“Noooo no! This is normal, Ramiel! We’re just being a little silly, you know, friend stuff!”
–Hazel, The sea where one’s home planet reflects
In the criminal underground of Ultra Space, one of the many infamous figures happens to be a woman noted for her piercing glare and streak for backstabbing.
Growing up, Hazel had a pessimistic outlook and uncanny obsession with the moon palace in the sky, Lunaires. Feeling as though the world had cheated her, Hazel believed that if she could control Lunaires, she could fix everything.
But her plans of grandeur were long-term. In the meantime, her criminal career had a rather explosive start, sending her up to constantly outrun the authorities and those she’d betrayed to further her own goals.
On a stop in the town of Waterfall, a bar fight led to Hazel joining forces with a new partner – the so-called ‘Dread pirate’ of the Ultra Deep Sea.
Hazel didn’t intend on staying for long, but as one thing led to another, including meeting the fell angel god of legend, Hazel could finally feel as though everything was coming together.
Selfish mistakes were made; but despite everything, it seemed her friends thought she was worth fighting to save.
She’s trying to re-evaluate now, because life continues – even after the end.
Hazel is 4’5″, with an average-lithe build. She has long bluish-gray hair with pink streaks, and naturally upright rabbit ears that match her hair’s color – though these may face downwards if wearing a hat. Her eyes are reddish-pink.
Per her species, Hazel has a glowing light-blue halo, pink fixed collar, and thigh-high pink fur with floral patterning. She has a fluffy round tail, the color of which is the same as her leg fur.
Note: Hazel is simply on the short end for her species, please draw her with adult proportions.
Hazel was designed by Swissy

Hazel, whether intentionally or unintentionally, tends to be a bit off-putting to others. When she wants something, she can come off as overly friendly – and to those who fall for this, she is quick to betray.
She’s a confident and cunning go-getter who doesn’t see an issue with cheating or stealing her way to preserve herself or get what she wants. While she’s not as loud and brash as her crewmate, she’s still rather crude and is quite grumpy most of the time.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
- Hazel might not be the strongest – which is true. But good luck catching her! She’s able to hit quickly in rapid succession or make a quick escape if in too much danger, and she’s very hard to keep a hold of.
- She has a bit of a habit of taking on opponents of a larger stature than herself simply for an ego boost.
- Hazel always seems to know what to do, and more often than not, is the one to get herself and her crewmate out of trouble. If she wants something, she WILL get it, preferably in the most efficient way possible.
- While she has no issue getting her hands dirty, she’s a bit more hesitant than Mariska simply because dealing with the aftermath is ‘annoying’.
- Hazel is a talented engineer in general, however her true skill lies in the realm of explosives and combustibles, which she appears to have a fascination with.
- She knows more about the blast resistance of materials and how to turn vague materials into bombs than she really should.
Mariska – ‘Just partners’
Mariska was another pawn to Hazel, initially. But as time passed, Hazel felt herself developing a fondness for Mariska… and perhaps more. And it would seem the feeling is mutual, as Mariska held out for Hazel despite her ultimate betrayal. There’s still a lot to unpack now, but Hazel is just glad she still has Mariska with her.
Ramiel – Complicated
Hazel feels awful thinking about Ramiel. She feels as if they’re a reminder of every mistake she’s made – and doesn’t want to hurt them more, despite Ramiel’s concerns for Hazel. They’re slowly getting back on better terms thanks to Mariska.
Arael – Daughter
While Hazel is distant from Arael due to the general distance from Ramiel and Hazel’s emotions surrounding them, she doesn’t want to repeat the past that led both Ramiel and herself to a dark place. She’s trying to be more available emotionally.
Marilynn – Mother
Hazel misses her mom, but doesn’t wish to make things harder for her by re-establishing contact now that she’s a notorious criminal. She doesn’t respond to her letters, but reads all of them.
Daichi – Childhood friend
Hazel has mostly repressed any emotions she had towards Daichi, but after reuniting after a long period, Hazel still finds that she can banter with her like an old friend… well, almost.

Abzu & Tiamat – ‘Mothers in law’
Both are incredibly distrustful of Hazel, so Hazel tries to avoid talking to them unless she really has to – usually opting to have Mariska rely messages if she really needs something.
Deni – Local store owner
Hazel is Deni’s most ‘loyal’ customer, only if the reason being because Deni’s shack happens to be a short walk away from where Hazel and Mariska live. Though Hazel treats Deni coldly, Deni appreciates her business – her constant optimism freaking Hazel out.
- Mariska will stash snacks she doesn’t want Hazel eating on the highest shelf. Unfortunately, Hazel is a very good climber.
- She will often claim to be good at certain skills, despite being fully aware she’s never tried them. Surprisingly, she tends to be ok at even more complex unfamiliar tasks when asked to prove this.
- She loves to complain about the slightest of things.
- She’s the only mortal who’s been able to successfully operate the Lunaries control panel uninstructed.