📚Jungle drunker

Amity sets out to search for an odd client’s odd request, but comes across a bit more than she bargained for.

Characters: Amity, Mokotan, Faizah (briefly mentioned)

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 2,366

Vibe: yaaaay character interaction (with a twist)

this one is named after a moro song : p 

this ended up mostly turning into a fun little character interaction bit, with some ~lore~ or whatever to spice it up. faizah is also here i guess

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📚Here we are

Arael takes Mona to an old condemned lab, but it would appear they aren’t alone.

Characters: Arael, Mona, Tuesday

Warnings: Mentions of past human/sapient species experimentation

Wordcount: 2,066

Vibe: undertale true lab theme dot mp3

yes the title is an undertale song ref. its got the exact same vibes as the true lab what else could i call it

Continue reading 📚Here we are

📚and then they didn’t get icecream

Arael takes Maria out to the beach, only to meet an unexpected interruption.

Characters: Arael, Maria

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 2,061

Vibe: h2o just add water

idk what else to say other than these two are Sillay

Continue reading 📚and then they didn’t get icecream

🌙Moon – Chapter 14; Finale

Read from the start

Characters: Pearl/Lillie, Skymother, Guzma

Warnings: horror elements, deadly parasites, major injury

Wordcount: 2,934

Vibe: haha uh oh

happy 9th anniversary, pokeau!

let’s finish this off with a bang.

(the full author’s note will be found at the very very end, this time. thought it’d only be fitting)

Continue reading 🌙Moon – Chapter 14; Finale

📚average dead mall moment (spooksoween spooktacular)

note: this is just a for-fun titlecard render! the actual ‘attack’/entry is the story below

Bea is set out to make a package delivery to an odd location.

For Dainty Halloween Battle 2023; Haunted in the Haunted House

Characters: Beatrice/Gerhana, Bankie

Warnings: One instance of swearing (because Bea and Gerhana are normal people who dont swear every other sentence unlike everyone else)

Wordcount: 2,214

Vibe: hehe spooky silly (but watch out!)

YAYYYY ULTRA DIRGE NEW LOCATION WOOHOO im excited to develop it more!! anyways heres these two

not much 2 say other than i miss the whimsy of spirit halloween and halloween capitalism in general when i was younger. now it all just feels sad. anyways

theres a surpise at the end :3

Continue reading 📚average dead mall moment (spooksoween spooktacular)

📚Art class

Sumi doesn’t show up for once in her life, and it has Meihua worried where she could have gone.

Art of Wandering quest for Tectonic Crusade ARPG

Characters: Meihua, AAA Battery

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 2,047

Vibe: i have no idea man. its silly

icant revise this rn bc migraine #yay

but! the funnies. language warning is there bc this is a group thing hi

these are fun guys i hope i can write more :3

Continue reading 📚Art class

📚The curtain shall rise soon

Rosetta invites Dina to a special party.

For Coelune December prompt; Winter holiday

Characters: Rosetta, Dina

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 2,514

Vibe: warm fuzzy happy times (with surprise ending)


aaaaaaaaaaaa-explodes- my bones hurt so much (real flareup moments) but this is done anyways .. i feel a bit rusty writing for some reason orz

i had to get a lil creative because winter/seasons dont exist in their setting … hopefully it works >>;;

Continue reading 📚The curtain shall rise soon

📚A world of nightmares never seen before

Athena has a dangerous encounter with a bitter enemy… but not for the reason she’d thought.

For Dainty Halloween contest: Monstrous Encounter

Characters: Athena, Amity, Pandora

Warnings: Athena experiences a near-death situation, and a hostile monster/creature is killed non-graphically.

Wordcount: 2,668

Vibe: uh oh!


aaaaaaaaaaaa im anxious abt submitting this one >__< just cuz its for a Big Contest hoo hoo

anyways athena is normal until she hears she gets a chance to punch her host’s assassin in abandoned city ruins that happen to be filled with an extremely dangerous alien species (which happens to be an ultra beast from hit game pokemon sun and moon (2016) for the nintendo 3ds)

what could possibly go wrong

(amity is also here i guess)

ok bye -explodes-

Continue reading 📚A world of nightmares never seen before

📚Youkai back shrine road

Vanya, Mishka, and Dmitri go on a road trip

Characters: Vanya, Mishka, Dmitri, Sasha, The Czar of the Mountain

Warnings: Mishka and his father get into a fight, and blood is drawn.

Wordcount: 2,838

Vibe: im gonna be real i can’t think of a vibe for this one



anyways take this bc when im not rotating the ultra space gang im rotating these three

Continue reading 📚Youkai back shrine road

📚Jelly stone

Abzu pulls off the stunt of the century, but is hungry for more – no matter what it takes.

For Coelune July prompt; Coelunes at work

Characters: Abzu/Tiamat, Dina

Warnings: Abzu’s behavior is risky and unhealthy – there is also a near-death experience and aftermath near the and, albeit vague.

Wordcount: 2,749

Vibe: uh oh


that shit hurted –me writing this

anyways hi sorry im only writing about these guys anymore i am just thinking about them a lot </3 anyways here’s abzu instead of hazel and mariska for a change (which means i don’t have to put a profanity warning LOL)

Continue reading 📚Jelly stone

📚The centennial festival for lunar rabbits; A magical mermaid melody

A 2 part carnival catastrophe. Was originally going to be 3 parts until artfight prep crept up on me orz

For Coelune June prompt; Carwheel carnival

Characters: Chantal/Laura

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 2,166

Vibe: uh. its weird thats all i got


this is straight up not revised sorry lol

February 16th, 2023 revision:

This oneshot is to be considered retconned/noncanon silliness

Continue reading 📚The centennial festival for lunar rabbits; A magical mermaid melody

📚Cinderella cage

Tensions are running high. OC-tober day 13/14 mixed prompt: burn/cage (which i am late for lol)

Characters: Zinnia/Aster, Cynthia/Orchid

Warnings: aster literally kills someone

Wordcount: 2,064

Vibe: Dramatic:tm:

Original AN:

idk what this is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im a bit rusty orz

i took the prompts too literally sorry

tldr aster kills a man everyone freaks out mother daughter bonding

takes place literally the night before joe stone is arrested (so like… 2010)

unrevised bc who cares

Continue reading 📚Cinderella cage

📚Lost at sea

Yuuto meets someone familiar that he’s never met.

Characters: Yuuto, Jess, Kenjiro

Warnings: Heavy drinking/alcohol usage, irresponsible drunkeness

Wordcount: 2,466

Vibe: Funky altered reality but heartfelt

Original AN:

character interaction thing between jess and yuuto

i wrote this at like 1 am so if it doesnt make sense dw about it

Continue reading 📚Lost at sea