Ridley is a person surrounded by walls built up to try to protect themselves, but as much as they might try, it never seems to work.
Born in Twinleaf town, Ridley was one of the many children who wanted to set out on a regional adventure as soon as they could… but for Ridley, this adventure soon led to disaster that completely changed their life.
After the incident, Ridley felt completely lost and began isolating themselves.
It was only when Ridley was hired by Lune that they even began to communicate much. Through Lune, Ridley met Kibi, who would become one of the dearest people to them.
But after the battle against Ramiel, Ridley was in a vulnerable mental state and unintentionally traveled 250 years into the past, unable to travel back. While distressing at first, this new adventure allowed them to re-examine themselves, and form important relationships that would last longer than just their adventure.
When Ridley returned to the present with Adaman by their side, they were overjoyed for things to finally go back to normal – and is ready to look forwards to a brighter tomorrow after so long.
Ridley is 5’5″ (165cm), with an extremely thin physique and very pale complexion. They’re flat-chested, and due to irritation, the skin on their joints can appear reddish. They have navy blue hair, which they tie up into a loose bun.
They… don’t really take care of themselves, so they look like a bit of a mess. For the most part, they only wear a loose tank top and spotted boxers.

Ridley is paranoid, avoidant, and often very harsh or downright rude to those around them.
They attempt to repel everyone else away so they don’t have to experience the loss of those they care about again.
They’re very laid back, often not getting things done until the very last second – and even then, they usually just stop time so they can procrastinate more. They frequently act on impulse and can get reckless due to having a skewed risk : reward ratio.
They acknowledge that how they act in an attempt to cope isn’t healthy, but they’re afraid to change in fear of the unknown.
In a situation where they’re comfortable around somebody, they can be quite sarcastic and a bit crude, yet they do show quite a bit of affection.
This section is old and outdated. It currently only goes up to the in-universe year of 2027 and is due for an update!
Early life (0-10)
Born in Twinleaf town, Ridley had been fascinated by pokemon ever since they were old enough to move on their own. They were curious, and always wanted to know more about the world around them. They never knew their father, as he left when Ridley was very young, and they instead were raised solely by their mother. Ridley loved their mom, but they wanted to see more. It was around age 9 when Ridley met a boy through school named Barry, and the two made a thought out plan to convince their parents to let them go on a pokemon adventure together when they turned 10.
But when Ridley’s 10th birthday came along, their mother became gravely ill. Despite chasing after this moment for as long as they could remember, Ridley was worried and decided to stay behind with their mom, while Barry went forward and became a trainer. For the next year, Ridley continued going to school and make sure to take as much care of their mother as they could. The holidays rolled around, and for Ridley’s gift from their mother, they received a starting trainer’s kit. They asked why, and their mother had told them that she knew how much Ridley wanted to be a trainer and how compassionate they were for putting their dream on hold to make sure she was alright. She told Ridley that she’d be fine, and that Ridley should go out there and live their dream.
Ridley was ecstatic, and while they were still worried for their mother, they trusted in her word that she’d be okay without them around. So, Ridley went out onto route 201, and had an encounter with their first wild pokemon – a shinx. Stumbling to remember all they had taught themselves about being a trainer, they pulled out a pokeball that had been included in the trainer’s kit and showed it to the shinx. The pokemon was curious and sniffed it, before playfully running off. Ridley spent the next hour chasing after it, before finally being able to catch up to the pokemon, who had been playfully hiding in an abandoned burrow. It seemed to enjoy watching Ridley run around desperately in the snow to catch up with it, and as Ridley fell to their knees from chasing it, the shinx came up to nuzzle Ridley as a sign of trust after their playtime. Ridley saw this as their chance, and took out the pokeball once more – with an amateur swing, they threw the ball and it bounced off of the shinx before encapsulating it.
1, 2, 3, click! Ridley had caught their first pokemon, and couldn’t have felt more proud of themselves.
Over the course of the next couple of weeks, Ridley made swift progress on starting their journey, and had already built up most of a team. It took them a bit to get the hang of being on their own and adventuring, but with all the supportive strangers around them, not to mention Ridley’s pokemon, they never felt truly alone. It took them a while to reach Jubilife City, but once they did, they were astonished. They had never seen a city this big before! Their nose was practically stuck in the trainer’s handbook’s map the whole time they were there. But, as they found out, if they were going on the gym challenge, their stop in Jubilife would be rather short – instead, they were to head west to Oreburgh City to meet the rock-type gym leader there.
