At the border between dreams and reality…
Divine energy is a fickle thing. While it has no effect on the lifeforce of Pokemon, infinity energy – it can have dire effects for those who’s lifeforce is based off of life energy. Which is to say, almost every ultra beast.
Usually, overexposure to this energy simply results in illness or painful death. But in a few truly spectacular cases, just the right amount of overexposure can be enough to cause one to become an anomaly.
This manifests in many different forms, with many different severities. But one thing tends to be universal; the firm tie binding the anomaly to reality has been loosened, and their continued action (or inaction) will decide whether this tie remains intact, or breaks altogether.

Main sequence
The ‘standard’ class of anomaly. These anomalies often don’t realize they’re even anomalies, and it often takes being spoken to by a higher subclass for them to realize.
Main sequence anomalies are also generally the most stable existentially, though are still capable of tuning into the energy of other anomalies and may experience hyper-vivid dreams as a ‘bridge’. Once a main sequence anomaly becomes aware of their state, they run a high chance of decaying.
Examples of main sequence anomalies: Amity, Diana, Remi

Supergiants are the second most common subclass – either being previous main sequence anomalies who tempted fate too much, or simply those who’s initial overexposure was more potent. Regardless, supergiant anomalies often posses odd abilities and powers, as well as ‘distortion’ of their physical form.
The balance of how the anomaly lives and uses their abilities, as well as how far they tread out of reality, are determining factors in whether they can be considered ‘stable’ or risk running a critical collapse.
Common abilities for supergiants include abnormal physical size, flesh regeneration, and teleportation across short distances.
Examples of supergiant anomalies: Qing’e, Oracle, Tuesday, Gerhana

Neutron anomalies are extremely rare, in significant part to how they are often constantly fading in and out of perceivable reality. They are also among the most powerful, having been able to harness the divine energy instead of succumbing to it – almost becoming a pseudo-god.
They can have extremely varied and powerful abilities, up to creating life itself using nothing but their own energy. While they frequently suffer semi-severe physical distortion due to this, some neutron anomalies are capable of appearing unchanged, at least on the outside.
Examples of neutron anomalies: Tonantzintla, Hazel

Blackout anomalies, like Neutron anomalies, are extremely rare due to fading in and out of reality. And while also extremely powerful, this power comes from a source of corruption instead of reclamation. Because of this, their powers are much more unstable and can often be violent – and potentially cataclysmic.
The border between dreams and reality has collapsed in on itself with these anomalies, and as a result the chaos tries to eat away at reality beyond the anomaly itself.
The physical distortion of a blackout anomaly can be the most severe, warping the anomaly into an entirely different being.
Examples of blackout anomalies: Yukarin, Ramiel