearls on Ted and Fred’s faces, as well as the base of Deni’s tail.
Deni was designed by Berry_Ribbon

Deni is eccentric, and always seems to be on the ‘grind’… whatever that’s supposed to mean. She’s very money-motivated and quick to leap on anything that gives her the chance to make a few extra bucks.
That being said, she tends to be percieved as selfish, which isn’t entirely off-base. First and foremost, Deni cares about her own personal gain and really only cares about others when they can directly help her further her goals.
And even then, she considers it a business connection as opposed to a personal one, if anything.
Despite this, Deni doesn’t feel lonely much, if at all. She’s usually too wrapped up in her own ego to care, but she also has Ted and Fred with her at all times.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
- Deni is very persuasive. Though this doesn’t really effect those who regular her beach shack, the rare curious passerby will always tend to leave with a purchase – even if it’s simply because Deni made it too awkward for them to leave without buying anything.
- She also tends to get her way in trade deals, which is how she’s able to get her hands on more… extralegal items she’s asked to order in.
- Deni’s business failure is really the fault of bad luck and poor location – she’s actually quite effective with management skills! After all, how has she been able to keep the shack afloat for so long?
- …This may or may not include not paying taxes.
Wasundari – Business associate
While Deni was annoyed by Wasundari’s insistence that she knew better, she’ll begrudgingly admit that Wasundari has been helpful. Because when they both manage to work together, they can get more done than either could on their own.
Bogey – Frequent customer
Deni’s second most loyal customer, who tends to use Deni’s shack as a frequent truck stop between runs. Though Bogey’s purchases are significantly less expensive than Hazel’s, she tends to like them more because they’re most pleasant to be around. Also appreciates that Bogey is willing to haul freight for her.
Hazel – Frequent customer
Hazel is Deni’s most ‘loyal’ customer, only if the reason being because Deni’s shack happens to be a short walk away from where Hazel and Mariska live. Though Hazel treats Deni coldly, Deni appreciates her business – her orders of rocket fuel and explosives line Deni’s pockets nicely.
Isabelle – Town’s mayor
Deni is kind of at odds with Isabelle, who wants Deni to contribute more towards the city’s future. But because Isabelle is too reserved to actually do anything, Deni just brushes her off.
Arael – Nuisance
Repeatedly steals candy from the shack. Deni has tried to ban her but Arael just wormholes herself in and out. It’s a nightmare.
- While Ted and Fred are their own autonomous beings, they tend to only talk to each other and Deni – most are actually unaware that they are separate from her.
- Ted and Fred talk like middle aged business associates.
- Deni has an impressive collection of surfboards for sale, despite there not being big enough waves around waterfall.
- She speaks with an unusual accent from the abyss, which is a bit similar to Tiamat’s.