Floating high above the ruins of the past, the Ultra Station is a massive, space station-like city that serves as a hub for Ultra Spacian commerce and travel, as well as being the base of operations for the Deoxys Empire.
Despite being such a bustling hub of activity, the Station is relatively closed off to outsiders, due to a boiling pot of political intrigue that’s soon to overflow… not to mention the well-kept secrets below deck.
The station floats high in the atmosphere, though making sure to be a safe distance away from the Ultra Deep Sea. Due to Ramiel absorbing all the light from the former city long ago, the current station sits in a state of eternal night. That’s not to say it’s all dark though – because while the native residents of the station don’t mind the darkness, visitors are often unadjusted.
Because of this, many neon lights can be found throughout the busier areas of the city where visitors are more commonly found, though the farther in you go, the darker it gets.
The station is entirely artificial – with little to no plant life. While its layout more closely resembles a city at a distance and in more ‘public’ areas, the farther into the station one travels, the more it turns into a winding maze. Buildings, windows, and doors on all sides, almost like a labyrinth. While coelune residents are known to be helpful to visitors who are hopelessly lost, deoxys tend to be less sympathetic.
Despite being artificial, its known to rain frequently on the city level due to its proximity to the Ultra Deep Sea.
The station is built like a fortress, in due part to the material that deoxys use to build – which is almost impenetrable. It almost acts as though it has a mind of its own at times, which can be unsettling for visitors.
The actual societal infrastructure behind the station is some of the most advanced, and strongest in all of Ultra Space – and there’s great debate on whether it overtakes Megalopolis’s advancements or not, simply because deoxys are very closed-off about the true power behind the station. Though, it’s almost certain that the station holds an over-abundance of resources, thanks to the cost of living being extremely low. Many residents simply work for the sake of doing something, instead of being forced to in order to make ends meet… at least, that’s the public perception.
Culture in the station is very much driven forwards by the desire for discovery, innovation, and exploration. Both the coelune and deoxys populations that share the city want to further expand their territory and population, and though their motivations for doing so are vastly different, it’s led to a peaceful partnership between the two species.
The most common job that children want ‘when they grow up’ tends to be something related to helping advance technology or discovery, because these professions are driven home as the most important jobs in the society of the station.
However, there’s been a tense air of uncertainty around the inner station due to hasty decisions by governmental higher-ups – the fear of a blatant war with the Pheromosa Empire over a misunderstanding looms in the air. But for keeping the peace’s sake, much of this is kept under wraps, though the gloomy outlook seems to have leaked out.
Additionally, much of the station’s population is in blatant denial of the quite literal underbelly of the city – it’s seen to be best considered as out of sight, out of mind.
Common species

Deoxys – Status: Endemic, sapient
Deoxys are an astoundingly intelligent species with incredible psychic power. They can adapt to almost any situation or environment, though prefer to stay close together.
Deoxys are rather infamously known for being incredibly secretive about… well, anything they deem important, really. Due to being considered the most intelligent sentient species in Ultra Space, many deoxys have some kind of ‘complex’, seeing others as less important. They don’t get along very well with other species aside from the coelunes they cohabitate with, so the two species often ‘pair up’ to avoid misunderstanding.
Of course, not all deoxys are hostile towards outsiders – those who choose to see past any societally imposed complexes are astounding diplomats. However, to many, it’s simply easier to prove you’re the smartest with sheer force.

– Status: Endemic, sapient
The coelune population of the station is one of two major populations in Ultra Space, with the station’s population primarily being nocturnal coelunes.
Incredibly social, the coelunes of the station have been spoiled with no natural threats and tend to be rather friendly. They’re more welcoming towards outsiders than deoxys – at least, most of them are.
Their genetics seem to be overwhelmingly dominant in the case of hybridization with other humanoid species, with the ears and rabbit feet often manifesting in offspring no matter what. They can still suffer the pigment loss due to lack of light that humans do, but this is incredibly rare.
Unlike the coelunes of the Crater, the Station’s population tends to worship Skymother less intensely – as their society’s ideals lie beyond Ultra Space.

Stakataka – Status: Artificial, domesticated hivemind
Stakataka is the only recorded instance of an artificial ultra beast – created amongst the top scientists of the Station’s former society 3,000 years ago, after their old home was obliterated.
While its sentience is to be debated, stakataka moves as a hivemind and can be given commands and trained to fill roles. Because of this, stakataka makes up much of the physical infrastructure in the Station.
- The Station’s magnetic field that keeps it afloat also attracts large rocks that fall from the Ultra Deep Sea – these orbit the Station at a safe distance.
- The Station is considered to be one of the ‘big three’ powers of Ultra Space, alongside Megalopolis and the Pheromosan Kingdom of the Ultra Desert.
- For whatever reason, the preferred color of neon – both above and below – is red and magenta.
- You physically cannot ‘fall off’ of the Station’s edges. Instead, you’ll be lifted back up and thrown onto the ground by the magnetic field.