📚Distortion holic

Chantal is tasked with putting together a Halloween party while the mayor is sick, and receives help from an unexpected person.

For Coelune October prompt; Costume party

Characters: Abzu, Chantal, Mildred

Warnings: Spooky vibes, characters are under the false impression they are being stalked by a monster, and Abzu has a flashback triggered, causing them to freeze up.

Wordcount: 3,022

Vibe: ouhhhh spooky


yahoo this isnt rlly revised but its too late to do that anyways

i dont really have a funny author’s note for this one, its the halloween special! despite it not being 2am im very sleepy

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Rosetta decides to check in on a close friend.

For Coelune August prompt; Vacation (at least i think thats what the prompt was?)

Characters: Rosetta & Dina, Abzu/Tiamat

Warnings: Brief not so vague allusion to drugs (specifically drug manufacturing)

Wordcount: 3,555

Vibe: GIRLS NIGHT (it is actually the middle of hte afternoon)


i couldnt figure out a touhou theme to use for the title so i picked a moro song instead. sorry. its close enough right (be happy i didnt name this after other certain songs)


this took me too long to finish bc of fatigue + general health issues so it may come off as hasty at points but here in my house everything is a little bit scuffed

-holds dina and rosetta- i care them

Continue reading 📚Amanecer

📚Jelly stone

Abzu pulls off the stunt of the century, but is hungry for more – no matter what it takes.

For Coelune July prompt; Coelunes at work

Characters: Abzu/Tiamat, Dina

Warnings: Abzu’s behavior is risky and unhealthy – there is also a near-death experience and aftermath near the and, albeit vague.

Wordcount: 2,749

Vibe: uh oh


that shit hurted –me writing this

anyways hi sorry im only writing about these guys anymore i am just thinking about them a lot </3 anyways here’s abzu instead of hazel and mariska for a change (which means i don’t have to put a profanity warning LOL)

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