Ridley was off, and as a matter of fact, they bumped into Barry on the way there! He said he was heading back, as he just defeated the first gym leader, and challenged Ridley to a battle. They lost, but they still thought it was all in good fun. The two parted ways and promised to meet up when their paths crossed again.
And so, Ridley went to challenge the first gym, and while it was difficult, Ridley was able to come out victorious. They were besides themself with joy, and were ready to tackle the next gym – but they were hit by an odd roadblock. They came into contact with weirdly-dressed people who called themselves ‘Team Galactic’, and they had threatened to steal Ridley’s pokemon! Ridley wasn’t having any of that, so they were able to defeat the grunts they encountered and send them home sniveling at being beat by a kid. Ridley made note of the team’s name, and decided that they wouldn’t let them steal anybody’s pokemon – and Ridley would be the one to stop them.
Ridley continued their journey, defeating gyms, meeting kind and eccentric trainers along the way, trying to keep up with Barry, the usual. Ridley was truly and utterly enjoying themselves, and they felt on top of the world. But more importantly, they felt like a superhero for defeating as many Galactic grunts as they had – even defeating a few of the higher-ranked officials within the team. Ridley was truly too young to realize the weight of the situation, and as they kept going on their journey, Team Galactic’s activities started to become more heinous – going so far as to bomb a lake to retrieve a mythical pokemon. But Ridley was totally unaware… until Cynthia came along.
Cynthia had caught wind of the child who had been defeating many members of Galactic, and she wanted to meet them in person. For Ridley, this was a dream come true – the champion of Sinnoh knew who they were! But Ridley was sorely disappointed when they found out Cynthia was only there to warn them; telling them that the whole Galactic situation was ‘adult business’ and while their help was appreciated, Cynthia and others would be able to take it from here. Ridley got cocky, and told Cynthia they’d find out what was happening at the core of the situation anyways – words that made Cynthia just look sorely worried. But there wasn’t much Cynthia could do to get Ridley less involved, as Interpol had been beside themselves with work pertaining to otherworldly holes opening up in the skies over Alola. Before Cynthia left, Ridley challenged her to a battle – while she refused, she promised Ridley that if they could beat all the gyms, she would battle with them.
Galactic incident and aftermath (11-15)
Time went on, and with their fully-evolved luxray at their side, Ridley was making amazing progress at their league journey, with only 1 badge left to go. But lately, especially after Cynthia’s visit, Ridley was more curious than ever about the strange, newly owned Galactic building in Veilstone. Throwing the warning given by Cynthia out the window, Ridley used their small size to their advantage and snuck inside the building – little did they know, this would lead them on a course of events that would change their life forever.
Show more – Warnings for canon character death, child and pokemon death, and dissociation. Feel free to skip this section.
It seemed like the grunts were endless, which was to be expected on the HQ of the organization. Despite their numbers, Ridley had trained their team to a point where they could easily take on all of them, and as they followed the grunts deeper and deeper into the HQ, a deep, nervous feeling settled over them. But they knew one thing – no matter what was waiting for them in the heart of this building, everything was alright, because they had their pokemon by their side. They swung the doors in front of them after the grunts led them to a dark hallway, and in front of them stood a man with spiky blue hair – a man who Ridley only assumed was their leader.
Despite their anxiety, Ridley took a confident stance and challenged him to a battle. The man chuckled, telling Ridley they were ‘too late’ and accepted the challenge. He lost, but he didn’t seem to care much about it. He told Ridley to look down one of the hallways to see something – and what Ridley saw horrified them. 3 pokemon, all sitting motionless in large tubes filled with liquid. The man then caught Ridley’s attention by jingling something. It was a red chain that shone brilliantly, even in the dim florescent lights of the shady laboratory Ridley found themselves in. The man introduced himself formally as Cyrus, and he invited Ridley personally to the peak of Mt. Coronet for ‘the creation of the new world’ the following week. Ridley saw it as a challenge, and vowed to Cyrus that whatever he was planning to do with those pokemon and the chain, that they would stop him. Cyrus just let out a small laugh, before requesting grunts escort Ridley out. They didn’t have much of a choice, so they let themselves out.
