Residing alone in Seafloor Cavern, Sapphire is the lonely emissary of Kyogre, the god of the oceans. Though she only stumbled into the role fairly recently, she’s still made a fair position for herself in the world of the divines.
Originally an old Sootopolian princess some 3,000 years ago, Sapphire assisted pioneering modern Hoenn along with Emmy. But when the two met their untimely deaths, Emmy was revived soon after; while Sapphire was granted power thousands of years later. Her confusion and frustration manifested in stormy destruction, and it was only when a gutsy 15-year-old faced her head-on that she was able to regain control.
Finding herself lost and confused in this seemingly new world, she’s turned to isolating herself, and began primarily focusing on her role as emissary – feeling that she has to right the wrongs she’s made.
She’s perfectly comfortable with this though, and finds the peace and quiet to be the place she’d rather be.
Sapphire is 6’7″ (200cm), and very thin. She has long, messy blue hair, though it still appears to flow freely as opposed to appearing matted. She has yellow eyes and an angular face.
She’s only ever seen in the tattered remains of her old clothing.

Sapphire prefers to keep to herself, and spends quite a bit of time reflecting. She almost feels as though she’s ‘lost’ her personality over all the years from stress and dissociation, but beneath her self doubt, Sapphire is a curious and caring person, while maintaining a serious attitude.
She’ll spend hours just floating around the ocean, simply because she’s interested in the new world around her. She doesn’t spend much time on land anymore, but will often watch coastal cities from a distance, sometimes for hours.
She makes an attempt to be as understanding as she can, even if her people skills aren’t what they used to be. The ocean will listen to you when you’re sad, even if nobody else will.
This section is old and outdated. It currently only goes up to the in-universe year of 2027 and is due for an update!
Early life (0-15)
Sapphire was born into the Sootopolian royal family, making her the princess and heir to the throne. She was frequently attended to by a court of scholars and assistants, and was rarely let outside into the city in fear that she’d get hurt. She was often restless, and would make up for her lack of outside experience by reading and asking her scholars every question she had. She especially longed to know what was outside the natural walls of Sootopolis, because not even her scholars truly knew what was out there.
Arrival on the mainland, Emerald, and Hoenn (15-18)
After consulting with traveling traders, Sapphire’s father had come to learn of a kingdom of people in similar numbers who lived on the mainland. He wanted to attempt to negotiate with them to combine powers, to unify the mainland and set of small islands surrounding it. Though Sootopolis was relatively isolated, he still employed said traveling traders to guide him to the mainland. Upon hearing this, Sapphire begged him to allow her to follow him to the mainland, and was ecstatic when he finally gave in and agreed.
On arrival, camp was set up in a small tent city created by merchants some years prior. It was at this point that it was realized that the group Sapphire’s father was looking to negotiate with lived in a remote city inside the massive forest. This wasn’t a problem for them at all, as they were known to have tamed dragons and primarily used air travel – but it left those without access to flight no reliable way to enter the city. So, while Sapphire’s father and his crew went to assembling an impromptu fleet of pelipper, Sapphire looked to the sky in waiting. She would always see a long green dragon flying around in the sky at night, taking off and landing from what she could only assume was some sort of landing pad in the city in the forest.
Sapphire’s curiosity eventually got the best of her, and she wandered off into the forest one night, after previously being stopped and warned she would get lost trying to get to the city on foot. Nonetheless, she attempted to make the journey anyway, overwhelmed with curiosity. It wasn’t long before she felt that she had become miserably lost, though. It was so dark that she didn’t notice a hill and a patch of brambles, which she promptly tripped on, leading her to fall down the hill and black out.
Upon waking up, Sapphire found herself in an unfamiliar house laying in a bed. She could see and smell something cooking, but there was nobody in sight. She tried to get up, but found herself in so much pain that she could barely sit up. So, she called out, to see if she could get a response. And sure enough, a girl around her age ran out of another room towards her, speaking in a language Sapphire couldn’t understand. Actually, it wasn’t long before both of them realized they had no idea what the other was saying.
