It’s a jungle out there!
Due to its detached nature from the massive bestiary of Classic Pokeau, and the few ‘canon’ ultra beasts that were ever made, Ultra Arc’s version of Ultra Space includes a variety of non-canon species!
Like someone playing SPORE slowly going mad with power, Skymother created many of the species within Ultra Space – though a few evolved from ‘original’ species through natural means or unnatural genetic meddling, and some have unknown origins altogether.
While the term ‘ultra beast’ encompasses anything from Ultra Space to those in the outside world, many species of ultra beast are in fact sapient and participate in societies of their own.
In meta
I don’t tend to care about the design philosophy commonly seen among fakemon artists when it comes to designing and including species for Ultra Arc – primarily, I’m just here to have fun! Because of this, there’s uh… catgirls. Don’t worry about it.
Also, I like to participate in the hobby space of open/ARPG/closed species/. Think of them as like… virtual doll brands sometimes mixed with Neopets? I just think they’re neat!
Because of this, there are a handful of these species also included, and credits for them can be found on their bestiary listing, as well as any official masterlists.
Anomalies, while often warped into a unique creature in of themselves, are technically not their own species.
You can read about anomalies here!

There are two major divisions of ultra beasts: nonsapient and sapient.
Nonsapient ultra beasts are generally equivalent to the broad definition of ‘animals’ in the real world. They have a vast range of intelligence, and may cooperate together and live in hiveminds or packs, but generally lack intelligence to properly communicate with other species or form a society.
Sapient ultra beasts are considered to have human level or higher intelligence. They either have societies of their own, or co-habitate with another sapient species. While they may have vastly different cultures and customs from one another, they are still capable of communicating with different sapient species intelligently.