In the following days, Ridley did all they could to prepare. They knew Mt. Coronet was a frigid and dangerous place, but it was the springtime, so it wouldn’t be as bad. Ridley eventually decided to call up Barry and asked if he could help, because Ridley had always known her friend was a strong trainer. He agreed, and the two friend’s journies came together as they packed and prepared to tackle the mountain, in hopes of stopping what Cyrus was doing in his tracks. Additionally, Cynthia checked in with Ridley again – urging them to please stay out of things, after hearing about Ridley’s HQ break-in. Ridley refused to listen to her warnings yet again, and eventually let slip that they were going to climb up Mt. Coronet to stop Cyrus. This panicked Cynthia, who begged Ridley not to go, but her pleas fell on the ears of a child with more determination than anything else.
On the day that the two friends were set to head out for Mt. Coronet, they had to swerve around police activity up and down the road to the mountain. Apparently, Team Galactic grunts were being found all through the caves and were causing trouble for hikers and wild pokemon – but for Ridley, this was just a sign they were right on time. Ridley and Barry made their way up the mountain, telling stories of their adventures to lighten the mood during the difficult trek. The two made promises to each other to battle once everything was over to see how they’d grown since they battled last. They eventually reached the snowy peak, where grunts were hiding out. The two stuck together, the defeat every grunt in their path – which led them right to the Spear Pillar, where Cyrus was waiting.
Two Galactic admins attempted to stop the friends, but even 2-on-2, the two children were still stronger trainers. Ridley ran forward to Cyrus and challenged him to a battle, but he ignored it – and told Ridley they were just in time to see the destruction and creation of the universe. Ridley didn’t quite understand, but Cyrus threw the red chain up in the air – and it began floating. Suddenly, it stretched out into a circle on the ground, and Ridley could see something coming through the portal – but suddenly, Ridley started to feel dizzy. The fuzzy feeling overcame them as their vision blurred, and time itself felt like it had stopped. Ridley stumbled a bit, then whited out.
In that moment, Cyrus triggered the summoning of two temporal gods of Sinnoh – Dialga and Palkia. And while Palkia was launched there through a portal, Dialga was already there, standing right in front of him. Indeed, ever since they had been born, the power of Dialga had been lying dormant in Ridley. The summoning ritual on the peak had caused their powers to overload all at once due to their inexperience with them, and they went into a berserk state, attacking Palkia. The universe was threatened with being torn apart, and it took the joint efforts of Rayquaza and Giratina to neutralize the situation – but even that wasn’t without its losses.
When Ridley woke up, they were in the hospital. Their entire body hurt, and their vision was still blurry as it was before. A nurse eventually noticed Ridley was awake, and contacted the doctors at once. They asked a lot of questions that didn’t make much sense to Ridley, like what happened and what they could last remember, and Ridley just said they whited out. Ridley asked what happened, and to that, the doctors gained a concerned look. They said they weren’t sure how to tell them what had happened quite yet, especially given Ridley’s young age. They mentioned that someone who was there would visit Ridley shortly and fill them in on what happened.
Ridley waited impatiently for said person to arrive, and they were able to overcome the pain rather quickly upon waking up.
After what felt like an eternity to the young trainer, two women entered the room Ridley was staying in – they could recognize one of them, being Cynthia; and the other was a woman wearing a green hoodie. Both of them looked uncomfortable with each other’s presence, but more so with being near Ridley. There was a period of silence between the three of them, before Cynthia broke it by greeting Ridley solemnly and introducing the other woman as Emmy. Ridley could tell something was amiss, so they outright asked what was wrong, almost on the verge of tears from uncertainty and anxiety. Emmy rubbed her face and sighed, giving Cynthia a look before spilling what had happened to Ridley:
Emmy explained the entire legendary deal to Ridley, who didn’t believe it at first, but Cynthia reassured them that it was true. Emmy explained how Ridley had lost control of themselves, and then she paused. Emmy looked to Cynthia and sighed deeply again. She finally spoke up again, breaking the news to Ridley.
“Everyone at the Spear Pillar died.”
