
Return to Ultra Arc characters || Page last updated: February 4th, 2024

Tiamat was originally from the deep waters of the Ultra Waterfall, trapped in an imbalanced relationship and constantly dreaming of running off to become something more.
So, when the scheduled maintenance worker felt the same way, Tiamat took her chance to run away with them – leading to adventures worth a lifetime.

Along with her partner Abzu, the two would explore the unknown and gain quite a notoriety for it – even venturing into the inverted deep sea nobody else dare step foot into.

However, after an accident nearly took her partner’s life, Tiamat refused to continue and opted to live a more low-key life with her beloved.
Together, they opened a bar and adopted a daughter, and things were about as normal as they could be.

But with tensions elsewhere rising, an old friend’s call for help reached Tiamat – will she be able to keep her newly-stable life, or is this ‘plan’ a recipe for disaster?
…And what is there to be done about Tiamat’s worries for her daughter’s interpersonal relationships?


Tiamat is 7 feet tall, though may appear taller if she so chooses. She has an average build, and the lower half of her body consists of many orange octopus tentacles – which also form a ‘crown’ on her head.

Tiamat does not have eyes, however is able to see through a form of advanced psychic echolocation.

Tiamat was designed by Unhealthywheeze

The locally loved barkeep

BirthdaySeptember 16th
OccupationBar owner
BirthplaceUltra Waterfall
Anomaly statusN/A
In the rain - Maritumix


Tiamat is considered to have a no-nonsense attitude, at least regarding her customers. She’s effective at dealing with any problematic clientele and keeps things running smoothly.
Though, when it comes to friends and family, Tiamat seems a lot more lax. She trusts in the abilities of those close to her, and will only begin panicking when she truly believes there’s danger.

While she’s very social and easy to make smalltalk with, Tiamat can come off as hard to get close to at times. As much as she tries to bury it, she’s overly cautious when getting to know new people and earning her trust is difficult. However, she values the word of those close to her and can trust someone more easily if they’re a friend of a friend.


I’ll get to it… eventually.


Species abilities:

  • The specific subspecies of seafolk that Tiamat falls under is considered rare, as well as powerful due to the abilities developed deep underwater.
  • Echolocation:
    • Tiamat’s echolocation is beyond that of sound-based echolocation, as it’s based off of psychic energy instead. She can clearly make an object map of an entire 20 meter radius within seconds, going through structures like walls.
  • Prehensile tentacles:
    • Tiamat’s tentacles can be controlled individually, and are very powerful. Capable of lifting incredible weights and stretching beyond their original size if needed, Tiamat prefers to use them when rearranging heavy objects.


  • Started as a hobby after settling down, Tiamat’s mastery over crafting various beverages has given her a reputation of having the best drinks in town!
    • She can also manage making multiple drinks at once with her tentacles, allowing her to manage busy rushes.


Abzu – Wife

In another time, Tiamat and Abzu were an unstoppable adventuring duo, conquering dangerous horizons previously unknown. Their love blossomed upon their explorations, and after the accident, the two settled down and opened a bar together.

Mariska – Daughter

Tiamat considers Mariska to be her daughter, as she was adopted by Abzu and herself at a young age. She wants to believe she’ll be alright, but worries her hasty attitude may lead her to dark places time and time again.

Dina – Old friend

An old friend who Tiamat believes she owes an ultimate debt to for saving Abzu’s life. They’ve since fallen out of regular contact, but Tiamat is at least glad Dina is doing better.

Hazel – Dislikes

Tiamat didn’t trust Hazel from the very beginning – so when she eventually went rouge and hurt Mariska, Tiamat practically had a bounty for her head. While she loves her daughter, she thinks Mariska is making a terrible mistake for saving Hazel.

⠀Arael – Granddaughter

Despite the painful thoughts associated with Hazel, Tiamat loves Arael – she reminds her of Mariska’s childhood days, all the chaos included.


  • Though she’s learned quickly how to move on land, Tiamat is noticeably slower and prefers to stay in one place for an extended amount of time.
  • Despite being a professional bartender, Tiamat doesn’t drink because she doesn’t like the way is effects the way she sees. It’s usually Abzu who samples.
  • When Mariska was younger, Tiamat was often the one to quickly grab her away from dangerous objects.
  • Tiamat cannot perceive light levels, which includes screen displays.

Meta commentary

  • While Abzu was named first, Tiamat was named to match when she joined the cast to match.

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