
Return to Ultra Arc characters || Page last updated: January 31st, 2024

Oracle is an incomprehensible, ancient being – who’s life precedes the Darkest Day itself. She’s effectively the first anomaly, as well as the author of the founding texts of the practice and study of occultism.

But before all that… Oracle was a nurse. Having survived the destruction of the Darkest Day, her team went into immediate action in order to care for the survivors of the apocalypse. There, Oracle would meet her final patient Yukarin – and despite the horrific reality setting in for the duo after they outlived everyone else in the medicine tent… Oracle made a promise to Yukarin: to ensure the well-being and survival of her daughter.

Though Oracle ultimately had to seal away both Yukarin and her daughter for their own safeties, she vowed to keep that promise for as long as she lived… which ended up being a very, very long time.

Through wit and various means of occult arts, Oracle found herself in a position of power in the Underdeck of the Ultra Station, and was comfortable in that place of stability… for a bit, at least. When a mysterious newcomer effortlessly overthrew her, Oracle had to act quickly to ensure Yukarin and her daughter’s safety.

Thankfully, all seemed to be well after that. But… a completely unexpected mix-up years later resulted in Yukarin’s unsealing, something Oracle had feared for a long time.
But after watching from the sidelines, it seemed that her worst-case scenario wasn’t occurring. Rather, Yukarin was… improving? So, while she feels it’s not her place to intervene and reconnect just yet, Oracle prays that her 3,000 year old debt will soon repay itself, and that the universe will be right again.


Oracle stands at 5’08”, with a lanky build. She has red eyes, though one of which is blinded and possesses no pupil. A scar runs across her face, and while she has two thin horns atop her head, one of them is broken. Her hair is a navy blue color, the color of which matches her long, tufted ears.

Per her species, Oracle has furred legs, pawed feet, and a short rabbit tail. Though considered rare for her kind, she also has three lunar halos, as well as a mark matching their phase on her hand.

Oracle is frequently seen in loose-fitting clothing, and often covered in bandages and sealing charms intended to keep her physical form stabilized.

Oracle was designed by Anzuzu

The anomalous sage

AgeUnknown, presumably very old
OccupationTrauma nurse (Former, presumably)
Underdeck’s leader (Former)
EthnicityCoelune (Diurnal)
Anomaly statusCritical supergiant, yet somehow stable
GITANJALI - spctrm


Oracle’s personality can seem to be wildly contradictory at times, as she tends to have her emotional presentation on a tight leash and changes it to best appeal to whoever she’s talking to. To some she’s a wise and insightful figure of kindness and generosity, while to others she’s nothing but cold and intimidating. Her controlled, two-faced nature appears to have been developed as some kind of social survival tactic, because in reality, Oracle much prefers to avoid other people together – though there are a chosen few she does enjoy the company of.

No matter her presentation, though, Oracle does enjoy sprinkling her actions and interactions with an air of mysteriousness, as she finds it personally entertaining.


I’ll get to it… eventually.



  • Oracle is an ancient anomaly, if not often considered the ‘first’, alongside Yukarin. While anomalies of similar age have suffered a critical collapse, Oracle’s retained existential stability is a testament to her self-control as an anomaly, as well as her power.
  • Regeneration:
    • Oracle is capable of regenerating dead cells, as well as wounds – effectively providing immortality, to some extent. Though, there’s been a rare few scenarios in which she’d been backed into a corner, unable to regenerate at a speed to match injury.
  • Unbound form:
    • Technically, Oracle’s ‘unbound’ form is in fact her true form after the extent of divine energy she’s been subjected to. However, due to her expertise in sealing it, it’s mostly kept under wraps. Still, her unbound form is an extremely powerful force to be reckoned with, capable of the chaos and destructive potential of varied blackout anomalies… but Oracle really only willingly unseals herself to protect her promise.


  • Considered to be the founder of occultism as a study and art itself, Oracle is the variable master of it. The ways to call the earthen and divine and use them for various means were her invention, after all.
    • Oracle’s original observations of Yukarin and herself from the fallout of the Darkest Day are generally seen to be the baseline, founding texts of occultism.


Yukarin – A concerned fondness

Oracle’s devotion to Yukarin’s wellbeing has extended even after being forced to ultimately seal her away. She’s kept her promise to Yukarin for longer than one could fathom, and hopes to one day see her return to a stable state of mind… but knows it’s not going to happen soon. She’s cautiously optimistic after seeing how Yukarin has been acting after accidentally being unsealed, but knows she has a ways to go still and that Oracle’s time to reintroduce herself is yet to come.

Remi – An eternal promise

Having known Remi from her birth, Oracle has done everything in her power to ensure her promise to Yukarin remains unbroken. Though Oracle’s nerves were rattled when she was forced to unseal Remi after Yuugi’s takeover, she’s glad to see that being confined to the dreamlike sealing she was in had no real impact on her growth – now that Remi is an adult, Oracle generally acts as her ‘landlord’ in order to keep an eye on her.

Pallas – Assistant

Normally, Oracle laughs and either disregards or humiliates those who seek her out for their own gain… but, Pallas is different. Because they genuinely seemed to be naive and clueless and didn’t know who Oracle was, Oracle humored them and allowed them to train under her, while doing busywork and chores. While Oracle admits Pallas is rather absent-minded and a bit clumsy, she still thinks it’s nice having some help around rather than none.

Tonantzintla – Begrudged

Oracle has never truly met face to face with Tonantzintla, yet holds a grudge over them simply due to their cold feet regarding both Yukarin and Remi. It appears to be mutual, because it seems that Tonan has been actively avoiding Oracle, too – likely to avoid the chewing out of a lifetime.

Yuugi – Overthrown by

Oracle was the figure that Yuugi ‘dethroned’ in order to become the Underdeck’s top dog. While Yuugi often calls her an old hag and thinks she’s useless, Oracle still maintains a heavy hand of control in the Underdeck’s workings despite Yuugi’s iron fist.


  • Before Pallas was assigned to chores, Oracle’s living space was incredibly dusty, to the point where nobody wished to visit. Oracle never minded it, but after Pallas did their deep-clean, she had no idea how much she preferred it cleaner.
  • Oracle’s method of sealing anomalies in stone gacha ball-like containers is inspired by a device from the Outside World that came into her possession – though she doesn’t quite know what its purpose really is in the Outside World, where anomalies presumably do not exist.
  • Despite being a trained and certified medical professional, Oracle finds treating wounds and illness with occult arts to be ‘easier’.
  • Oracle is often called an ‘old hag’, not just by Yuugi. She doesn’t actually mind it, and has almost come to embrace it.

Meta commentary

  • Finding a design for Oracle took way too long, and it went through many sketches before their current design was dropped as an adoptable.

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