In recent times, a new addition to the unconventional family that runs the beach shack just out of town has let her curiosity make waves with the townsfolk.
Enter Lara, who, in her words, is ‘Waterfall’s most capable 8 year old’. When she’s not helping out running things at the shack, she’s busy in town using her sweet-talking power for advertisement, or simply building her lemonade empire. She has big dreams, and she’s certain that she knows how to get anything she wants as long as she tries hard enough.
Though she’s the youngest of Waterfall’s ‘next generation’, she still acts as a group leader and gets into all sorts of shenanigans and trouble with her friends – because the world is her playground, and when you live on a beach, the town itself might as well be her sandbox.
Lara is 4’1, with an average build for her age. She has hair tied into two short low buns, duo-toned in both black and light pink.
Per her species, Lara has 3 ‘spots’ where her more fishy features poke through. These serve as her ‘ears’ and ‘tail’, and posses a light, almost holographic color. She has two pearls adorned by her ears, both of which are round and spiky, with a light rainbow color.

Lara takes a lot of cues from her parents, and as such, she’s clever, curious, and surprisingly goal-oriented for her age. She has a sort of charm, especially with Waterfall’s more elderly residents, and she knows how to use it to get what she wants.
Because she’s already allowed a great amount of freedom by her parents, Lara’s curiosity is particularly unstoppable – because she knows that if something is ‘forbidden’, that just means it’s more interesting, and she wants in on it. In a similar vein, she can get quite grumpy when people ‘disregard’ her for her age, and she believes she already has her life figured out.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
- Lara has an impeccable aura of charm, particularly when it comes to capturing the hearts of elderly townsfolk who miss their actual grandchildren. She knows this, and often plays cute or dumb to get what she wants, which is usually money or homemade treats.
- The elders know she’s overpricing store brand lemonade, but she’s just such a cutie!
Deni – Mother
Lara looks up to Deni a lot, and makes a conscious effort to mirror her, because she just thinks she’s so cool. Deni may not be the most organized parent, but Lara doesn’t care – because Deni is fun!
Wasundari – Mother by association
Because Wasundari does a lot of the parental heavy lifting with Bogey’s not around, Lara has learned to see her as a solid source of both comfort and advice. While she tends to reprimand Lara’s shenanigans more harshly, Wasundari also always makes sure Lara is smiling in the end.
Bogey – Parent
Bogey’s attitude is a bit of a mix between Deni’s lax approach and Wasundari’s firm attitude, which Lara enjoys. She frequently goes on freight runs with them as a passenger.
Arael – Friends
Even if the two’s overconfident natures often clash, Lara thinks it’s really cool to have a ‘big kid’ like Arael as a friend… especially one who’s keen on breaking the rules to discover new things.
Mona – Babysitter
Lara finds Mona to be much more agreeable than Arael, but also thinks she’s an ‘egghead’ and teases her for being less outgoing. Still, Lara feels she can trust her.
- She likes to decorate herself with stickers and temporary tattoos – for this reason, she hates taking baths.
- While she’s learned that ‘biting strangers is not appropriate’, she’s not opposed to it when wrestling Arael.
- She’s actually a fairly competent cook, granted an adult gets her all the tools and ingredients ready. Deni taught her.
- Due to frequently riding along with Bogey, Lara enjoys eurobeat music.