Lostlorn Forest

Return to Unova locations || Page last updated: February 25th, 2024

Lostlorn Forest has always been a location of high superstition – due in part to its sprawling nature and highly concentrated population of the trickster fox zoroark.

Years ago, it was once a common logging site – until clashes between the pokemon living there and loggers ended in tragedy for both sides.
While most of it is protected as a refuge now, continued encroachment by Nimbasa City has led to conflicts in more recent times involving clueless wanderers, poachers, and lack of space for continued growth.

But superstition is often based in reality, and despite the challenges, there’s a reason Lostlorn remains as Unova’s last great forest.


Lostlorn is a dense, temperate rainforest with intermittent meadows and clearings, as well as a small river running through it. There are many large stumps, remnants of the area’s former status as a logging location.

There are a few man-made structures that also sit as reminders of this era, though most of them have structurally collapsed or have otherwise been overtaken by nature. Other man-made features like trailers or reclaimed cabins that seem less abandoned are usually zoroark dens.


Lostlorn had always been home to a large percent of the zoroark population – and always seems to be a place they come back to in the face of relocation. As Unova became more and more modernized, the population sought safe haven in either the forest that surrounded the Pokemon League, or in Lostlorn.

During this industrial boom, Lostlorn came into the limelight as a logging location. But the forest was already shrinking, making resources tighter amongst the wildlife population – so when the pokemon on the forest launched a coordinated attack against the logging operation, the end result was messy. Many pokemon and people perished, until the logging company finally gave in and abandoned the site, and the forest was officially classified as protected.

Decades later, a massive wildfire followed by intense drought permanently transformed the landscape of the forest around the Pokemon League… as in, it was no longer a forest, and many pokemon had to be relocated. The zoroark were mostly relocated to Lostlorn, introducing a predator population burst that the existing denizens weren’t happy about.

Things are peacefully tense, for now. Zoroark packs have managed to cooperate and attempt to weigh resources, though many choose to leave the forest instead and try making it as a human in Nimbasa. The biggest issue at present time is poaching, due to the forest being in such close proximity to two large cities.

Town map descriptionIt was once known as a place where people got lost for no reason.
LocationSprawls through much of central Unova
Connecting locations Nimbasa City outskirts
Lostlorn forest - Minako Adachi


Common species

Zoroark & family – Status: Endemic

Zoroark is an extremely intelligent pokemon, and one of the only species capable of changing its form with illusion. Unlike the others, though, zoroark is also capable of disguising the environment around it.

They tend to either live in packs or as loners, and can be very competitive over territory – especially since the population boom caused by the relocation of the League’s population.

Due to this, a growing amount of zoroark have chosen to leave Lostlorn and forgo lives as humans. While many use their illusory abilities to scam and cheat through this new life, others prefer to face it honestly. One thing remains the same, though – nobody really talks about it. The true population of these ‘kitsune’ zoroark is unknown, but it’s suspected to be higher around Nimbasa’s outskirts.

Sawsbuck & family – Status: Endemic

While not quite as common in areas closer to human development, sawsbuck herds thrive in the deeper parts of lostlorn.

While adults can be taken down by a very skilled solo hunter or pack ambush, young deerling are more commonly targeted. However, sawsbuck are very protective of their young, and will keep keen eyes on them, even if they’re injured or sick.

Herds move together, migrating around the large forest’s circumference as the seasons change. The other inhabitants of the forest tend to use which herd is where as a way to tell time of year.

Unfezant & family – Status: Migratory

Pidove are a common sight in Unovan cities, and tranquill are commonly kept as backyard livestock. But these rather domestic pokemon can very well fend for their own in the deep wilds as well.

While many of these wild birds migrate with the seasons, there’s also a sizable amount of the population that simply relocate within the forest as the seasons go by. This is a primary appeal for poachers – as a large, stationary population of a ‘game’ pokemon is appealing to both those hunting for sport and those hunting for product.

While this hunting is illegal, there are traps littered through the forest – which tend to just cause problems for other wildlife instead.

Places of interest

A quiet trailer

While it’s illegal to camp or live past Nimbasa’s city limits into the forest, many often raise questions about a semi-obscured trailer that can be seen from the highway to marvelous bridge.

Park rangers and other authorities have investigated, only to find the trailer abandoned – despite environmental evidence to the contrary. Some are convinced it’s haunted by the spirits of loggers who were killed in the conflict years ago, but…

Some say that it’s just an older nonverbal woman who lives there, along with her adult son. The son has extensive burn scarring, and tends to be the one who interacts with those curious enough to investigate. He’s straight to the point, and will request that trespassers leave – however, it’s said he can be warmer if you’re there to share food.

A strange shrine…?

Deep within the forest, one can find a large gate to an overgrown, walled in shrine. The walls are too tall to see over, and the door seems impossible to open. It also seems like the walled area is quite large, going on for acres.

Nobody really knows what lies beyond the shrine’s walls – and nobody wants to check.

Because whenever someone scales the walls, they never come back.

Notable people

The forest elder

At an impressive 650 years old, the elder of the forest is rumored to be one of the strongest zoroark alive. However, due to his age, he doesn’t do much of anything anymore – and instead sits around, acting as a mentor figure for pokemon of all species.

It’s known that he’s related to the wicked fox Daji, but he tends to change what he says about this connection depending on what the other party thinks about the wicked fox.


The Daji that most active in Lostlorn’s ‘political’ environment now is not in fact that wicked fox… but an ancestor who carries her name. Daji is collected and calm, if not a bit distant from others for reasons she seems avoidant in disclosing.

Being that she’s related to the elder, she’s tasked with doing much of his legwork – negotiating between pack disputes, mostly. While she prefers to discuss things, she’s still a skilled fighter – though her illusory control ‘needs work’, in the elder’s eyes.

Recently, she’s been seen with a zorua she’s taken in as an apprentice – up until vanishing completely.
Though, according to trusted word, she’s just an important journey outside Lostlorn, and will return eventually.


Dubbed ‘the queen of Lostlorn forest’, many fear Lune for her sheer, unparalleled strength. They could care less about her preference of a human life or other strange habits – what’s really to fear is her short fuse.

Those who don’t fear her generally dislike her greatly, particularly for how she, as an outsider, came in and sent the sociopolitical state of the forest for a loop. Some seek revenge on her, but know attempting to fight her directly isn’t the wisest.

While she may have a notorious reputation, she’s not actually seen very often, and tends to keep to either human settlements or wherever her territory within the forest may be.


  • The wicked fox Daji, who collapsed the Paldean monarchy, was reportedly from Lostlorn, and her family can currently be traced there.
  • Few humans do regularly visit past the fence for their own non-malicious reasons, and have managed to create a ‘code’ with gestures to avoid trouble.
  • While human development stops when the Nimbasa outskirts end, there is a single ice cream stand in the middle of the highway, which is a common meeting point for humans and zoroark alike.
  • For whatever reason, cell reception is exceptionally good around the strange shrine – even faster than inner city areas.