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Zackary is a former college student, who’s passion for engineering and making his ‘big break’ accidentally turned him into a fugitive.

Along with his friends Alice and Gucci, Zackary was a member of a fanclub for the Outside World that eventually grew into a mission to create a wormhole to visit. Zackary was the group’s engineer, and a skilled one at that.
Thanks to Zackary’s skills, and a bit of stolen research, he was able to accomplish his magnum opus… at a bit of a cost.

Just creating an unstable wormhole alone was enough of a lawbreaking affair, but Zackary found himself in hot water when said wormhole also released the fell angel Necrozma.
With Alice on her interdimensional adventure, and Gucci nowhere to be found, the blame all went to Zackary.

Currently, Zackary is a fugitive hiding out with a street gang in the Ultra Station, finding his place as a hacker until his friends return.


Zackary is 5 feet tall, and has the appearance of a standard zeraora. He has yellow and grey fur, with blue accents and pawpads.
He’s not as thin as the standard zeraora, with thicker limbs and a rounder overall shape.

He often wears shirts and accessories Alice gives him based on outside world trends.

The timid interdimensional engineer

BirthdayMay 5th
OccupationEngineer & Hacker
BirthplaceUltra highlands
Legend affiliationN/A
Alphys - Toby Fox


Zackary is very timid and shy, and can quickly be overwhelmed by excess social interaction. He tends to panic a bit when asked a question, and is quite hard on himself. He would just prefer to be alone and do his work, above all other things. He has trouble accepting praise sometimes and can get flustered quickly when someone’s told him he’s done a good job.

Ever since he was ditched by Gucci, Zackary has trouble forming bonds with others out of the sheer anxiety that they’ll leave him behind. Though he always goes through on his own word, he has a hard time trusting others.


I’ll get to it… eventually.



  • It’s his major and lifelong passion. Ever since he was young, he’d always find something to tinker with, and the results were usually alright.
    • His work on the wormhole generator is half his own work, and half rebuilding off of stolen files from the Ultra Recon Squad
    • Since he’s a zeraora, he’ll often store electricity generated from his projects to activate them later.


Alice – Best friend

Zackary has been friends with Alice since middle school, and even though he prefers to be more low-key, Zackary loves Alice’s unbridled energy. He’s sad she’s gone now, but is happy she’s fulfilling her dreams in the Outside World.

Gucci – Former club member

Zackary initially felt that Gucci was someone he could trust, but when Gucci vanished without a word after the authorities came looking for the group, he felt completely and utterly betrayed. Still, there had to have been a reason, right?

Pandora – Former host

He remembers Pandora fondly, because while she was very quiet and didn’t interact with the group much, she’d often give his work praise. Zackary can understand Pandora vanishing a lot more than he can with Gucci, due to Pandora’s occupation.

Kagerou – Gang leader

Kagerou is the leader of the street gang that Zackary joined, and while he’s eternally grateful to Kagerou for taking him in and offering a sense of protection, he still thinks that Kagerou is a bit too harsh in general.


  • Though born in the Ultra Highlands, Zackary’s siblings moved one by one to Megalopolis – which he eventually followed.
  • He prefers voice-synthesizer music to the pop Alice always plays.
  • He likes to draw on the side, sometimes.
  • His hacking work is mostly system-jamming to buy time against cameras or other forms of monitoring. He can’t write scripts very well, but he uses workarounds to make up for it.

Meta commentary

  • I have no idea how it started, but it seems to just be a Thing to edit the three wolf moon image onto his shirt instead of drawing it – and I love it.

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