πŸ«€Fall of hart – Chapter 1; All Ancestors Standing Beside Your Bed

Characters:Β Sele/Kalika, Zoe

Warnings:Β Allusions to sexual activity and drug use

Wordcount:Β 1,949

Vibe:Β sele interrupts a bitter family meeting because she’s the specialest girl ever

no proper foreword for this. fuck it we ball

i actually wrote this like a month ago but i got so busy + depressed i didnt revise it ASDFGHJ but figured it’d been long enough

this was voted over violet detector but then i started working on the VD romhack again anyways. so. win win?

anyways. more ‘mature’ than moon, not as extremely heavy as DELTA — somewhere inbetween. it’s about sele! …if you know, you know, i suppose :clueless:

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Meihua figures out the reason for Sumi’s sudden vanishing, and tries to lend a hand.

Characters:Β Meihua, Hira, Maya

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 1,072

Vibe:Β bootleg ace attorney

local guy finds time to write their own MB stuff in the midst of the queue being flooded ASDFGHJ. which is to say this isnt very revised sorry. who cares

this was for an ace attorney homage prompt.. but i treated it seriously bc im #silly

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