Characters: Pearl, Lillie, Hau, Guzma, Acerola, Gladion, Colress, Lune
hi i said i’d work on the website more but uh. i went 2 the er and ended up getting a chunk of this done (JUST NORMAL FIC AUTHOR THINGS <3) so i figured i’d just finish it anyways
idk really how to feel about this chapter. its not lighthearted and silly because things are getting more serious and i uh. am not sure how to write serious things. oops
also lune is here (sorry)
but 50k wordsssssss………….. Soone:tm:
…Concerts are exhausting.
Characters: Colress/Lune/N
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 1,429
Vibe: Hurt/comfort
Original AN:
once again with all unova trio oneshots this is cheesy as hell sorry
i wrote this bc i needed to project feelings whoopsies
3am unrevised, u get the drift this is normal around here
yes im co-opting touhou arranges for titles again
also i figured i didnt need a warning for it since it’s so commonplace for me but theres swearing. lune literally says fuck in the second sentence
…Characters: Pearl, Hau, Lillie, Mallow, Hapu, Olivia, Faba, Colress, Plumeria
this is like mostly filler sowwy. i forgot how to write in the 4 months i forgot abt this
also theres more cronge colress momence bc i needed to segue into faba somehow
anyways. yolo
also we have titlecards now which are made by me in mmd :} thought theyd be funky
…i have no excuse for this also idk why i called it that i just listened to desire drive while writing this
Colress comes home from a frustrating day of work to a surprise.
Characters: Colress/Lune/N
Warnings: One(1) mild suggestive innuendo
Wordcount: 1,369
Vibe: Fluffy nonsense
Original AN:
im sorry this is extreme cheese
once again. 4am. no spellcheck. no revisions. i simply do not care at this point take what you get i wrote this cuz i was pissed off and bitter so this is entirely just. sap
edit: oh my god i read this in the morning and this is DEFINITELY the cheesiest thing ive ever written. i’ve really outdone myself this time