Working as a freelance translator out of their home in Nimbasa city, Kibi enjoys spreading enthusiasm for their interests with others.
Kibi grew up in a relatively average situation, and chose to complete school instead of running off to become a trainer. Everything was rolling smoothly, up until Kibi was caught in a car accident.
The aftermath of the accident left Kibi in a dark place for a bit, but they were able to perk back up again with support from their family.
They’ve always had an interest in language, would catalog small translations and ramblings on their blog they’d kept since they were a teenager.
It wasn’t until fairly recently that they gained much traction, though – when Lune became a figure in the public eye, Kibi began making content related to her more accessible for non-Unovans out of hobby. Lune eventually took notice of Kibi’s dedication, and began hiring them to do official work for her.
Through Lune, Kibi was able to meet Ridley – despite their harshness, the two become close friends, and later… a bit more than that.
The two of them live together along with a blue-haired clan leader from the distant past, and Kibi is content with their situation. They’re optimistic about their future and have high hopes of what’s to come.
Kibi is 5’6″ (167cm), though they cannot stand up on their own and have no movement in their legs below the knee. They have a chubby body type, and an overall ‘pear’ shape.
They have their hair dyed bright pink, though its natural colour is dusty blonde. They have brown eyes, and wear thick-framed glasses – they also have a mole just below their right eye. They have piercings in both of their ears, as well as snake-bite piercings.
They prefer wearing anything comfy, like sweatpants, loose t-shirts, and sweaters.

Kibi is optimistic, upbeat, and always willing to help others out. They were raised with strong values of empathy and assisting others, and despite the aftermath of the accident, they stick closely by these values. They don’t like to ‘give up’ on others, especially if they’ve made a personal connection. However, they have a very low tolerance for people being rude in reality as opposed to the online-sphere; the only time you’d see them be passive-aggressive towards somebody is if their neighbor is playing metal at 2am.
Kibi is a mediator type, and doesn’t like seeing others fight or get upset; they’re the friend who sits in the middle of a conflict and tries to get the two parties to get it together. They’re very in tune with themselves and they have good control of their emotions.
That’s not to say they doesn’t ever feel sad or depressed, which is still definitely something they still deal with – but they’ve learned to cope incredibly well.
This section is old and outdated. It currently only goes up to the in-universe year of 2027 and is due for an update!
Early life (0-16)
Kibi was welcomed into the world with loving, open arms. Their parents had tried to have a child for years, so when Kibi was finally born, they showered them in all the love they had. Kibi’s environment growing up was incredibly supportive and warm, and gave them many opportunities to explore themselves and their interests.
Particularly, Kibi found an interest in language from a young age, mostly due to the fact that their parents were both polyglots who had met over an interest in linguistics. They were always curious about their parent’s lives, so it was only natural that they’d pick up their love of language as well.
As time went on, Kibi went to procure some more… eccentric interests.
When Kibi first had access to the internet, the scene culture was booming – but Kibi was a bit too young to fully understand it. Still, they gained some interest in the subculture and tucked it away for a bit. Fast forward to Kibi’s 15th birthday, the scene subculture was in a full swing revival once again, and this time, they were old enough to truly get into it. While a tad confused at first, Kibi’s parents were supportive nonetheless and had no problem with them dying their hair, getting raccoon-print extensions, and sticking safety pins into every shirt they owned.
Kibi was able to meet a group of others in their high school that shared their interest in the subculture and had equally garish fashion choices, so the total of 5 friends formed the ‘scene club’, which was mostly just an excuse for them to hang out after school in their own space.
Though, Kibi noticed something they thought was off about their friend group – they seemed to mock those outside of their group. It was upsetting to Kibi, who had been raised with strong morals of compassion for others, but when they brought it up, they were usually blown off. Still, Kibi didn’t want to lose their friends, so they tolerated it.
Kibi eventually started dating one of the members of the club, though they weren’t as enthused as one would normally be to call him their boyfriend. He was the had little regard for other’s feelings, and Kibi started dating him out of what almost felt like obligation. Though, there were some aspects to him that Kibi did like, so they stayed with him nonetheless.
The accident (16)
Kibi was staying late at their boyfriend’s house while his parents were out of town.
