Return to Ultra Arc characters || Page last updated: January 11th, 2025
During a time of uncertainty and borderline crisis among the government of Megalopolis and its Ultra Recon Squad… Maru was a squad member who’s skill in descisionmaking under pressure truly shined through.
And because of her directive and call, Maru was promoted to be the Ultra Recon Squad’s lead – making waves as the youngest lead in history, in addition to the controversial circumstances surrounding the previous lead’s pardoning.
Though many have had doubts about Maru, her leadership has brought in an unmatched stability to the Recon Squad, even in times of seemingly imminent spacial war.
Now though, a new challenge awaits her – with the connection between the Lunar Capital and the surface being established, it’s up to Maru’s logical edge to help bring the long-separated societies together again.
Maru is 5’06” (167cm), with a lean build. She has pale grey-blue skin, as she was born with lightloss syndrome. Her hair and fur are dark purple, and she has furred and pawed arms.
Per her species, she has two tails which appear flame-like – as well as upright, ‘butterfly’ style ears.
She’s often seen dressing in a manner considered ‘business casual’ for Megalopolis, while still maintaining practicality.
Maru was designed by celestiials

Maru is stone-cold serious at all times, for better or for worse. She can be described to be incredibly stiff, if not very logical as well. Her ability to separate her work decisions and emotions so cleanly is something she takes pride in, but she’s never been much of an emotional thinker in the first place.
Because of this, she has a track record of struggling to understand those with a heavy pathos, or displaying empathy.
While she may seem like a ‘no fun allowed’ type, she still enjoys engaging in casual conversation with like-minded individuals quite a bit. Her definition of ‘fun’ is just a bit different from most’s.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
- Maru is a calculated and strategic thinker by nature, and has spent countless hours training herself in both hypothetical and in practice. She’s perfected the art of coming to unbiased conclusions, and is able to keep her cool even under intense pressure.
Ginkgo – Boss
Maru respects Ginkgo to a great degree, and is grateful that she put her in her current position. She does think Ginkgo’s interpersonal affairs interfere with her far too much, though.
Hollyhock – Co-worker
Hollyhock is too emotion-driven for Maru’s tastes, but she can’t really argue that Holly is both dedicated and efficient.
Cassiopeia – Ally
Maru and Cassiopeia have been close collaborators since the re-connection with the Lunar Capital was made, and their attitudes and working styles match perfectly.
Minor relationships
Qing’e – Former co-worker
Before Qing’e died, she and Maru did not get along and argued frequently. Maru is unaware of Qing’e being currently undead.
- Maru’s work-life balance is incredibly skewed, and she lacks many hobbies outside her work.
- Her excuse is that work socialization keeps her sane.
- Maru has been to the Outside World on multiple occasions, though mainly for brief negotiations, and never outside of a building.
- She’s allergic to poipole adhesive, but in such a mild manner that she refuses to reveal so.
- …She tends to make swift exits when she sees them around headquarters.
- For whatever reason, she insists she’s ambidextrous. She’s not.
Meta commentary
- I… I don’t actually remember much of Maru’s inspo. I think Franziska Von Karma was one?
- She was mainly introduced as a means to add more of a face to the URS beyond the canon characters.