Gerhana was one of the test subjects for a highly confidential experiment that aimed to create a ‘living weapon’ – by splicing the genes of a sapient species with those of guzzlord. Much before their arrival at the facility is blurry, but Gerhana’s results were deemed ‘successful’ – at least, until the facility holding them was partially destroyed in a heist, and Gerhana was able to escape.
Able to reunite with a former test subject and friend in the Underdeck, Gerhana was quickly able to pick up electronic music and make a stable place for themselves as a DJ in the underdeck’s eternal nightclub. But… the stuffy Underdeck seemed all too confining.
When a long-distance mail carrier arrived one day, Gerhana saw that as a chance to do something more. So, following their impulse, they joined the mailcarrier – traveling the world and spreading their music, excited to relearn love, trust, and just how many places and experiences freedom has to offer them.
Gerhana is 6’01”, with a thin and lanky build. While originally human, they have several key features that are a result of the guzzlord hybridization experiments – notably, near pitch-black skin, horns, and a flail-like spiked tail. Additionally, their hair took on a lighter, ‘bleached’ appearance after the experiment.
They usually wear dark clothing with bright splashes of color, which takes advantage of the rave dens they usually preform in.

Gerhana is very reserved, and avoids speaking much unless you’re one of two people – those being Bea and Tuesday. Though, even around them, they prefer to emote with body language and gestures as opposed to speaking. While they’re capable of being around large crowds just fine, they vastly prefer the company of a single trusted person – and get very uncomfortable if left completely alone.
Unlike Tuesday, as a result of Gerhana’s guzzlord DNA content being higher, they’re able to exercise more control over ravenous urges – and take precautions when they know the urges are about to overpower them.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
Hybrid abilities:
- Having been artificially hybridized with guzzlord, it’s expected that Gerhana retains some of the monstrous Ultra Beast’s abilities. Gerhana was hybridized after Tuesday was deemed a ‘failure’, and thus contains a higher content of guzzlord DNA, rendering their abilities more powerful.
- Insatiable hunger:
- Gerhana is capable of eating anything, in infinite amounts, without being hindered by factors such as fullness or inedibility. The things they devour are almost immediately converted into divine energy, leaving no remains or waste.
- Sometimes, the desire to eat becomes so overwhelming that Gerhana is unable to resist and causes needless destruction. Thankfully, they’re capable of feeling this coming, and know to put themselves in a safe place until the insatiability rides out.
- Superhuman strength:
- Despite appearing gangly, Gerhana has incredibly impressive strength and stamina. They’re capable of lifting heavy objects with ease, as well as taking heavy blows – as well as dishing them out.
- That said, Gerhana does not like hurting others.
- Despite appearing gangly, Gerhana has incredibly impressive strength and stamina. They’re capable of lifting heavy objects with ease, as well as taking heavy blows – as well as dishing them out.
- After escaping from the lab, Gerhana had begun to experiment with music after Tuesday had noted they seemed to have a good sense of rhythm (and how a previous DJ… ‘no longer needed’ their equipment….). They specialize in mashup dance pop, using a colorful board of buttons to create arrangements.
- They’ve also taken up guitar since beginning to travel with Bea – due to their poor vision, the strings of this guitar have been modified to light up when strummed to help them see.
Bea – Traveling partner
Though it seemed to be only a whim that led Gerhana to travel with Bea, they’re so glad they followed it. Not only has Bea allowed Gerhana to see the world’s farthest reaches, but Bea has shown them that it’s safe to love again and feel like they belong somewhere.
Tuesday – Friend & Former test subject roommate
When Gerhana heard Tuesday had been ‘disposed of’ after their experimentation was deemed unsuccessful, they didn’t think they’d ever see them again. But after making it to the Underdeck, Gerhana was overjoyed to be proved wrong. Tuesday is the one person Gerhana can remember post-experiment, and wants nothing but happiness for them; though, the tables would seem to have turned, now that Gerhana is free too.
Yuugi – Fears
Gerhana isn’t a fan of Yuugi’s loud and brash attitude, and fears what she may do if they don’t comply – even if Tuesday assures ‘she’s just like that’. The looming threat of punishment brings unpleasant memories of the lab.
- Per advice from Tuesday, Gerhana will sometimes wear a muzzle when anticipating a ravenous episode.
- While Gerhana was originally afraid of the government looking for them, they’ve calmed down since learning that a search would require the government to declassify the experiments – which they do not want to do.
- Gerhana’s music takes a lot of samples and inspiration from Outside World sources, and they wish to visit one day.
- Gerhana’s musician pseudonym is ‘Eclipse’.
Meta commentary
- I made Gerhana as a ‘reclamation’ of an AI ‘adoptable’ that looked like rainbow vomit but kind of had a concept there. To take something ‘soulless’ and rework it into a character who feels similar but is able to find love in creativity… there’s something there, maybe.
- I don’t really consider ‘Elly’ to be akin to a deadname for Gerhana, because the sole reason they changed their name was due to their memory being wiped. Still, they’d probably prefer ‘Gerhana’ unless the person is an old friend, i.e. Bankie.