Show more – Warnings for underage drinking, drunk driving, car accidents, and manipulation
His parents left alcohol unprotected, which led to Kibi’s boyfriend getting drunk. He had insisted Kibi drink with him, but they adamantly refused.
Kibi was worried. It was getting later and later and they had told their parents that they would’ve come home for the night, but Kibi didn’t yet have a driver’s license, so they couldn’t drive themselves home. Their boyfriend insisted on driving Kibi home, despite his inebriated state. Kibi tried to refuse his offer, but he became so insistent that Kibi was afraid to refuse.
Kibi got into the car, afraid – afraid of what would happen once he turned the key in the ignition, and afraid that they’d never make it home. But Kibi felt like they didn’t really have any other choice, because their boyfriend has threatened to lock them out in the cold if they didn’t agree.
For the first 3 or so minutes of the drive, everything seemed normal. Kibi’s boyfriend was a little late on some stops and turns, but other than that, Kibi felt like they’d be fine. But down a long stretch of road, he suddenly slammed on the gas too hard and the car hurtled forwards. He tried to pull the breaks, but it was too late – the car crashed head-on into a large tree.
When Kibi awoke, they were in a hospital bed. They felt groggy, as if they had been in asleep for hundreds of years. Not long after they woke up, nurses began to approach them and ask them various questions, like who they were and what they could remember, to which Kibi answered everything honestly. The nurses seemed pleased with their answers, and left, saying they’d return shortly.
As Kibi gathered more of their senses, they soon realized something rather major: they couldn’t feel their legs. They tried moving them, but to no avail. They didn’t necessarily panic, but was more just confused as to what was going on and what happened.
Kibi was later visited by a doctor, who explained their situation a bit more. They had just woken up from a 3-day coma, and had suffered a spinal injury that, in short, prevented them from feeling or moving their legs. Kibi asked about their boyfriend, but the doctor responded that whoever the driver was had fled the scene before medics or anyone else could come, as the tree’s impact hit the side of the vehicle Kibi was on.
Kibi was outraged that their boyfriend would just leave them there to, presumably, die, so they texted him in a flurry. As it would turn out, he stated then and there as soon as Kibi had texted him that he wanted nothing to do with them anymore, and threatened to leak Kibi’s personal information if they spoke up about his involvement in the accident. Kibi had a strong sense of justice, though, and decided they wouldn’t let him threaten them ever again. They spoke up to authorities about his involvement in the crash, and as a result, he ended up getting into a heap of trouble.
But he still kept his word, and leaked Kibi’s personal information publicly for all to see. They tried to turn to their other friends in the scene club, but they had all sided with Kibi’s boyfriend and were upset that Kibi was a ‘snitch’, despite the weight of what their boyfriend had done.
They were devastated by this, and didn’t feel safe leaving the hospital, and then their house. The fear resulted in Kibi doing school from home for a little while, before changing schools.
Recovery, college, and Lune (16-21)
For a while, Kibi was in a dark and lonely spot. The people who they had thought were their friends turned on them, and they’d lost the community they once had. But Kibi’s parents were ever-supportive, and it was with their support that Kibi was able to lift themselves out of their slump. They were able to enjoy being themselves once again, for the most part.
They had begun getting more used to using a wheelchair, too, and even adopted a service pokemon named Mimi to assist in day-to-day life. Kibi was able to get back into the routine of things, and got to the point where they were thinking about college.
Despite their old and true interest in linguistics, Kibi actually decided to major in psychology, having developed an interest in the field more recently. They found themselves quite engaged in their classes, and was lucky to get good professors who cared about what they were teaching. Still, Kibi made sure to take whatever language classes they could on the side.
Though, one thing stood out. Kibi had a particularly hard time making friends in college. Despite their upbeat and friendly nature to all those they met, Kibi never truly met anyone they’d consider a ‘friend’, and this was likely in due part to the scars left by the incident of years past. They didn’t mind personally, as they found that Mimi and their parents were enough, but they often caught themselves lying to their parents about having friends at school.
Even through the internet, Kibi found themselves trying to avoid friendships with others, with the fear of being betrayed always haunting them. While they had some mutuals they would joke around with, Kibi wouldn’t necessarily feel like having a deep conversation with them.
