Choosing to keep his past mysterious, Raiden was an infamous leader of a street gang in Goldenrod city – with a goal out out-competing Team Rocket and chasing them out.
He was known to be ruthless with a hot temper, scorching anything who dared cross his path.
Armed with a metal bat and unmarked van, he made sure to cement himself as a name Rockets would come to fear.
…Which eventually came at the price of his life.
When Team Rocket’s executives started fighting back, Raiden thought he and his gang were strong enough. But an unexpected ambush in the middle of the night wiped out his gang in an instant.
Fortunately, sometimes ‘the end’ isn’t truly the end. Decades later, Raiden found himself breathing again in a whole new world, thanks to some godly irresponsibility.
It feels like everything is different, but it would appear some old comrades remain… how will Raiden navigate the new world with their help? …If they’re even willing, that is.
Raiden is 5’4″, with an average-lanky build. He has long, messy black hair that often covered one of his eyes, and droopy dark brown eyes.
Post-revival, he appears older with graying hair, and has grown a mustache.

As mysterious as he was, Raiden most often came across as snarky. He enjoyed teasing those he had authority over quite a bit, but deep down, he cared about them a lot.
He was known to have a bit of a temper, especially when things didn’t go his way, but he expressed his anger in a much more subtle and passive-aggressive way. In general, it was very hard to read his emotions.
And… it’s still the same now that he’s back, if not in a more aged way.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
- If there’s one thing Raiden is good at, it’s causing a ruckus. His calculated and planned attempts at chaos were the reason he was a leader of a gang in the first place, and he certainly managed to put a dent in Rocket’s supply chain.
- While he would seem spontaneous to an outsider, he meticulously planned all his attacks to be a effective as possible.
- Strangely enough, this seems to translate over to his general sales pitch for his current occupation.
Yuuto – Complicated
Raiden is… partially able to accept that Yuuto has moved on, given the circumstances. Still, Raiden wishes Yuuto would stop trying to avoid him – believing their past together should be reason enough to talk things out.
Kenjiro – Best friend
Despite everything, it all seems to come back to Kenjiro. The two have been friends since childhood, and despite what one may assume by their banter, they mutually feel they can always fall back on each other.
Kaguya – Weird acquaintance
Raiden knows Kaguya a lot less for her being the one who revived him… if anything, he thinks she’s incredibly odd. Kaguya doesn’t seem to take initiative either.
- Raiden chose his own name based on a character he liked in a video game.
- Currently, he lives in Cianwood with Kenjiro – how Kenjiro’s small house has room for two people baffles Yuuto.
- He always has a bowl of ‘grandma candy’ for customers. Nobody knows where he gets them.
- After revival, he found himself lonely without his partner pokemon Junko, who was also killed the same night Raiden was, but not revived. However, he’s since taken in and been raising an abandoned vulpix kit he found outside town.