Though she only seems to appear in the strangest of locations in the late hours, Lin is a mysterious merchant dedicated to her craft.

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Though she only seems to appear in the strangest of locations in the late hours, Lin is a mysterious merchant dedicated to her craft.
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Melody’s species is the newest addition to the sapient species of Ultra Space – and while her peers prefer the comfort of their village’s isolation, Melody herself has big plans.
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Always prone to getting lost, Pyxis wants nothing more than to make her way to Borderbeach to become a sailor.
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As a curio shop owner, Noa knows not to get attached to random trinkets… but something about a pocketwatch her girlfriend brought in is… different.
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Lucille had always had a fascination with the strange things she’d dig up in the forest, but nothing could quite match her latest discovery – and its abilities.
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While she tends to keep to herself, Quill is the ever-helpful ambassador of the Ultra Forest – protecting it in more ways than meets the eye.
Though she’s a quiet and reserved kid towards strangers, Lottie has a big heart for adventures with her friends.
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Hasu is a carefree individual, and arguably the most lighthearted of the forest shrine’s guardians… though, that doesn’t mean much.
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Recently reactivated after thousands of years in hibernation, Carnation is an AI from before the Darkest Day – though she’s more playful than wise.
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A seer of the future, now caught in a web of feelings she couldn’t predict in the present.