Princess Atmariani

Maria’s life as a princess is almost like a fairy tale… but just like a fairy tale, Maria desires something a bit different.

Her birth was celebrated, being the first new princess born in quite some time for her kingdom. While she loves her homeland and her kingdom’s people, the stories and glimpses of the world around her always tempted her curiosity… but with nobody to accompany her, she was left to her imagination most of the time.

At least, until she was visited by an odd wormhole-slinging traveler one night.
Like in the fairy tales, she took her chance with the ‘mysterious prince’… and the sights and places she was able to see and experience were far too amazing for her to leave behind.

But Maria knows her family doesn’t like her mysterious prince and wouldn’t be keen on them being together, much less Maria sneaking out with her…
So, Maria figures some fairy tale-like royal teenage rebellion is in order. But will the end of this story spell for happily ever after, or a grimm ending?


Maria is 5’01”, with a thin-average build. She has freckles covering her face and shoulders, and dark blue eyes. Her hair is fluffy, and runs in a gradient from pink to light purple. She has blue, medium-sized ears, a unicorn horn, small antennae, and a long thin tail with a fin-like fur flare.

The lower half of her legs are made of a sort of sustained liquid, which is capable of shifting into a seafolk-like tail at will.

Maria was designed by Swissy

The desert’s mermaid

BirthdayFebruary 4th
BirthplaceUltra Desert
Anomaly statusN/A
Mermaid from the uncharted land - ZUN


While Maria publicly tries to conduct herself as formal and refined for her parent’s sake, she’s not exactly the biggest fan of it. She can be notably sour and difficult in private, wishing to ‘do her things her own way’, and being inflexible when trying to compromise.

While she often seeks ways to rebel against her parents for the sake of the feeling of freedom, riskier activities still make her nervous, as she prefers to stay on the safe side of things. Though, to say she doesn’t yearn for that level of unrestraint would be incorrect – she’s simply too skittish to commit to anything that she feels could have ‘long term consequences’ for herself.


I’ll get to it… eventually.


Species abilities:

  • Maria doesn’t quite fall under any existing species classification – as some traits she inherited are a result of Dina’s meddling of Coco’s genome that didn’t exactly manifest in Coco. Still, it provides her with some unique abilities.
  • Seafolk tail:
    • Maria can shift her terrestrial legs out for a seafolk-like tail at will, allowing for better water-based mobility. She can also hold her breath infinitely, regardless of whether her tail has been summoned or not.
  • Resiliency:
    • While not immortal by any means, Maria can heal wounds and recover from illness faster than most under normal circumstances.


  • While it’s not exactly a skill that Maria is proud of, she’s an effective liar and good at hiding things when she needs to. Even among the ongoing web of cover-up lies she’s running, she keeps track of them all very well and rarely gets caught.


⠀Athena – Mother

Maria loves her mom a lot, and wouldn’t wish to swap her for anyone else. Though Maria sometimes wishes Athena would ‘lighten up’ regarding certain things, she’s content with just finding her own solutions in secret as opposed to clashing with her – and finds that Athena tends to be the more lenient one when she finds out about her teenage rebellion.

⠀Coco – Mother

Maria finds she can go to Coco for comfort and advice more reliably, but also knows she can be a lot more nervous than Athena when it comes to things like sneaking out – while it’s never anger and only anxiety, Maria feels worse when Coco finds out about her escapades than she does with Athena.

⠀Frank – ‘Uncle’

Frank is one of Maria’s favorite people, on account for how his lack of parental worry makes him extremely lenient or downright encouraging of Maria’s teenage rebellion. Maria knows she can trust Frank to keep all kinds of secrets and give solid advice, and finds his jokes funny.

⠀Arael – Crush

Something about Arael’s unrestrained, risk-taking attitude attracts Maria to her – the fact that she’s very aware her family doesn’t like Arael only makes this feeling stronger. To Maria, Arael is like the bad boy prince of her fairytale, and she’s waiting to be swept off her feet on a white horse.

⠀Leilani – Third mom

Though she’s not as close with Leilani as she is to her biological parents, Maria considers Leilani to be family. She tends to take advantage of how Leilani can be oblivious to some things in order to do her own thing under her supervision.

⠀Amity – ‘Aunt’

Amity is lots of fun, and similarly to Frank, outright encourages Maria to indulge in her sense of rebelliousness. Though she isn’t around super often, Maria knows she’s in for a fun time when she is.

⠀Diana – ‘Cousin’

Maria thinks that Diana can be a bit of a square at times, with no ‘sense of adventure’. Still, Diana is family to her, and at least thinks it’s funny when Diana reacts with wild shock to her sarcasm.

⠀Rosetta & Dina – ‘Great aunts’

Maria doesn’t know them very well, only really seeing them at reunions or when visiting Diana. She thinks the way they affectionately bicker is funny, though.

⠀Lara – Who is this sassy… lost child?

Lara sometimes tags along with Arael, and Maria doesn’t like her much – thinking she’s annoying. Also kind of afraid of her, because she’s aware she bites.


  • While Arael was able to hook her up with a cell phone, the reception in Ultra Desert is exceptionally poor – so she just uses it for music.
    • Maria likes to listen to early 2000’s pop-rock.
  • She more frequently sneaks out to Ultra Station with Arael, who cites that ‘Waterfall kind of sucks, you don’t want to see it”.
  • Borderbeach is one of her favorite places, and often goes on supervised vacation there.
  • Coco designs most of what she wears.

Meta commentary

  • Maria’s full name, Atmariani, was chosen by her designer.