Through a long series of drawing and awkwardly repeating words to eachother back and forth, Sapphire was able to learn that her pain and injuries were from her fall (as she has assumed); and that the person she was talking to was named Emerald, and was a leader of sorts. Even though the two only had a vague understanding of each other so far, both of them were obviously exited to find someone they could relate to.
Sapphire stayed with Emerald to recover, where both of them enthusiastically communicated what they could to each other, and tried to create a sort of language they could efficiently use. It wasn’t long until Sapphire’s injuries healed, and when it was time for her to leave, Emerald introduced her to Rayquaza; a dragon pokemon more powerful than any other, who protected the mainland by eating small meteorites – who also happened to befriend Emerald, and be her very big dog. The two of them traveled back to the tent city (along with Emerald’s sister, who was the one really running everything instead of her wild teenage sister), where search parties had been set to try and retrieve Sapphire. Her father was relieved that his daughter was home safe, but even more so that the leaders of the kingdom he heard about, now known as the Draconids, had brought her with them. Along with Sapphire’s help, he was able to propose his ideas. While Emerald’s sister was more cautious, Emerald was quick to accept his proposition, and admitted she hadn’t really considered people not being able to fly in.
For the next 2 years, the relationship between the Draconids and Sootopolians flourished, along with the relationship of their leaders. Sapphire’s father was more than happy for the two to be together, because it meant that the two major groups could become closer in turn. The tent city was turned into a permanent settlement, and proper walking and trade routes were created through the forest to bring the cities, and the people, together. From Sapphire and Emerald’s collaboration, a ‘universal’ language was created to help bring everyone together. Sapphire, her father, Emerald, and some wealthy merchants came together to officially form a region, and set forth the name ‘Hoenn’.
The fire and execution (19)
While the overall outlook on the future was bright, there was turmoil waiting to be unleashed. A wealthy Sootopolian merchant had his eye on Sapphire; not for her, or anything; but for the wealth and power that being an heir to the throne entailed. Emerald being in the picture made things more difficult, but the merchant was power-hungry and felt like he could make any crazy plan work.
Show more – Warnings for pokemon and human death.
So, with assistance from some colleagues and a nasty dry season, the merchant lit a forest fire that eventually engulfed the two cities. It burned everything for 4 days, until a heavy storm washed it away. The merchant went on to pin the catastrophe on Emerald, his reasoning being that she controlled Rayquaza, and only a dragon that powerful could set a fire that large. Emerald was set to be executed, along with Rayquaza.
A king from Kalos discovered An Energy That Is Literally Powerful Enough To Kill Gods© and shared it, so those overseeing the execution decided they could use the occasion to their advantage and test it.
Rayquaza was killed, but Sapphire forced the executioners to stop – she told them she wouldn’t let them kill Emerald unless they killed herself as well, as Sapphire knew Emerald was innocent. Instead of this working in their favor, they just opted to execute both of them. People. Didn’t really think things through okay.
That winter was harsh, and the two froze to death.
Revival (~1934)
And as it goes – Sapphire woke up. The landscape was vastly changed, as what had once been a dense forest was now a dusty plain. It took her a while to fully comprehend her surroundings, as everything was so different. She tried calling out, but there didn’t seem to be anybody around. Her hair was a mess and her dress was barely recognizable – everything about the situation caused Sapphire to become more disoriented and confused.
She decided to walk along what she could tell was a road for a while, until what she was unable to recognize as a car came up behind her, and eventually stopped on seeing her. Sapphire was trying to figure out what the thing was, and was caught off-guard when a couple of men in strange clothes jumped out. They tried talking to her, but she could only vaguely understand them – she knew they were speaking her language, but the way they said everything was so different, she could barely make it out. She tried to talk back to them, but she was quick to realize they had the same problem understanding her. They could understand a few words though, and with that, they offered Sapphire a ride to a place that wasn’t in the middle of nowhere.
Sapphire was already overwhelmed by everything, she just hoped she could get some closure somewhere. She didn’t know where or when she was, and she was alone and scared.
They stopped near a large set of buildings by some docks, and the architecture was like nothing Sapphire had seen before, or even thought could exist. She took a second to try and soak it all in, before being guided by the men in the car through a building and into an office.