Ridley almost didn’t process it at first. They were still so young, after all – they hadn’t really come to grips with what death truly was and what it meant. It was something they’d only seen in movies. They asked Emmy what she meant, which caused her to look more uncomfortable than before. Cynthia spoke up, saying that it meant they weren’t coming back. Ridley thought of everyone who was on the peak of the mountain that day… Cyrus, the galactic admins, the creature in the portal… Barry… Ridley’s pokemon… oh no. They were all gone. Forever. And in Ridley’s mind, it was all their fault. They were the culprit, the one who went berserk and caused it all. It was all my fault, they thought over and over. Just like on the peak of Mt. Coronet, everything began to fade into the sidelines. The world became fuzzy, and Ridley could barely think. But instead of whiting out, they were still awake – time just felt… different. It was moving too fast and too slow at the same time, and they could barely understand people talking to them. Ridley had entered a state of time dissociation, where their powers had kicked themselves into overdrive trying to block out the truth at hand. They were in the present and the future at the same time, and were nearly completely unresponsive to others.
The doctors didn’t know what to do – whatever was going on, it was far out of their expertise, and they were getting suspicious about all this overheard talk of mythical powers. But Ridley couldn’t just go home – their mother had become too sick to live on her own and had to be cared for in the hospital herself. Not sure where to go, Emmy contacted one of her close friends to attempt to speak to Ridley through the land of dreams, asking if they’d be willing to stay with her until they exited their dissociative state. Ridley agreed, but still felt horrible – still feeling responsible for the deaths of their friend and their pokemon.
While Emmy and Cynthia had suspected Ridley’s state of dissociation would last only a few days, it went on and on – for 5 years. For 5 years, Ridley was stuck in the time stream, lost, unable to ground themselves – and it was only after 5 years had passed that they were able to come back to the present.
The new Ridley and artistic endeavors (15-20)
After losing 5 years to a state of time dissociation, Ridley was finally awake again. At first, it felt like they were dreaming, or more appropriately, in a nightmare. Nothing felt real, and adjusting back to normal life was incredibly difficult. But Ridley knew of one thing for certain, in their mind: they were dangerous. They were dangerous and they had to get away from everyone else, no matter the cost on themselves.
Show more – Warnings for mentions of death.
Ridley felt like they had nowhere to go. They had discovered that during their state of dissociation, their mother had died due to complications of her illness, which only devastated Ridley further. They felt truly alone, and they were afraid to make new connections out of the fear that they’d hurt those they met. The only option, in Ridley’s mind, was to run. Now that they were 15, they had the ability to rent an apartment in most cities, as long as they used their old trainer’s card. They brought this up to Emmy’s friend who they had been staying with, and while she was cautious about letting Ridley go out on their own, she provided them with more than enough money to keep them afloat with rent for some time. So, Ridley moved out, and into a tiny apartment in the shadier side of Veilstone city.
Ridley’s apartment was, for the most part, nearly entirely empty. They felt empty, and had a disconnect with material objects as a result. During their time alone, they spent a lot of time wallowing in their despair, a lot of time reflecting on their past, and a lot time testing their new powers and limits. They would often go days or weeks at a time without eating or sleeping, simply because they were messing around with traversing the time stream – sending themselves into the future without a second thought. They also found that any harm that came to them wouldn’t last, when they found their wounds quickly healed after tripping and falling down the stairs. Ridley assumed it must’ve been because they were connected to Arceus, who Ridley grew to despise for the curse they had given them.
Over time, or however distorted Ridley’s view of time was, they started getting bored. Sure, they could play around in the time stream, but after a while, it started to just get boring. In addition, Ridley was worrying about their money situation, as they had been spending large amounts of what they had on superfluous things related to games they played, and they were anxious about making rent in the future. So, Ridley considered hobbies that would be able to make them money, and they eventually settled on trying out becoming an artist. Ridley was an artistic kid before the Galactic Incident, so maybe, they thought, they’d be able to get ahead. They ordered a cheap tablet online and got to it – and they found they had one big advantage over everyone else, in their opinion. Ridley could stop time – meaning, they could complete art pieces while time was stopped, giving them the ability to progress skill-wise in what would seem like no time at all. Of course, Ridley abused this power to their advantage, with their artistic ability rising to that of a professional in what seemed like only a few weeks to those unable to sense that Ridley had stopped time.
Eventually, Ridley started getting commissions, and soon enough, Ridley was making enough money to sustain themselves and their… irresponsible spending habits. They still felt lonely though, but tried to mask it, feeling that if they let anybody get close to them, they’d end up hurt or worse. This resulted in Ridley becoming a bit renowned for their harsh and sometimes downright rude attitude, a persona adapted to prevent anybody from getting close to them. But little did Ridley know, all of that was about to change.