Kibi was 20 when the Lune made her first debut to the world, and like many others, became enamored. She was mysterious, talented, and mesmerizing, and soon became an international sensation. And that’s where Kibi found an opportunity – somehow, everything Lune released officially was translated in every major language, but what was left was a sea of un- and mis-translated unofficial media surrounding her. Kibi took it upon themselves as a personal project to translate and curate content like interviews and other media that was lacking an official translation.
While it was originally just a hobby to flex their linguistic muscles, Kibi eventually got pretty into it, and after they graduated a bit early at 21, was able to dedicate more time to the project. They had gained a substantial following doing so, and became a well-known face in the fanbase for their helpfulness and kindness towards others.
Upon graduation, Kibi felt confident enough in themselves to move out, and though it was a teary-eyed departure from both Kibi and their parents, Kibi was glad that they were now independent. And finally, after years of feeling uncomfortable with the idea of friends, Kibi was able to open themselves up to others, both online and in real life. They were able to make some valuable friends in both spheres, and found themselves able to trust others fully again.
But Kibi had yet to meet two very important people.
Lune’s job and Ridley (22-27)
It was an average day when Kibi was messaged out of the blue – nothing unusual, probably just someone asking if there was a translation available for something. It was indeed someone asking for a translation – but definitely not someone Kibi would have expected.
Kibi read the message before they checked who sent it, and was confused when it sounded like a business proposition. It was only when Kibi checked who had sent the message that they jumped and loudly exclaimed some vulgarities – it was Lune herself, or her ‘producer’, but the two seemed to switch places seamlessly that it’s not like it mattered. Kibi had some trouble thinking up a reply, as this had been the person Kibi had been covering for nearly 2 years now.
Lune seemed nice enough, and had come with one simple request: to hire Kibi as a full-time translator. Lune’s current translator, who also happened to be her ‘producer’ and boyfriend, had just gotten burnt out from the workload. So, she was looking for a dedicated translator, and Lune had actually been watching and appreciating Kibi’s work from afar for some time. Kibi was a bit flustered, but overwhelmingly agreed to do the job, even before how handsomely they’d be paid was discussed.
So, that was Kibi’s job – to translate everything Lune gave them into every language they were capable of. It was definitely tiring and frustrating at times, but overall it was a rewarding experience, even without including all the money involved.
It was while Kibi was working on translating some notes from an art piece that Kibi came across some chicken-scratch that they couldn’t quite decipher. Instead of getting frustrated over it, they just decided to message the artist directly to get their input on what it said. Kibi knew the artist Lune frequently hired was a bit renowned for having a bad attitude towards strangers, so Kibi kept their message as concise and to-the-point as possible.
After waiting for a bit, Kibi got their reply – which was just the deciphered notes, and nothing else. Kibi thanked them, to which they got a ‘shut up‘ as a response. The encounter left them a bit confused, so they ended up asking Lune about them. Lune told Kibi that the artist, Ridley, had always been rude to people and wasn’t someone even Kibi could make friends with.
Kibi was concerned and curious after speaking with Lune, so the next day, Kibi reached out to Ridley in an attempt to start a conversation – which Ridley quickly shut down, simply stating that they ‘don’t talk to people‘. Ridley’s words stuck with Kibi for a while, and they reminded them of themselves when they had sworn off calling anyone a friend. Kibi wondered if Ridley was in a similar scenario; one where they felt like they couldn’t let themselves be vulnerable again.
But, Kibi wanted to respect Ridley’s wishes, and held off any conversation. Over the next couple of weeks, Kibi would still leave nice comments of encouragement on their art, hoping that maybe it’d help their day.
After interacting one-sidedly with Ridley for a period of time, Kibi was surprised to find Ridley in their inbox asking a variety of questions, having become convinced Kibi had an ulterior motive of some kind. Kibi replied honestly, and Ridley seemed to calm down a bit after that. The two would have short conversations for some time, which evolved into longer, deeper ones. They found that they shared some key interests, and were able to hit it off pretty well from there.
Eventually, Ridley confessed what Kibi has suspected all along – that they were afraid of getting close to anyone, so they acted out in an attempt to prevent it. They told Kibi that they were the one person they felt they could truly trust, and they gave Kibi a heartfelt ‘thank you‘.
