
Return to Ultra Arc characters || Page last updated: November 29th, 2024

While she may be young in comparison to the age of the ancient forest she lives in, Quill is an individual who her community looks up to, always ready to lend a hand.

Quill lost her parents, as well as saw a chunk of her homeland fall into destruction due to an out of control wildfire in her youth. While the events initially made her fall into deep despair… she eventually turned the tragedy into a promise – the promise to protect her people when she was older, no matter what.
She’d go on to grow up alongside Shiso, and the two would make great lengths in improving their community together.

When she’s not running errands for townsfolk, Quill fiercely defends her home from the dangerous and territorial beasts of the Deepwoods – as well as keeping a ruins-turned-shrine and the ‘goddess’ housed inside safe.
It’s a lot of work, but Quill doesn’t mind it – after all, protecting the balance of her home is her duty.

But after meeting the strange new ambassador of the neighboring area of Waterfall, Quill can’t help but find intrigue in her different perspective. With the world becoming more and more interconnected, what can this strange mayor and her cohorts help teach Quill?
…And can quill juggle her new social life on top of everything else?


Quill is 5’11” (180cm), with a lean body type. She has choppy, short and layered brown hair, and teal eyes. She has short, deer-like ears, teal horns, and semi-furred wings – the right of which being scarred.
On her ears, wings, and plumed tail, Quill has eye-like markings that appear to ‘move’ depending on the lighting.

Per her species, Quill is capable of shifting into a large and imposing beastform. However, as per her family’s tradition, she only does so under specific circumstance.

Her fashion sense tends to be cozy and casual, often sticking to warmer colors and clothes that are easy to move in.

Quill was designed by Legendary_Potatoes, and joined Ultra Arc on January 16th, 2023

The forest’s guardian

Age20 (Arc I)
BirthdayJanuary 26th
OccupationUltra Forest ambassador
BirthplaceUltra Forest
Anomaly statusN/A


Quill has an easy to approach and friendly demeanor, while not being too laid back. She prides herself in her ability to help others and get work done, but views it more as a necessity than an ego-booster. If someone comes to her needing help, Quill will almost always oblige – for problems both big and small.
While not exactly charismatic, Quill does have a certain charm to her actions. Because she tends to keep to herself in her off time, the contrast often gives off a ‘cool and collected’ energy.

That being said, Quill takes her role as ambassador very seriously, as she does with her work in helping others. Her way of speaking almost does a complete 180 when she feels a situation is important or dire.


I’ll get to it… eventually.



  • Guardianbeasts are an ancient species, one that’s practically gone extinct in central Ultra Space. They’re a shifter species, noted for their beastform being the one of the largest of the ultra beast order – rivalled only by guzzlord and celesteela. In this form, Quill possesses exceptional strength and stamina, intended to ensure her community’s protection.
    • While she technically retains full mental control in this form, negative connotations due to past experiences result in Quill becoming rather manic if in beastform for too long.


  • Being reliable is something Quill has built up over years, and she never breaks a promise. No matter the difficulty, she’ll always see the requests and errands she takes on through – which to her, seems like a skill in of itself.
    • She also knows her limits quite well – while she usually says yes to most requests people ask of her, she’s still capable of asserting when a request is too large, even for her.


Isabelle – Girlfriend (Arc I) || Wife (Arc II)

Despite being drastically different from Quill in the realms of work ethic, Quill finds Isabelle’s sheer determination and enthusiasm charming. What started as simply humoring her led to a more solid and sweet romance that would last for years to come.

Shiso – Childhood friend

Quill feels that Shiso has her back more than anyone else, no matter the situation. The two grew up side by side, and have an almost sibling-like comradery. Shiso tends to nitpick and micromanage Quill a lot, but Quill doesn’t mind – if anything, she appreciates how much Shiso knows to look out for her.

Hasu – Coworker

While Quill doesn’t know Hasu as closely on a personal level like she does with Shiso, she still finds Hasu to be a heavily trustworthy individual. Quill feels comfortable leaving Hasu to their own accords more often than not, knowing they’re capable of handling things on their own.

Carnation – Under protection

Admittedly… Quill isn’t a huge fan of Carnation. Whether it be her penchant for being too carefree, or her troublemaking streak in order to get attention, Quill finds Carnation to be an annoyance. Still, she recognizes Carnation’s importance in the grander scheme of things, and dutifully works to ensure her safety.

Lottie – Daughter (Arc II)

Quill loves Lottie dearly, and enjoys teaching her about the history of the world around her and of her own side of the family. She can be a bit overprotective at times, simply because Quill is critically aware of all the dangers that could befall Lottie as she grows – because of this, Lottie finds a lot of protective comfort in Quill.


  • While Quill is confident about her cooking, many prefer to avoid asking her for help with it due to her common tendency to over-portion ingredients.
    • However, for more simple recipes that require minimal assembly of raw ingredients like plants, her skill is more solid.
  • Despite a trolley running through the main township in Ultra Forest, Quill will often opt to traverse completely by foot.
  • While Quill is familiar with modern agricultural technology, she prefers to take a more naturalistic approach to caring for her greenhouse, stating its more calming to her.
  • Quill cannot truly ‘fly’ due to the injuries on her wing, but she can still glide rather well.

Meta commentary

  • Quill’s ‘vibe’ was vaguely inspired off of the whimsical, smalltown community energy often found in movies by Studio Ghibli.

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