Lune and Kibi (20-25)
Ridley has continued to live how they had for years – neglecting their basic needs, abusing their time powers, spending too much money on microtransactions for fleeting happiness, and generally doing the bare minimum they had to do to function. If anything, they had begun to animate in their free time in addition to drawing, and relished in the attention they’d get in return – it was validation without having to actually close to others. Meanwhile, across the ocean, an up and coming idol had been making waves internationally. It seems that, only by fate, the two’s paths would intertwine.
When Lune reached out to Ridley, she got a response similar to what many had gotten from them: an expletive-ridden message telling her to go away unless she planned on paying them. Luckily, Ridley was responsive to talk of money – they didn’t care that Lune was an international sensation, they cared about the fact that she was flushed with cash. Lune had seen Ridley’s previous animated works and wanted to request a fully animated music video for a recent song she was planning on releasing – and she was willing to put a price tag on it to match. Ridley overwhelmingly agreed to work with her, and, motivated by the prospect of money, completed it in a ‘week’. Lune was shocked at their ability to complete it so quickly, and tipped very generously. In a greedy joy, Ridley happily accepted any future chance to work for the idol.
Though, after some time, Ridley began to see past the money and into Lune herself. While she had been mostly generous and polite, Ridley could read her actions and words, and came to a realization that it was just her persona, and began acting bitter to her while working with her. Lune didn’t seem to care much, and still paid Ridley well for their work. Eventually, Ridley gained a reputation in Lune’s fanbase for their behavior, and many people would try and speak to them, only to be sworn off for laughs. It was annoying and took a lot of energy out of Ridley, and they suddenly hated the attention they had once been craving so actively.
It was one day that Ridley was reached out to by someone a bit different – not an annoying fan of Lune’s, but a supposedly a translator who had been recently hired by Lune. They introduced themselves as Kibi, and complimented Ridley’s work – while Ridley gave them the usual harsh spiel about going away. They admitted they were in their DMs to request assistance translating some of Ridley’s chicken-scratch notes in Sinnohan, and while Ridley wasn’t very keen on helping them, they didn’t necessarily want to find out what Lune’s bad side would be like with their suspicions of her. So, Ridley translated the notes for Kibi, and they thought that was it.
But the next day, Kibi greeted Ridley again, and it appeared to Ridley that they were trying to start a conversation. Ridley quickly shut them down, telling Kibi that they ‘don’t talk to people’. Ridley didn’t want to hurt again, and they were still hurting after their loss so many years ago. Ridley thought they couldn’t be around people for reasons other than business ever again.
It seemed, though, that Ridley just couldn’t stop running into Kibi online. The two worked for the same person, after all, but Ridley felt like they were interacting with them more than they should. Eventually, Ridley went ahead and took the first step into doing something they promised long ago that they’d never do again. They had a lot of questions for Kibi, like why they kept trying to talk to them, who they were – all kinds of questions, worded in Ridley’s usual swear-ridden style. But Kibi didn’t seem to mind, and for the first time in a long time, Ridley had a proper conversation with someone. At the end of it all, Kibi mentioned that they were glad to be able to meet Ridley, despite all their standoffish nature.
And that’s how Ridley and Kibi met – over time, the two would talk more, and eventually, as they realized the two had more similarities than initially thought, Kibi became someone Ridley could reluctantly call a friend.
Though the two of them lived far apart, they still got closer, eventually to the point where Ridley trusted Kibi with a lot things – which included Ridley’s status as Dialga, and eventually during a venting session, the true reason Ridley had distanced themselves from everyone for so long. Ridley felt like they could finally let themselves feel vulnerable around someone, and that person was Kibi. They continued to grow closer, bonding over both their shared interests in certain games and language, as well as their shared employer.
Over time, Ridley felt themselves developing what they thought was impossible – the felt themselves develop a crush on Kibi. Ridley tried their best to repress it as much as they could, but to Kibi and everyone else in the friend group, it was painfully obvious.
Completely outside of Ridley’s life online, they had been considering moving for some time, as their apartment building was practically falling apart. Ridley was ecstatic to hear Kibi offer to have them live with them in Unova, and they took that chance openly. Ridley packed their few belongings and headed out for the airport, with a breath of new air. Thanks to Kibi, Lune, and the other people Ridley was still hesitant to refer to as friends, Ridley didn’t feel entirely in the dark anymore. Sure, they still retained their snappy attitude talking to strangers, but now Ridley had a group of people they truly trusted.
