“New plan! Four hands are better than two… how good are you at baking?”
–Marilynn, History of the Moon
Though she can be a bit reclusive, Marilynn is a well-loved member of her community for her devotion to give back, and always has a smile on her face.
So long as you don’t bring up the past.
Her partner left her behind upon learning there was a child on the way – believing it would ruin their career. While heartbroken, Marilynn vowed to do the best she could raising her new daughter on her own – who she named Hazel.
But nothing Marilynn could do was enough.
Despite everything she did, Hazel went down a dark path, and eventually vanished from the city after she was responsible for a disaster.
As a result, Marilynn isolated herself out of shame. Years passed, and slowly but surely, Marilynn would come out of isolation from her desire to repay her community, in apology for her daughter’s actions.
One day, a tourism flier for the distant town of Waterfall found itself in Marilynn’s mailbox… and Marilynn couldn’t help but recognize a figure in the background of one of the photos.
One letter led to another, with Marilynn quickly becoming pen pals with someone named ‘Abzu’, who forwarded Hazel’s address to her.
Though Marilynn has yet to recieve any response from Hazel, a strange child’s intermittent visits give Marilynn hope that her daughter may one day come home.
Marilynn is 5’0″, with a skinny build. She has medium-length brown hair with orange streaks, which is tied into a loose and low side ponytail. She has brown eyes that have a bit of a golden shine.
Per her species, Marilynn has a sprinkle-patterned full-moon halo, lopped rabbit ears and tail, and striped fur on her legs, which end in paw feet.
Marilynn was designed by Nightbuns

Marilynn has always been a bit nervous about, well, everything – but this feeling was particularly enhanced after her partner left her and again after Hazel vanished. She fears that the worst is always coming, and because of this, is hesitant to form lasting bonds.
Despite this, on the outside, Marilynn tries her best to be kind and uplifting to those around her. Just because she’s nervous about a lasting bond doesn’t mean she’s hesitant about making friendly smalltalk.
She has a strong sense of empathy, and wishes to help others however she can.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
- Marilynn is a skilled baker, which is something she takes pride in. Originally sparked when she was in scouting as a child, the passion never quite left her.
- She participates in competitions and baking drives frequently, which is her main way of getting out of the house.
Hazel – Daughter
Marilynn loves her daughter, even if it’s been years since she’s last seen her and despite the circumstances of her departure. Marilynn truly believes Hazel has potential to grow, despite other’s doubts.
Daichi – Close friend
As Hazel’s childhood best friend, Marilynn would see Daichi come over often, and saw her grow up alongside her daughter. After Hazel left, Daichi was a major source of encouragement to keep going, and she’s often the only one to keep Marilynn company on bad days.
Abzu – Penpal
Marilynn is penpals with Abzu, and finds they have a good sense of humor and are very down to earth. She wishes they could meet up over brunch some time, but the distance is an issue.
Arael – Granddaughter
She thinks Arael is adorable, and though Arael has never explicitly said so, both resemblance and context clues have helped Marilynn realize that Arael is her granddaughter. Arael likes to wormhole in and help Marilynn bake, with an attitude Marilynn can only describe as angelic.
Skymother – Friend
Considering Marilynn is religious, having The Skymother visit her directly was… overwhelming at first, to say the least. But after she explained herself, she’s been able to find a lot of reassurance and solidarity with Skymother’s help.
- Though she’s proposed the idea of a dessert brunch between Abzu, Skymother, and herself, it seems their schedules never quite align.
- She’s attempting to get into mixology, after exchanging recipes with Abzu’s wife in some letters. She’s not very good at it.
- She likes to visit the creatures at farms when she buys ingredients from them, and hopes to one day adopt a companion of her own.
- While she hasn’t rearranged or thrown out anything from Hazel’s old room, she does still keep it clean.