A woman in the office was doing something Sapphire couldn’t understand (taking a phone call), before stopping and talking to the men who escorted her there. She found it hard to understand what the two men and the woman were saying to each other, but she could tell the woman wasn’t very pleased the men brought some random messy stranger into her office. Though while they were speaking, there were words Sapphire very clearly did recognize – specifically, a pseudonym of a familiar person. She spoke up, in an attempt to try and let the people she was with know she could recognize something. Though they had a hard time understanding her, the woman handed Sapphire the phone she had been using (and annoyedly showed her how to use it).
The voice Sapphire heard on the other end was exactly the one she had been wanting to hear, it was so familiar but at the same time… so different.
Through whatever stroke of luck, Emerald’s voice was heard on the other side of the device. She sounded frustrated and groggy, but that didn’t stop Sapphire. She was just overjoyed to hear Emerald’s voice again, because she felt so scared and alone after waking up in the field. Sapphire was talking fast, almost tripping over her words. But Sapphire was cut off by Emerald in a rough tone, who proceeded to say harsh things to her, ending with a statement along the lines of “It’s been 3000 years, get over it”.
Everything was already so overwhelming for Sapphire, and hearing the one person she was hoping to hear say things like that in a time when she needed something… Sapphire couldn’t hang on anymore, and as it would seem, her newfound power couldn’t either.
She ended up flying into a blind rage, unable to control herself. She ran from the office and out of the building, and into the water, almost by some kind of lost instinct. Sapphire started a large storm, and she was at the center. While the boats at the docks were mostly well anchored down, Sapphire drifted more to the open ocean, where the heavy winds and rain became a threat to the large ships on the water.
But, as she was already nearby, Emerald soon came face to face with Sapphire, as it was her duty to keep any of Hoenn’s out of control legends in check. Though hesitant, she did what she had to do to keep ships from capsizing and to prevent the storm from getting too out of control; and so, Emerald used her power to seal Sapphire into a state of sleep, until next awakened.
Aqua incident and awakening (~1995)
As Sapphire slept in a comatose state at the bottom of the ocean, a bunch of pirates with absolutely no knowledge of environmental balance began formulating a plan to awaken Sapphire, or to their knowledge and understanding, Kyogre, in order to expand the oceans. Interpol had their hands full with a mob boss in Kanto who created and promptly lost a living weapon pokemon, so dealing with Team Aqua was left up to a rich prettyboy and an overly-determined 15 year old.
As close as they got, the duo was unable to stop Aqua from obtaining the blue orb required to awaken a sleeping emissary, and arrived seconds too late to find Aqua’s leader awakening Kyogre. But instead of awakening and listening to his commands as he had thought, all Aqua’s leader did was hit the resume button on Sapphire’s rage – she awoke and continued as she had been, escaping the Seafloor Cavern. Her rage had only heightened after re-awakening, feeling betrayed that Emerald would shove her away instead of trying to speak to her.
Sapphire quickly diverted to Meteor Falls in an attempt to find Emerald, whom she did indeed find. Disaster struck, and Emerald was left dumbfounded and shocked – she retreated without saying a word. Sapphire, now filled with regret in addition to her rage, felt pulled to the cave of origin in Sootopolis.
The storm surges and rain were causing serious flooding and urgent evacuation orders in much of eastern Hoenn, and only got worse as Sapphire made her way to the cave of origin. At this point, she was barely even herself anymore, and more of a vessel of an enraged old god.
While in the cave of origin, Sapphire could see a humanoid figure moving around in some sort of suit along with a pokemon companion. Not in any real control of herself, she lashed out at the person, and they were flung against the wall of the cave as their pokemon ran to them. After laying still for a few seconds, the person shakily sat up and removed the now-damaged helmet they were wearing, revealing them to be the aforementioned determined 15-year-old.
She was scared, but she fought the winds in the cave to get as close as she could to Sapphire, and just reached out her hand to her. She was yelling some things at Sapphire, but her words only became muffled by the energy in the cave. Still, the determination and desperation in her eyes struck Sapphire, but not as much as the girl grabbing her leg and pulling her down into the water did.
