Qing’e Huo

Return to Ultra Arc characters || Page last updated: November 2nd, 2024

As a leading engineer for the Ultra Recon Squad, Qing’e was determined to uncover the ‘last great treasure’ of the Ultra Ruins… with the government’s funding at her disposal, she’d remotely ping through the ruins in hopes of finding it.
And when she did, Qing’e’s jackpot quickly turned into her living nightmare.

Secret service mission 618 started hopeful, as the three-man crew locked themselves in the uncovered bunker – their only link to Megalopolis being the android Hollyhock, who was inhabiting the bunker’s computer system remotely.
But mistakes were made, a child was born, and the divine energy began making the others drop dead… soon enough, it was just Qing’e, Hollyhock, and the child, Amity.

Due to the danger of the ruins and secrecy of the mission, rescue wasn’t easy. But an ultimatum was set, and Qing’e was holding out for it…
But when the ultimatum passed, she completely lost her mind.
In desperation, Qing’e tried to leave the bunker, and succumbed to the divine energy of the ruins just as her cohorts had.

But… it wasn’t the end. Not yet.
After a skilful reanimation, Qing’e was alive again… though, not quite at the same time. After failing to badger information out of her, the one who reanimated her decided to let Qing’e just stick around.

And thus, a new episode of freedom started for Qing’e – no boss breathing down her neck, no staring at unintelligible ancient terminals for hours…
In this new afterlife, she could do whatever she wanted at her leisure without a care in the world. And that’s exactly how she wants it to stay.


Qing’e is 5’06” (167cm), with an average body type – though she’s since gotten lankier since being reanimated. She has teal-colored hair, with cyan streaks and chunks of greying. She has red eyes, though as a result of her reanimation, her left-side eye split into three and gained a dark sclera.

Per her species, she has pawed and furred feet and arms, though her right arm is clawed and much larger after reanimation. Her ears were originally butterfly-shaped, but she had since lost her organic ‘tassels’ and has replaced them with long charms instead. She has three tails that appear skeletal since her reanimation.

She often dresses in a loose-fitting, flashy and alternative manner – often citing she does it because she wasn’t allowed as much stylistic freedom when working for the government full-time.

The reanimated doctor

NicknamesDr. Huo
Age46 (Age at death)
BirthdayOctober 29th
OccupationUltra Recon engineer (Former)
Suika’s bodyguard
BirthplaceUltra Megalopolis
S/OTuesday (Casual fling)
Anomaly statusSupergiant (Stable)


Qing’e has always been a bit grumpy and crass, an attitude that’s extended into her afterlife. However, since the built-up stress and frustration from the bunker mission was lifted, her grumpiness feels a lot more light-hearted or playful. While once prone to internalizing her thoughts and feelings under pressure, Qing’e has become a lot more comfortable with openly expressing both her happiness and her discomforts.
She’s very strong-willed and persistent, but is once her patience has finally worn thin, she’s quick to be reduced to a wreck.

She’s a woman who takes great pride in her skill and experience in her field, and enjoys being seen as someone’s who’s trustworthy to come to for advice. She also tends to give unsolicited advice regarding subjects of her work specialization, which more often than not ends up having a condescending tone to it.


I’ll get to it… eventually.



  • Due to the innate amount of divine energy a successful reanimation requires, it was only natural for Qing’e to become an anomaly. Aside from the physical distortion however, she has a few ‘uncanny’ abilities.
  • Pain immunity:
    • While she can still feel things in general, Qing’e is immune to the nervous senses that trigger pain.
  • Flesh regeneration:
    • As long as bone remains, Qing’e can regenerate perfectly, no matter how deep of a wound.


  • Qing’e is an all-around expert on all things technical, but her specialty lies in computer engineering. Having received a doctorate in the field, she was a lead engineer for the Ultra Recon Squad up until her death.
    • That being said, while she’s definitely got the know-how and is even prone to giving unwanted technical advice, Qing’e has been avoidant of working with tech too closely for herself in recent times due to the burnout the bunker mission caused.


Tuesday – Casual fling

While the nature of Qing’e and Tuesday’s relationship is more of a playful low-stakes fling, it’s still one filled with lots of mutual admiration and trust. Despite their differences, the two find lots of solidarity in their similarities when they aren’t busy teasing each other.

Suika – ‘Boss’

To say Suika is Qing’e’s boss is a bit of a stretch – despite being her bodyguard in title, Suika is the type to want to deal with issues herself in the end. Because of this more lax dynamic, Qing’e doesn’t actually mind Suika’s usual antics much – if anything, she’s grateful that she gave her a second chance at everything.

Hollyhock – Complicated

After spending so long trapped in a bunker with someone, it’s inevitable for there to be tension. Hollyhock is far too passive for Qing’e’s tastes, seeing her as lacking any real backbone. She frustrates Qing’e greatly, but she’d still be willing to cooperate with her for business sake.

Ginkgo – Complicated

Ginkgo wasn’t the main overseer of the bunker mission, but her connection to Hollyhock and overall authoritative position gives her an incredibly sour feeling to Qing’e. However, Qing’e knows arguing with her would get nowhere, so she mostly grins and bears it.

Amity – Complicated

Amity never truly did anything wrong, and was just a child, after all – so Qing’e can’t find herself to be as bitter about her as she is towards other surviving members of the bunker mission. Still, Amity’s presence alone unearths painful memories, and explaining the reanimation to her would be a mouthful… so Qing’e avoids her.


  • While her dominant hand may have turned into a claw due to her reanimation, Qing’e can still use it normally.
  • Before the bunker mission, Qing’e was a regular at lesbian dive bars in Megalopolis’s oldtown.
  • She has rope bound around her joints in a similar manner to an articulated doll, to help assist in keeping her joints in place post-reanimation.
  • Despite being immune to pain sensations, Qing’e claims to have phantom back pain often.

Meta commentary

  • The characters that make up her name are 霍 青娥.
    • …Which happen to be the same characters used by the Touhou Project character, Seiga Kaku – who is notable for controlling a jiangshi.

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