🚤Completely normal beach episode – Chapter 1

Magus, having overslept her train to Waterfall, finds herself in Borderbeach instead. What antics will ensue?

Characters: Magus, Dove

Warnings: N/A

Wordcount: 685

Vibe: magus goes ahhh eto blehh

yes the boat is a touhou reference. anyways

Like usual, Magus took the train. Given that her favorite marsh was between an important trade connection, hopping onto freighters was an easy solution to the often expensive alternatives.

Unfortunately, today, Magus was running on about 2 hours of sleep.

She had only intended to drift off for a quick moment, and to jump off when the freight train reached its marshy stop…

But it would seem that the bright rays of sunlight and calls of the coastal fowl above told another story.

It took Magus a quick moment to collect herself, and realize what’d happened. She’d overslept the stop, and the freight train was still for an afternoon break in the coastal area, much farther south of the marsh that Magus had intended on making her destination.

Grogginess, panic, then grogginess again. Magus was upset at herself, but… it wasn’t the worst place to end up. She’d never actually been to the beachy coastal region, after all. Considering that it’d be in her best interest to get moving before someone discovered her on the stopped train, Magus stretched excessively before hopping off to explore.

She’d been stressing out a lot over lots of things lately, so a vacation seemed like it was deserved.

Unfortunately for Magus, because she hadn’t quite intended on taking a day trip to the coast, she was rather ill-equipped. She had spare change in her pockets at most, and her large coat wasn’t the best choice for such a warm day.

Thankfully, the sea winds were pleasant, and Magus found herself clinging to the boardwalk to take advantage of them.

The boardwalk was a treasure trove of various pleasant sights and smells, particularly those of the sweet variety. Candy and ice cream galore surrounded Magus on all sides, and it was frustrating knowing she didn’t have any money with her to sample it all.

The boardwalk took Magus from the lines of shops to the docking area, where rows of boats were tied up, bobbing along with the waves peacefully. A lot of the boats had silly names, but a particular one struck Magus’s attention – with a candy pink flag sporting a print of caramel pudding and a nameplate of S.S. Flan, the pink-hued boat certainly stood out.

But… not as much as the figure leaning over the side.

“Dove?! You’re the last person I would’ve expected to see here!”

Magus’s shout alerted Dove, who appeared to have just been absent-mindedly staring off to the ocean. She jolted up a bit, before turning to Magus.

“I guess I could say the same.” Dove said, looking rather confused.

“What are you doing out here?”

“Oh, me? I, uh… accidentally overslept my train stop. But I figured I’d make the best of it!” Magus replied.

“I see…” Dove nodded.

“I guess that makes sense that it was an accident. Your getup isn’t really… the best fitting for seafaring, that hat would blow away in an instant.”

“Pfft, don’t worry about it!” Magus said with a smile.

“Why are you here?”

Dove paused in thought, as if figuring out what was most appropriate to say in her explanation.

“Well, there was… a sighting… no, er – it was sealife watching!” Dove responded, though her slight backtracking left Magus a bit confused, before she just brushed it off.

“Oh, sweet! Would you… mind if I came along? I sort of forgot my wallet, so there’s not much to do other than sightsee and salivate over saltwater taffy I can’t buy.”

“It’s… kind of dangerous.”

Magus cocked her head, confused.

“…Why would watching sealife be dangerous??”

“…Nevermind. I don’t know what I’m saying.” Dove sighed, almost looking defeated – though she still seemed worried.

“I’m sure the captain wouldn’t mind you coming along, Magus. If anything, I did buy some saltwater taffy and other candy earlier, if you’d like some.”

“Wait, seriously?! Score!!” Magus said triumphantly as she jumped aboard.

“Don’t mind me then! I’m sure the marine critters out here are… ready to be spotted!”

Dove gave Magus a bit of a weak smile, then sighed as she turned to mumble to herself.

“The… critters. Right.”

Next Chapter


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