The Ultra Crater is a location within Ultra Space known for its relatively harsh environment, at least compared to the other major biomes. It’s filled with many geothermal vents and craters, hence its name.
Though it may be harsh to an outsider, it’s also the primary home to two main species who thrive there, working together to explore new horizons.

Ultra Crater is filled with craters, formed by the bursting of geothermal vents. These yellowish craters scatter the landscape, though the dirt of the environment is a dry red. On areas of the craters in which paths are carved out, a soft green moss that feeds off of the geothermal energy thrives. Inside the craters, pools of pleasantly hot liquid well up. This liquid isn’t water, but more of a ‘celestial soup’ that runs through the core of Ultra Space. Due to its celestial nature, the craters glow a bright blue-green color in the dark.
The pools are an important part of the ecosystem, as they’re what give celesteela their launch power. They’re also a popular relaxing spot for Coelunes who inhabit the area, as the celestial soup isn’t too hot for them, and has the consistency of normal water. However, for a human or ultra beast without an extra resistance to heat, it’s usually too hot.
Since the craters are sparsely populated, the landscape is mostly natural, with the exception of a ‘central’ city for the Coelune inhabitants – though this city is more comparable to a small town from the Outside World.
Because of how robust the geothermal power is, the inhabitants of the craters simply have no need for extensive infrastructure to generate power. Combined with the powerful abilities of celesteela in regards to strength, size, and travel ability, large machinery is not required either.
The main point of infrastructure comes in the form of earthquake resistance, due to the frequent bursting of new craters and celesteela launches. Buildings in the central city are solid and sturdy, barely even wobbling on even the strongest of magnitudes. Many interior furnishings are built or modified around this, too.
While the two primary species that inhabit the craters tend to keep to their own business, they do get along very well and conflict between them is unheard of. This is due to a cooperative effort and mutual desire to explore what the world and beyond has to offer – celesteela provides the force and power to travel to far off places and worlds, while Coelunes assist with tasks that require finer detail that celesteela can’t fulfill due to their sheer size.
While celesteela are more solitary towards their own species, Coelunes are very social – hence why they mostly gather in a central city. Though since the population at home is on the smaller end, the community is a bit more tight-knit.
The inhabitants of the craters are a rare case of a positive-attitude party in Ultra Space – every other major society is either neutral or friendly towards them. They’re very generous with produced energy and scientific discoveries, and while the other parties may be fighting each other over what to do with these, they’re thankful towards the residents of the craters.
This also makes the craters a great safe haven, though those seeking refuge usually don’t stay for long due to the hostile environment.
Species within the Ultra Crater

Celesteela are massive, genderless beings with a metal-like body. They possess the incredible power to launch themselves like a rocket, thanks to the energy from the celestial soup from the craters of their homeland.
They are incredibly intelligent, above the level of humans, and possess a strong psychic ability to move objects with telekenesis.
They tend to be solitary, often opting to meditate alone with their thoughts until it’s time to launch. However, they respect and are friendly towards other intelligent beings unless threatened.
The aging of celesteela is unknown, simply because there are ancient celesteela still alive. It’s very likely that they can live to be tens of thousands of years old, with no real predators, major enemies, or threats.
They do, however, start incredibly small. Celesteela produce asexually by breaking off the top of one of their rockets and letting it germinate in celestial soup. But because this is risky, the creation of a new celesteela is celebrated, and is one of the only times the species will come together in large numbers.

Coelunes are a closed species owned by nightbuns and jinxcode on Toyhouse!
They were not created by me or TPC! They are simply here because I like them. Any Coelune character present (who have designs) have gone through the approval process.
If you’d like more info about the species, please refer to the official hub!
semi incomplete bc idk if they’re natively found in US or if skymom grabbed a bunch of bunnies from another dimension and put them in her house. waiting for an official lore drop for this one
The Coelune population of the craters is one of two major populations in Ultra Space, with the crater’s population being diurnal Coelunes. Due to adapting well to the heat and finding celesteela to be such valuable comrades, the species decided to stay and use the craters as both a hub and home.
Incredibly social, the Coelunes of the craters have been spoiled with no natural threats and tend to be rather friendly. They’re welcoming towards outsiders, but can be a bit ‘defenseless’ if faced with danger due to not needing to defend themselves for so long.
They have the same intelligence level as humans, and are alleged to be The Skymother’s final creation – a result of her taking her favorite features from humans and other species and partially adding her own image. Their genetics seem to be overwhelmingly dominant in the case of hybridization with other humanoid species, with the ears and rabbit feet often manifesting in offspring no matter what.
Unlike coelunes of the Station, the Crater’s population tends to be quite religious, worshipping Skymother.
They can live to be around a couple thousand years old, however rather commonly live shorter lifespans due to exploration mishaps. The crater’s population is a 50/50 mix of older Coelunes who have stayed, and young blood deciding what they want to do.