“Well, this is my domain, after all. I tend to know what happens.”
–Skymother, Sleep sheep parade
The Sky Mother was exactly as her name implied – she was the absolute goddess and ‘mother’ of Ultra Space. The vast plane was her sandbox, and she would detail her lands sitting in the palace of Lunaires which held up the sky.
The pride and joy of Skymom’s creation were humans, who she treated as if they were her own children. On a date that would be lost to time, Skymom became acquainted with the god of a distant universe, and the two would fall in love. They exchanged many gifts between universes, with Skymom gifting humans to Arceus’s world.
The two had a child, and things soon became grim. Their child threatened to destroy Ultra Space on a never-ending rampage, and Skymom was forced to use all of her power to seal Ramiel for an eternity to bring an end to the destruction.
At least, that’s how the story was supposed to end.
Phenomenal circumstance and an energy surge led to Skymother returning to her full form eons later – with Ramiel doing their own part to repair themselves, Skymother figured it was time to repair what she had left, too.
Skymom has many forms, in two subsets: her natural forms (often called her ethereal forms), and her earthen forms. Each of these sets has two appearances, one of a more humanoid figure, and one of an Ultra Beast. Her beast forms are those of Lunala and Solgaleo respectively.
Regardless of form, her height usually ranges from 9 to 13 feet tall. Her natural humanoid appearance has floor-length hair that appears to have a galaxy trapped inside. She has 3 eyes, with magenta scleras and white pupils – the eye located on her forehead is always open.
She has a U-shaped golden halo floating behind her head, and two large white and gold glittery ‘wings’. She most often wears an oversized white robe with a weak blue glow over her chest. Underneath, she wears a simple white dress covered with stardust.

Skymom is a compassionate and warm person, and despite how small they would seem to someone of her power, she truly loved all of the beings she created. She wanted nothing more than to see her creations thrive and feel joy, and would become distressed when disasters struck a large percentage of the population.
She would do everything in her power to protect her world, as it was something she felt gave her purpose. She was so dedicated that she wouldn’t hesitate in situations where the only option would be self-sacrifice, though she would still feel immense pain over her decision. She simply wanted to protect her world for as long as she could.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
Goddess of Ultra Space:
- While the exact details of whether Skymom created Ultra Space or not are up in the air, she had relatively solid control of the realm and was revered by the sapient beings of the land.
- True immortality*:
- Skymom is a true immortal, and is unable to be killed. However, in a situation where she uses her power to the complete limit, she will ‘supernova’ and be reborn with no memory. This was the case when she sealed Ramiel.
- Creation of light:
- Skymom wasn’t just a metaphorical beacon of hope – she was a literal one as well. The light in Ultra Space is of her creation, and is emitted from Lunaires, long after she’s been gone.
- Skymom also created the star that the Arceus’s world calls their sun.
- Skymom wasn’t just a metaphorical beacon of hope – she was a literal one as well. The light in Ultra Space is of her creation, and is emitted from Lunaires, long after she’s been gone.
- Creation and control of Ultra Wormholes:
- Skymom can create, destroy, and move Ultra Wormholes at will. While these wormholes are primarily used to travel around Ultra Space, Skymom was the one being capable of creating wormholes strong enough to tear a path through the universe itself. At least, until humans began figuring it out.
Arceus – (Previously ex) Partner
Skymother is aware that many would not forgive Arceus’s handling of Ramiel if they were in her shoes. However, the truth she faces is that she still harbors feelings for Arceus, and wants to make things work again. If not for the sake of love, than for the sake of inter-dimensional unity.
Ramiel – Child
Skymother feels great guilt over sealing Ramiel, and often berates herself for ‘not being enough’ to prevent their rampage. Still, she loves them and is overjoyed that they’re happier now – even if there’s been bumps in the road.
Hazel – ‘Daughter in law’
While one would expect Skymother to be cold towards Hazel, she looks upon her with great sadness. Hazel’s behavior and actions reminded Skymother a lot of Ramiel before she was forced to seal them away. But, because Skymother saw Ramiel rebound, she extends hope that Hazel will as well.
Mariska – ‘Daughter in law’
Though Skymother was very cautious about the idea of their child rubbing shoulders with criminals, she’s since come to view Mariska in a different light. Though she definitely wishes Mariska was less brash and easier to talk to, she’s grateful for everything she’s done for Ramiel’s confidence.
Arael – Granddaughter
Skymother doesn’t know how to feel about Arael. The idea of a granddaughter is nice in theory, but given the circumstances of Arael’s birth, Skymother feels that it’d be best if she stayed out of Arael’s life entirely – or, at least until she’s old enough to understand.

Emmy & Renee – Fellow divines
As the two newest residents of the Hall of Origin, it’s only natural that Skymother would run into the two. She gets along with both of them well, though for different reasons.

Pearl & Lillie – Protective of
While Skymother has grown slightly distant from the two since reverting back to her normal form and resuming her divine duties, she’ll never forget the selfless kindness and bravery the couple showed in her form as Nebby. She’s impressed with how much they’ve both grown up.
- Skymom’s made many ‘prototypes’ and experimental species to live in Ultra Space, including a handful of semi-humanoid ones she created as offshoots of humans.
- Solgaleo and Lunala were both names used for her by humans of Alola – Solgaleo was given from the appearance of her earthen beast form, and Lunala was actually a petname of Arceus’s that was picked up.
- She seems to leave a trail of stardust wherever she goes.
- Her ‘wings’ are not true wings, as she does not need them to fly. They’re instead used to reflect and spread light while spread out.
- Arceus gifted Alola to Skymom, as her ‘home away from home’, and it’s due to this that Arceus has no control over divine entities or happenings in Alola. Skymom was never able to give it back to them, after all.