📚Distortion holic

Chantal is tasked with putting together a Halloween party while the mayor is sick, and receives help from an unexpected person.

For Coelune October prompt; Costume party

Characters: Abzu, Chantal, Mildred

Warnings: Spooky vibes, characters are under the false impression they are being stalked by a monster, and Abzu has a flashback triggered, causing them to freeze up.

Wordcount: 3,022

Vibe: ouhhhh spooky


yahoo this isnt rlly revised but its too late to do that anyways

i dont really have a funny author’s note for this one, its the halloween special! despite it not being 2am im very sleepy

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📚Bug’s princess

Athena is greeted by an unwelcome visitor.

For Dainty September prompt: Fashion

Characters: Athena, Gucci, Pandora

Warnings: Mentions of past assassination

Wordcount: 3,468

Vibe: fashion but make it high stakes


hi i literally just woke up and was hit by the colress pokemas reveal like a bus. so excuse me if this authors note is more incomprehensible than normal

yes the title is a moro arrange again

uhhhh yea. pheromosa empire is very obsessed with fashion and beauty so was a good first prompt lol

on that note to dainty mods if u are here: hi

athena is in a world that’s a hybrid of ultra space from the pkmn series and an original setting. its a mess. i like to use species prompts to further the story in snippets so if this is a bit story heavy sorry lol

ok have fun ill upload a bio for coco later maybe

Continue reading 📚Bug’s princess


Rosetta decides to check in on a close friend.

For Coelune August prompt; Vacation (at least i think thats what the prompt was?)

Characters: Rosetta & Dina, Abzu/Tiamat

Warnings: Brief not so vague allusion to drugs (specifically drug manufacturing)

Wordcount: 3,555

Vibe: GIRLS NIGHT (it is actually the middle of hte afternoon)


i couldnt figure out a touhou theme to use for the title so i picked a moro song instead. sorry. its close enough right (be happy i didnt name this after other certain songs)


this took me too long to finish bc of fatigue + general health issues so it may come off as hasty at points but here in my house everything is a little bit scuffed

-holds dina and rosetta- i care them

Continue reading 📚Amanecer

📚The sea where one’s home planet reflects

Ramiel is invited on a special mission.

For Coelune May prompt; deep sea exploration

Characters: Ramiel, Hazel, Mariska

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 3,402

Vibe: ooooooo deep sea exploration ft too much banter


hi gamers im adding a bit more than my usual weird authors notes because this is for a cs prompt submission and ive never done that before and im Nervus

this is vaguely more revised than normal but knowing me thats not. saying much. anyways

Continue reading 📚The sea where one’s home planet reflects

🌙Moon – Chapter 1; Welcome to paradise

Read from the start

Characters: Pearl, Renee/Emmy, Kukui, Lillie, Hau, Hala, Melba


bro do i have to add a summary i cant do this. anyways pearl goes 2 alola and chooses a pokemon hell yea

Continue reading 🌙Moon – Chapter 1; Welcome to paradise