After more time communicating with each other almost constantly, Kibi had become pretty good at reading Ridley, and was able to get the message that Ridley had likely fallen deeply in love with them. Kibi wasn’t quite sure how to handle it, other than asking Lune about it – who seemed to agree that Ridley probably had a poorly-masked crush as well.
Kibi knew Ridley’s home apartment situation wasn’t great, so when Ridley brought up that they were thinking of moving, Kibi was quick to propose the idea of Ridley coming to live with them. Ridley seemed ecstatic, and a date for the move was planned.
Kibi waited at the airport with N for Ridley to arrive, and was rather impatient to see their friend in the flesh for the first time. Eventually, when Ridley de-boarded the plane, Kibi and N gave excited waves, and Ridley just stopped and stared before running to Kibi and giving them a tear-filled hug. The moment felt like it lasted an eternity, and it was just the two of them, together at last.
Present day
It’s very ‘business as usual’ for Kibi, nowadays. They still do the bulk of the translating work for Lune, and they’ve managed to become fairly good friends with her, as well as N. Though, ever since Lune announced her hiatus, it’s been a lot calmer for Kibi – which is a welcome change, in their opinion.
Ridley finally got the nerves to confess their crush on Kibi, and Kibi had finally thought it through enough to conclude that they’d overwhelmingly love to be in a relationship with Ridley. The two are practically joined at the hip, spending their days working and bantering in the living room together. In fact, Kibi recently introduced Ridley to their parents, who they welcomed with open arms – even if Ridley found it a bit overbearing.
Kibi is glad about where they’re at, and continues to spread kindness and good vibes wherever they go.
- As it’s their primary occupation, Kibi knows like… four whole languages. Language has been one of their interests for a long time, and they’re glad they’ve been able to make a career out of it!
- They’re fluent in Unovan (native) and Kantonian (Johto dialect), and semi-fluent in Sinnohan and Kalosian.
- They mostly translate lyrics, games, and other media from pop culture in Unova to other languages (most commonly Kantonian).
- Kibi majored in psychology but chose a career path in translating instead… Kibi could literally be a licensed therapist if they wanted to, but instead opted for pursuing language.
- They’ll always listen to someone’s problems and try and give the best advice they can if someone seeks their help.
- kibi is straight up just lune’s therapist
Ridley – Spouse
Though Ridley may be harsh and unapproachable on the outside, Kibi truly loves them. They never gave up hope that Ridley would be able to get to a better place, always believing in them – a support that would lead to an incredibly close bond between the two.
Adaman – Family member
Though originally confused by Adaman, the two get along well. They enjoy discussing the deeper things in life together, and Kibi is always willing to lend Adaman a hand when it comes to understanding the modern world. Despite his relationship with Ridley, Kibi does not harbor any romantic feelings for Adaman – but sees him as a part of their family nonetheless.
Yuri – Daughter
Kibi very much considers Yuri to be their daughter as well. They would do anything to protect her and help her grow, and they love seeing whatever new art she makes next.
Lune – Close friend
While Kibi’s initial view of Lune was through a lens of incredible admiration, they’ve since been able to recognize her in a more down-to-earth manner since they’ve gotten to know each other. Kibi often provides an outlet for Lune to vent about all her bottled up problems.
N – Friend
Kibi enjoys having all kinds of ‘intellectual’ discussions with N, most notably around culture and language. They also have a very similar sense of humor, so the two are good friends.
Colress – Acquaintance
They don’t know Colress too well, simply because he’s a lot more shut in than Lune or N. Still, they consider each other to be on friendly terms.
- The online name of ‘Glitch’ originates from their scene phase… they won’t admit this to anybody, though. They’re still… lowkey in their scene phase – which is the reason they keep their hair dyed.
- Glixel is a mashup of the words glitch and pixel.
- Their real name is actually Kitty, but they think it’s a bit embarrassing – so the nickname Kibi came as a mispronunciation of Kitty, and they liked it better so they went with it.
- They have a service pokemon, Mimi! Mimi is an Alolan ninetales.
- Their favorite item, aesthetically, is a sprinkled donut with pink frosting.
- They’re one of the few people who knows the location of Lune’s mansion.
- colress once made them a wheelchair mech for halloween and it was a disaster. they set lune;s house on fire