That shock was just about enough to snap Sapphire back to reality, and when she emerged from the water, the girl gave her arm to help Sapphire up. As with previous communication attempts, Sapphire wasn’t entirely sure of what she was saying, but she could tell the girl was worried. Sapphire was able to realize how badly she’d messed things up, but being met with a calm and welcoming tone by a stranger was something that she needed to hear for a long time. They didn’t talk much, they more just sat there in some kind of mutual understanding. Sapphire began crying, and the girl offered was comfort she could. Sapphire did notice the girl had been injured, so she led her up the cave, for it was all she could really do.
The storm on the surface had stopped, and the skies were blue once again. After a long period of pain, Sapphire felt like she could take time for herself and reflect on her actions.
Present day
Sapphire has spent a lot of time alone, and a lot more time thinking about what she’s done. She’s living a calmer life under the oceans, caring and watching over the life of Hoenn’s waters, and using her power to actually prevent devastating storms or hurricanes from entering the region. She’s begun slowly making amends with Emerald, now known by Emmy. The two of them acknowledge the mistakes they’ve made and how they mutually messed things up, and even though Emmy isn’t the most enthusiastic when it comes to talking with Sapphire, they’re slowly getting on speaking terms again after so long.
Sapphire has also made herself friends with Pearl, and the two are a rather unlikely duo with a shared interest in sea life.
Even though the life she leads is mostly calm and peaceful, she’s known to use force against poachers illegally fishing in her oceans, and often capsizes their boats.
She’s more than content to just sit and listen to the waves as time passes – she feels as though she’s finally found peace.
Emissary of Kyogre:
- Creation and Manipulation of water and ocean:
- Self-explanatory. She can manipulate water and the ocean as she pleases, as well as create more of it.
- Creation and manipulation of storms:
- She mostly uses the manipulation aspect in order to prevent catastrophic storms or calm storms made by other rowdy legends. Currently, she only creates storms when enraged or otherwise not in control of her emotions.
- Guardian of Hoenn’s oceans:
- And everywhere else’s, but mostly Hoenn’s. It’s her duty to protect the oceans from pollution, poachers, and anything else that would result in the balance of the sea being broken, which might include suplexing Lugia every so often.
- Ability to breathe underwater and withstand water pressure while still in humanoid form.
- Conditional immortality:
- Legends stop aging physically at age 21, after that, they do not age and as such, cannot die from old age, though they can be killed through other means.
- Though Sapphire feels as though she’s lost her sense of self over the years, her patience still comes through. She doesn’t mind waiting, no matter how long it is.
- However, this tends to come with the side effect of Sapphire very easily losing track of time.
Emmy – Keeps a distance
Originally lovers, the two now avoid each other at all costs. Sapphire realizes her reaction to Emmy’s harsh abandonment was greatly out of proportion, however Emmy’s handling and avoidance still leaves her bitter.
She’d be willing to talk, but Sapphire knows Emmy won’t.
Pearl – Friends
Despite being Emmy’s daughter, Sapphire is very kind to Pearl, especially when she was a child. They would walk along the beachside and dive among reefs together – though as Pearl has grown up, the two have grown distant.
August – Close comrade
While Kyogre and Groudon are infamously known for their quarrels, Sapphire gets along with August very well. Though the heavy dialect barrier can be an issue, Marie has no issue helping fill the gaps.
Given that August is a very new legend and that Marie trusts her, Sapphire is committed to helping August and working together with her for a unified Hoenn.
Marie – Daughter figure
Marie is like a daughter to Sapphire – given the fact that she’s also an oceanic legend and quite young. Though Sapphire vastly prefers to be alone, she’ll make an exception for Marie. She’s extensively helped her hone her powers and even defends her in combat if needbe.
- Sapphire does not have a last name, as most ancient Sootopolians didn’t have one either.
- Her skin doesn’t get pruned from water.
- Despite being pretty much only skin and bones, she has impressive physical strength, mostly in part to her godhood.
- Her natural hair texture is very silky and straight.
- She’s been nicknamed ‘the pirate’s banshee’ in fishing villages.
- Sapphire visits meteor falls frequently.
- Pearl gifted her Renee’s old walkman; because of this, Sapphire likes emo rock.
- She speaks a much older dialect of Hoenn’s language, which sounds like an entirely different language in itself. For this reason, it’s much more reliable to speak to her in either Sootopolian or Draconid.