“I don’t wanna deal with this right now. You’re a dick, Hazel.”
–Mariska, The sea where one’s home planet reflects
The Ultra Deep Sea is regarded to be a no-man’s land, deemed too dangerous by anyone perceived to have much sense.
Fortunately, Mariska never had much of that to begin with.
She never knew her birth parents, and was abandoned shortly after she was born. Thankfully, she was found by a wandering former adventurer, who was content to make her a part of their family.
Out of intrigue from her parent’s pasts, and a little bit of impulse as well, Mariska ventured into the Ultra Deep Sea – and came back alive.
The rush from the danger – and from the attention she got – caused her to keep going back, becoming a nihilego hunter and general all-around crime-doer.
While confident in her ability to work alone, a scuffle resulted in the unexpected – Mariska gaining a partner in crime.
She’s encountered lots of unexpected turns – befriending the fell angel god she swore to destroy, pulling off a legendary heist, but… despite everything, it seems her feelings towards her criminal partner stand out the most.
Despite her general attitude and reputation, Mariska swears that she’ll keep her partner safe – through any means necessary.
Mariska is 6’8″, with a stocky build. She has gray skin speckled with darker gray freckles that fade into the same dark grey on her legs. She has long white hair, reddish-pink eyes, and sharp teeth.
She has a large, thick tail that appears to be a mix of a real-life orca’s and shark’s, and 2 ‘antennae’ like ears.
Mariska was designed by 22RII

Mariska is brash and loud, to an unapologetic extent. She knows she can be as obnoxious as she wants, because there’s not many willing to stop her.
She doesn’t really have manners, and will get confrontational if accused of being rude unintentionally.
She has a large ego, and doesn’t like it being challenged. She’s definitely no stranger to getting herself in less-than-ideal situations because she wanted to make a point, leaving Hazel to elegantly drag her out of it.
She’s quick to fight, and will choose to ask questions later in a conflict.
She feels that her emotions are amplified in a way, and while this mostly manifests in a smug confidence, she can get quite emotionally heartfelt if the situation comes to it.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
- Mariska is like a brick wall. She’s tall, she’s strong, and she’ll make sure you know it. She has both incredible offense and defense – generally at the cost of maneuverability.
- Her movement is good against opponents of similar stature, but whenever she has to chase Hazel around for eating her leftovers, Mariska is left in the dust.
- A common misconception is that Mariska isn’t smart – which isn’t true. She may be overly impulsive and make many poor life decisions, but more often than not, she has the wit to get herself out of whatever she gets herself into. If not, Hazel (usually) has her back.
Hazel – Not ‘just partners’
Mariska did not want to work with anyone, let alone Hazel. But through endless banter and working together, Mariska found herself falling for Hazel and her disposition. Mariska held her heart with Hazel, even when she entered her episode of megalomania – and it was because Mariska refused to give up that Hazel was able to return home.
Ramiel – Good friends
Ramiel was originally another target for Mariska, who thought of how notorious she’d be if she was able to take out the fell angel. But, when Ramiel proved to be too strong for even her… she lightened up. Over time, as she’s realized Ramiel’s struggles with confidence, she’s taken to encouraging and mentoring them in the art of being self-assured.
Abzu – Mother
While Mariska was arguably a very ‘difficult’ child, Abzu never seemed to get upset or give up on her. While many would consider Abzu’s approach to parenting too ‘lax’ and the reason Mariska makes many poor decisions, but Mariska is thankful Abzu helped raise her the way they did.
Tiamat – Mother
Tiamat was always very attentive to keeping Mariska out of danger as a child, and even now that she’s an adult, is still the first person Mariska tends to go to for any kind of advice. She tends to outwardly worry more than Abzu.
Arael – ‘Daughter’
Mariska loves Arael, and considers her to be a daughter of her own as much as she is a daughter of Hazel and Ramiel. She seems to be the most in tune with Arael’s emotions out of the three, and while she may enable Arael to cause trouble, she’s vowed to do everything in her power to ensure her safety.
Isabelle – Town’s mayor
Though Mariska had her problems with the old mayor, she seems to appreciate Isabelle a tiny bit more – even if it’s just because Isabelle is too scared to confront Mariska like her grandmother would.

Chantal & Laura – Clients
Mariska hasn’t had much direct contact with the two, despite them being the direct subjects of the heist she was contracted to pull. From what she does know, though, she thinks they’re both absolute, complete nerds and is kind of surprised they got through the heist alive.
- Mariska will stash snacks she doesn’t want Hazel eating on the highest shelf.
- Ever since a connection between Ultra Space and the outside world was established, Mariska has been quite a fan of Alolan-imported seafood.
- Due to not knowing her birth parents, Mariska has no idea what the technicalities of her hybridism are – though she’s suspected to be definitely part seafolk.
- She tries to not be clumsy about the tail. She is.