“I’ve made stupider decisions, thought I could get away with this one.”
–Vanya, Youkai back shrine road
In the dead of night, the historic Canalave city library is usually empty. But every night, almost without missing a beat, an open-mic stage magician delves into the archives seeking the truth.
Vanya grew up enticed by stories of divines who walked amongst the general population, and dreamed of obtaining that power. After some arguably very poor life decisions relating to trusting malevolent spirits, Vanya’s slate was wiped clean, and she found herself in Canalave city.
There, she’d team up with a zoroark enamored by humans, as well as befriend the librarian who would watch her visit so late.
Together, the three friends would embark on a journey of glamour, knowledge, and get into more than a few fights with angry foxes.
Now, Vanya feels the key to her goal is in sight again – with returning to Mt. Coronet being her magician’s trump card.
Vanya is 5’5″, with an average build. She has thick brown hair and olive green eyes, and is missing her right leg below the knee – to which she uses a golden-colored blade prosthetic in place.
Her casual outfits vary, but her primary ‘stage outfit’ is a split-color tuxedo with a rabbit-motif hat.
Apollo was designed by Dracupa

Vanya likes to give the impression that she has her life together, though whether she actually does is vastly up to the interpretation of others.
While she appears very forwards and social, she keeps much of her life a closely guarded secret… even if the real reason behind this is just because of amnesia.
Still, she’s trustworthy and a good friend, who wants to see her friends succeed at their goals as much as her own.

I’ll get to it… eventually.
Sleight of hand:
- Before Mishka’s assistance, Vanya would get by with an impressive ability to pull off stage tricks. It was an interest growing up, and while it diverged into her quest to uncover ‘divine’ magic, she’s still retained the interest and skills.
- It also comes in handy when you need to hide a whole kitsune from authorities!
Vision of the other side:
- While being tricked into opening a gate to the spirit world and nearly losing your soul is generally a negative experience, it’s had some interesting side-effects on her spirit.
- Vanya appears to be mostly immune to the effects of Darkrai’s curse, due to not being able to dream. She will only occasionally wake up with a bad headache.
- To beings who can read auras or detect the spirit, Vanya’s spirit does not read as distinctly human.
- She can connect to pokemon better, and is capable of understanding them – though this doesn’t include Mishka, who speaks in human language.
Mishka – Right hand man
Mishka and Vanya view their relationship to be mutually beneficial, and as such the two are close friends. Vanya has no problem keeping up with his antics, and they very much match each other’s speed.
Dmitri – Good friend
Through persistence, Vanya was able to befriend the reclusive graveyard shift librarian. Vanya is impressed with his knowledge of the occult and divine, and wishes to learn more through spending time with him. She’s oblivious to his tie to Darkrai.
Zhenya – Mixed feelings
Vanya isn’t a huge fan of the superiority complex Zhenya has, and the two are highly competitive. Despite arguing about the smallest things, the two are often seen spending time together away from others.
Aster – A fuzzy memory
Vanya can only vaguely remember her, but it was Aster’s pokemon assistant who initially saved her, and Aster who saw Vanya return to health. Vanya feels that reuniting with the ‘mysterious woman’ will allow her to realize her goal.
- Vanya is kind of at odds with Wildlife Control, as they suspect Mishka lives with her, but do not have enough proof to issue an investigation warrant.
- She’s taken up a habit of slouching a bit ever since meeting Mishka, because he likes to be an even height with her.
- Due to primarily working evenings, Vanya tends to sleep in until ~11am.
- She probably owns an ouja board, but like, ironically.