While not a royal by blood, Francis married into the Galarian royal family and was noted for her taming of Spectrier and devotion to Calyrex.
After an unfortunate incident resulting in her untimely death, she was swiftly revived as Calyrex’s emissary and did her best to improve upon the lives of her subjects.
Unfortunately, she perished once more as a result of Aurelien’s conquest, and was stuck in pokemon form for upwards of 400 years.
That was… until another legend gave her the power to regain her human form.
Out of touch with the modern world, Francis seeks to repair the legendary unity of the Western Continent – even if it means talking to people she really, really doesn’t want to talk to.
Francis is 5’11”, with an overall chubby body type. She has grey-beige short hair, and dark blue eyes. She appears to be in her early 40’s.
Due to a weak joint in her leg since birth, she often uses a staff for walking support. In modern times, however, she is able to get by with a leg brace.
Her noble attire is reminiscent of late 1500’s regalia, custom-tailored to reflect Calyrex.
Francis was designed by Echo

Francis is a pacifist, almost to the degree of being a pushover. While she holds herself to a persona of dignity and grace, it’s very easy to break this persona. With enough pressure, she quickly becomes flighty.
Still, she does her best to remain refined, yet empathetic. She came from a peasant background, after all, and wishes to not let her royalty get to her head.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
Emissary of Calyrex:
- Creation and manipulation of plant life:
- Francis can create plant life out of nothing, as well as manipulate plants that already exist, i.e. expediting growth or harvest time.
- Foresight:
- Francis is capable of looking into the future – the farther she looks, whoever, the more mental strain it takes.
- Spiritual possession:
- While in pokemon form, Francis is able to possess the bodies of those who are unconcious. She cannot do this in human form.
- Conditional immortality:
- Legends stop aging physically at age 21, after that, they do not age and as such, cannot die from old age, though they can be killed through other means.
- Francis is skilled when it comes to the care of both plants and pokemon, even without her powers. Her mastery comes from her family background, and she holds it near and dear.
- …She has yet to get along with Mitzi.
Angie – Comrade
If it wasn’t for Angie, Francis would still be trapped in pokemon form – but also, Angie is far too ‘hasty’ for Francis to keep up with. While Francis is thankful, she also wishes Angie would slow down a bit.
Nicole – Friends
Francis and Nicole get along quite well due to being about the same age, and Francis feels safe under Nicole’s protection. However, she thinks she’s a bit pushy sometimes.
Aurelien – Fears
Francis is scared of Aurelien to a degree that hinders the legendary unity project completely. Aurelien has killed her before, and Francis knows that she won’t hesitate to do so again.
- After regaining human form in the present day, she’ll visit her wife’s memorial frequently.
- She kind of acts like an awkward uncle.
- While she’s been to the pokemon/PMD world while stuck without human form, she has otherwise never left the Western Continent.
- She still has an old-timey way of speaking, which both amuses and annoys Angie to no end.