Nestled in the darkness between Ultra Megalopolis and the Ultra Station, the Ultra Waterfall is an often overlooked area with an unprecedented importance to the underworkings of Ultra Space… even if it might be in an extralegal sense.
While the Ultra Waterfall (or simply Waterfall) is a broad area, you can find much more honed in information on the small town within that goes by the same name here.
Waterfall was once a very popular tourist destination due to its beachy environment – but after the light was stolen by Ramiel, that completely changed. Many of the tropical plants died, and in their place grew a sort of bioluminescent marsh. Most common are a species of glowing mushroom, which light up the usually dark sparsely populated areas. The waters also glow a light blue color as well, and always have – it’s just much more noticeable during the eternal night.
The temperatures range from cold to average, with it being humid most of the time.
The Ultra Waterfall is one of the most sparsely populated locations in Ultra Space, and because of that, infrastructure suffers. For individuals who sparsely populate the area and do not associate with the central town, it’s a generally a ‘fend for yourself’ basis.
The town of Waterfall itself is crumbling, with many of the buildings based off the shells of the ghost town that was left after the eternal night started – or are quite literally built off of old shipping containers and vessels left behind. Those who are dedicated to the upkeep of the town’s core functions are aging, and nobody seems to want to replace them when the time comes. Still, for now at least, the work of these dedicated individuals is enough to keep Waterfall going.
Waterfall tends to lack a defined ‘society’, as the attitudes between the spread out residents, hiding criminals, and long-time townsfolk tend to differ vastly. Spread out residents don’t like associating with townsfolk and are outright hostile towards criminals, while townsfolk tend to be more ‘passively welcoming’ until they have a reason to get upset.
Common species

Seafolk – Status: Endemic, sapient
The only species native to the Ultra Waterfall is a rather broad classification of ultra beast known simply as ‘seafolk’, derived from their underwater origins. Originally from the depths below Waterfall’s surface, some seafolk have migrated to land in search or opportunity, or simply to reclaim the ghost town of what Waterfall once was.
Being a broad classification, there is no real set ‘look’ for seafolk – though generally, they tend to be more or less humanoid. Many possess gills, fins, and tails or tentacles instead of legs. It’s also not uncommon for some seafolk to have poor on-land vision or no eyes at all, due to not requiring them at abyssal sea levels.
Being genetically close to humans, it’s not uncommon to spot hybrids of the two species. In fact, most of the residents of Waterfall are hybrids, or at least the land-dwelling ones are. Hybrids between humans and seafolk tend to be much more adapted to land, but retain aquatic features.

– Status: Adapted, sapient
Beyond the abyss, there exists a species that is commonly mistaken for seafolk due to their fishy appearance – when in fact the deepest abyss dwellers are a separate species in of themselves.
Dreadnauts are an odd case, because while they’re perfectly suited for life far past Waterfall’s shores… many of them seem to idolize life on land. They posses the ability to synthesize a humanoid ‘vessel’, which they use to blend in on land – with ‘spots’ where their true form’s features poke through.
Due to the abyss being so far away from Waterfall’s surface, they aren’t considered an endemic species – however multiple generations of surface-dwelling dreadnauts now exist, with many being born in shallow waters and never having seen the abyss.
- Waterfall is, unsurprisingly, heavily inspired off of the environment of the same name from Undertale.
- it’s my au i do what i want
- Before reaching the abyss under Waterfall’s surface, there’s a large undersea city populated by seafolk – with underwater networks that those above the surface have barely scratched the surface of.
- The connection between the surface and the city used to be strong before the Darkest Day. After the light was stolen and Waterfall was reduced to a marsh, the undersea network practically cut off the surface.
- The glowing mushrooms that are common around Waterfall are psychoactive, but only if professionally processed. They’re described to taste quite vile if eaten raw, but have no additional negative effects.
- Due to the sparse population density meaning little light pollution, the clearest views of the sky can be seen in Waterfall.