It’s the end of the world.
Characters: Tonantzintla, Yukarin
Warnings: N/A
Wordcount: 115
Vibe: uh oh
thinly veiled vent fic
idk. something more experimental because i feel like i cant make a cohesive thought. everything is fragmented
I don’t think there’s much time left, Tonan.
I’m not sure if its enough.
We have to try.
It’s too late, Tonan. Everything is already gone.
We have to try, Yukarin.
Why won’t you listen to me?
Why are you giving up hope so quickly?
I’m scared, Tonan.
What if it doesn’t work?
What if it doesn’t work and you can’t fix everything for once.
You’re smart, Yukarin.
Why would you doubt it? Your own creation?
It’s the end of the world, Tonan.
There’s no more time left.
We have to try.
I don’t want to die without you, not now.
Yukarin, please.
Listen to me.
Activate the machine.
I will fix everything.
I promise.