
Return to Classic Pokeau characters || Page last updated: February 5th, 2024

Marie was the daughter of a sailor sometime in the 1910’s, but at age 13, an accident took her life. Then, all of a sudden, she found herself in a new, changed world, with odd powers… and it seems she wasn’t alone.

Marie was quickly ‘adopted’ by Sapphire, who taught her the new world was less scary than it seemed. With Sapphire’s help, Marie learned to sail across the world, checking up on the health of the oceans and reefs, as per her legendary duty.

Though things were fine with just her and her mentor, Marie’s world got just a little bigger when she offered her own divine instruction to a new legend – a new legend who in turn provided Marie with a sense of family she’d yearned for.

Together, the three have big ideas. Can Marie keep up in spite of her low self confidence?


Marie is 5’4″, with an average – albeit a bit frail body type. She has blue hair tied up into 2 low buns and blue eyes.

She’s frequently seen in a traditional sailor’s uniform, with a long ribbon in back.

Marie was designed by Honeydreamz

The young determined sailor

Age17 (2029)
23 (Postgame)
BirthdayNovember 28th
BirthplaceCanalave city
Legend affiliationManaphy
Mist lake - ZUN


As a product of her time, Marie is rather polite and quiet. She rarely speaks out for herself, but is learning to be more assertive with Sapphire and August’s help. She simply seeks to ‘not be a burden’, even if it’s as the cost of her own comfort.

She’s highly curious as to what the world has to offer, which drives her forwards. Marie is a quick learner, and she’ll always try to make sense of something if she’s left to her own accord.


I’ll get to it… eventually.


Emissary of Manaphy:

  • Protector of ocean life:
    • Manaphy’s job is to monitor the health of the world’s oceans, and to intervene and heal when needed. Due to the oceans being so… large, Manaphy is given mythical subordinates – Phione.
  • Manager of Phione: 
    • Marie manages all the Phione the last Manaphy emissary had left her, and keeps one on her ship. When an area of the ocean is in trouble, the Phione in that area sends a distress call that reaches the Phione in Marie’s ship, which prompts her to take action.
  • Conditional immortality:
    • Legends stop aging physically at age 21, after that, they do not age and as such, cannot die from old age, though they can be killed through other means.


  • Learned from her parent, Marie is rather talented at making maps. The map she uses in her ship was made entirely by herself, and she has a very precise spatial awareness. Even in the middle of the open ocean, she uses the stars to navigate.


Sapphire – Found family

Sapphire is like a mother that Marie never had – her way of taking it slow matches Marie’s tempo, and she’s always there to give a knowledgeable ear. While the two are both loners, they’re content with each other’s company.

August – Found family

While Sapphire serves as a more motherly figure, August is like a big sibling. She’s supportive and always seems to be there to back Marie up. She’s been able to help Marie feel more confident by asking her to teach her about legend things, too.

Lucas – Student

Lucas is an attendee of the legendary summer camp, and due to location, tends to visit the coastal sessions more often. Marie finds him to be a bit too energetic, but appreciates how dedicated he is to learn.


  • She’ll get allergy-like symptoms if too far inland for too long, due to the humidity difference and being so used to sea air.
  • Despite being close in age, having similar interests, and proximity to Sapphire, Marie has only heard of Pearl in name.
  • Her ship’s Phione’s name is Fifi.
  • Her ship was a former vessel used for poaching, which was ‘liberated’ from it’s previous owners by Sapphire.

Meta commentary

  • Marie is named as such because I asked for ‘dead little Victorian child names’ from friends – despite Marie’s original living period not actually being in Victorian times.

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