Once Ridley got off the plane in Unova and saw Kibi in the flesh for the first time, they made sure to give them a tear-filled hug. Time seemed to stop around them, but this time, it wasn’t due to Ridley’s power – it was just from the sheer emotion of the situation. Ridley finally felt like they were home.
Present day
Ridley continues to live with Kibi, as well as doing continued work for Lune. They’ve gotten a bit better about their various unhealthy habits now that they’re living with someone, and they’ve stopped abusing time as much as they previously had been. While it’s bound to be a slow and rocky journey, they’re slowly but surely making their way through their various unhealthy coping mechanisms and learning to love themselves and the world around them after being in a dark place for so long.
As for Kibi, Ridley finally did confess how they felt – and Kibi was glad to reciprocate. The two spend most of their days together, working from home, and Ridley wouldn’t have it any other way. While still wary of Lune and whatever masks she may have on, Ridley has learned to appreciate hanging out with her, as well as having made a valuable friend in N.
Right now, after being stuck in the wrong time for so long, Ridley feels like they’re okay with the present now – even if they still have a ways to go.
Emissary of Dialga:
- Manipulation and control of time:
- Exactly what it says on the tin. Ridley is able to stop, fast forward, and go back in time. Though they only really use this for mundane reasons.
- Connection to Arceus:
- Due to being directly connected to Arceus, Ridley has slightly better resistance and regenerative abilities than other legends.
- Conditional Immortality:
- Legends stop aging physically at age 21, after that, they do not age and as such, cannot die from old age, though they can be killed through other means.
- Ridley’s art level is professional, whether they’d like to accept it or not. Using their ability to stop time, they can finish pieces ‘instantly’. Of course, Ridley spends any amount of hours working on it while time is stopped that are nullified to everyone not in the time-stop.
- They’re also a very experienced animator, which is the primary reason they were hired by Lune.
- This considered, they’re… not good at graphic design, unless your aesthetic is shrine on geocities.
Kibi – Spouse
After losing everything, including their trust, Kibi was the first person Ridley was truly able to open up to. Their interests and way of making conversation align well, and though they’re still a bit rough around the edges, Kibi is the person Ridley feels they can truly be themselves around.
Adaman – Husband
Adaman believed in Ridley when no one else would, and without him, Ridley isn’t sure if they would have even made it out of Hisui. He helps amplify Ridley’s strengths with his own, and the two both cover for each other’s weak points as well.
Yuri – Daughter
Never would Ridley have imagined being a parent, but here they are. Ridley loves Yuri and wants to fuel her young passions as much as they can, but can unintentionally be a bit distant.
Lune – Boss
Ridley was initially very harsh towards Lune, but as years passed and Lune entered a more turbulent state, Ridley has relaxed it a little – but still keeping usual banter.
N – Other boss
Ridley always seemed to be less of a dick towards N, despite him technically being Ridley’s boss as well. While they won’t admit it, his positivity over the years has helped them a lot.
Irida – Friend
Though Irida didn’t initially believe in Ridley at first, the two were able to form a mutual trust while in Hisui. Though they can’t talk much anymore due to their busy lives, Ridley thinks it’s nice Irida is still around.
Demmie – Acquaintance
Ridley doesn’t know Demmie very well, and it’s hard to match her enthusiasm – but Ridley is thankful she’s been around to keep their memories in Hisui alive.
Aster – Bad memories
Aster fostered Ridley for the 5 years that they were in a state of time dissociation. While she didn’t do anything wrong, Ridley associates her with awful memories and doesn’t like talking to or seeing her because of that.
- Despite receiving exuberant amounts of money from Lune for art, Ridley remained strapped for cash while living in Sinnoh because they would spend it all as an unhealthy method of coping.
- Despite all of the issues and trauma gained from the Galactic Incident, it’s been only until recently that they’ve begun seeking therapy.
- They’re relatively nonverbal. They were completely nonverbal from age 11-17, and even now they speak very little. Unless it’s Kibi. Additionally, their voice inflection can be a bit odd at times.
- Ridley’s laptop is 15 years old, and Ridley actively uses their manipulation of time to keep it alive.
- They’ve used their time-stopping abilities to prevent their daughter from accidentally coming across their not so family friendly online persona.